The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and twenty-four, fission of the earth (4)


Europa 7, Academy City.

Due to the unexpected explosion of the "Space Fortress", the live broadcast of the operation was temporarily suspended.

Starlink TV finally invited some military experts to comment and explain this behavior.

But the comments that were too official, formal and conservative made the students quite bored and they turned to other channels one after another.

In the amphitheater of the Institute of Extraordinary Abilities, many students who came to see the orangutans also left. Before, it was the first time that humans used military force, and they could feel confident about skipping classes. However, now most of the Star Alliance is preparing to retreat and stay there again. If you don't go to class, you will be punished by the teacher.

In the end, even the "Overwatch" team established by Winston dispersed, leaving only Winston watching the live broadcast.

Ms. Ling originally wanted him to rest, but after thinking about it carefully, it would be weird if the orangutan would just recuperate. It would be better if the orangutan didn't move much when watching TV and concentrating, so she let it go.

[Hi~] As a burst of snowflakes flashed, the talk show disappeared, and the face of the beautiful girl reporter Ao Yuyu appeared on the big screen again: "[Did everyone miss me?]"

Compared with the previous grand occasion, the lecture theater at this time was empty, but after the news of her return to air spreads, the ratings should rise again.

"Well, I think it's time for those nagging generals to come to a conclusion," Winston casually pinched the melon seeds in front of him and started to eat them.

"[Although we have just met, unfortunately, I have to tell you some bad news. While the fleet in front of us was fighting bloody battles, the despicable Batarians attacked our rear and destroyed the newly rebuilt Watch Fortress again.] "

Ao Yuyu waved her hand and displayed scenes of colonies being attacked on one side of the live broadcast screen, intentionally or unintentionally taking a close-up of the huge mechanical dragons.

“[Because the local residents had been evacuated in advance, these cruel pirates were not able to plunder our population, but in order to vent their anger, they destroyed the homes of those residents. They must be very sad to see their hometown become like this... ]"

Click, click, Winston continued to eat melon seeds.

"[Therefore, after emergency consultations, the Star Alliance Military Headquarters unanimously agreed that our actions against this bandit race cannot be stopped. We must make them feel pain and fear, so that they will not dare to invade our territory again," Ao Yuyu said. While speaking, he raised his hands to pretend to be claws: "[Dragon has reverse scales,

Those who touch it will be angry, ow~]"


Even from a distance, Winston could hear strange screams coming from other classrooms with live broadcasts.

"[Next, it's time for us to witness this second expedition~]" Ao Yuyu pointed the camera out the window again.

On the screen, warships that have obviously experienced war are slowly turning their bows in a certain direction, and streams of blue light are jumping between their hulls.

"[We will not stop at the mass effect repeater in the Kaishen galaxy, but will go directly to the outer galaxies of the Batarian Capital Star Cluster, so the interval may be a little longer, so please don't go away~]"

Squeak, squeak, squeak!

The screen turned into a field of snowflakes again.

"Well... the time is just right." Winston said for no apparent reason, then touched a peach and started to nibble on it.


“[I haven’t seen you for a few seconds, it’s very——]”

Boom boom boom!


Before Ao Yuyu could finish her opening remarks, there were continuous and violent explosions outside the portholes. However, since there was no sound transmission in space, she did not scream in surprise until the battleship she was on shook violently.

"Oh my God! What is that!"

"A Batali ambush?"

As the Starfleet Fleet began its second attack, students gradually took their seats in the lecture theater again, and they all exclaimed after seeing this scene.

"[Ah, eh? What happened? We were attacked?]" Ao Yuyu held her hat and looked around.

"Obviously," Winston picked up the microphone: "The despicable, shameless, and bottomless Batarians laid an ambush on their mass effect repeaters in advance, but everyone does not need to worry, in case of 'attack after jump' The situation is also part of the space battle. This explosion just looks terrible. If nothing else happens, not even a single Starfleet fleet will be damaged."

"[Oh... It seems I don't have to worry anymore,]" Ao Yuyu patted her chest and began to adjust the camera: "[Let's see where the enemies are... Huh? There are no enemies.]"

"This kind of attack is called an out-of-sight strike. It will calculate the advance of the enemy fleet and strike at the expected location. Half the time, the success rate is only about half." Winston continued to explain.

"[Oh~ So that's what happened, so what will we do next?]" Ao Yuyu nodded repeatedly.

"It's very simple. When we encountered an out-of-sight attack, the enemy's position was also exposed. As long as our fleet commander is not too stupid, he will order to lock the attack position and launch a short jump. Because That's where the enemy was before, and it's almost impossible to be ambushed this time." Winston said while holding the microphone.

"[Really...the fleet has begun to turn, we will see you later~]" Ao Yuyu waved her hand, and the screen turned into snowflakes again.

"Pretend to be like that! Winston!"

"It would have been more like that if you hadn't completely made up the sound of the soldier's reply in the background!"

"Have you ever considered doing cross talk?"

The students in the lecture theater began to boo.

Obviously, they regarded the seamless cooperation between Winston and Ao Yuyu as Winston's performance.

Winston also scratched his head and looked embarrassed.

However, some students expressed doubts... This is obviously a live broadcast and not a video. Even if there is a 20-minute delay, it is not enough to interrupt the conversation, right?

These doubts disappeared immediately when the live broadcast resumed the next moment:

Outside Ao Yuyu's porthole, there was a large, densely packed Batarian warship very close at hand, aiming its guns at the direction of the Starfleet Fleet. Even though they all looked like scrap metal, it was enough to scare patients with trypophobia. The crazy number still left the audience speechless, and even Ao Yuyu stared and didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Winston picked up the microphone and shouted: "Fire--!"

As if infected by Winston's roar, the students in the lecture theater also shouted together:


"Hurry up and fire!"

"Hit the motherfucker!"

The next moment, thousands of Starfleet cannons fired together. The fiery trajectories of the mass effect cannons and the violent explosions when they hit the Batarian battleship even illuminated the entire live broadcast screen in white.

In this picture that can be called light pollution, a long and narrow black warship that looked like a lobster or a squid flashed past and disappeared into the starry sky.

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