The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and twenty-six, fission of the earth (6)


Omega Galaxy.

On the Kronos Space Carrier, Jack was sitting on the captain's seat, holding his chin in his hands to watch the battle.

The Starfleet fleet and the Batarian fleet are still fighting fiercely, and it seems that there will be no winner for a while.

Although the Batarian itself was caught off guard, a lean camel was bigger than a horse. As a civilization that lives by robbing other civilizations, the only fleet they have cannot be easily annihilated, especially It is they who own a dreadnought that the Star Alliance has not yet built - the Kashan.

It's not that this dreadnought is capable of fighting, but its shields and armor are so thick that the shields don't even sway when the Star Alliance battleship's main cannon hits it.

After the initial panic experienced by the sneak attack, the Batarian fleet gave full play to their shameless characteristics. As long as the shield or armor of any ship, even a battleship, was reduced to less than half, it would immediately turn around and flee... and then hide in Behind Kashanhao's huge body.

The captain of the Kashan was so angry that he cursed in clear text communication, claiming that he would send all other captains to a military court, but he was completely unable to stop those warships from playing the game of eagle and chicken with the Star Alliance.

After all... without their numerical advantage, they are completely inferior to the Starfleet fleet in terms of combat effectiveness. Compared with being sent to a military court, surviving is the most important thing to them.

The manifestation of this gap in combat effectiveness is not mobility, armor, shields, and firepower, but the ability to carry out orders and prohibitions and the spirit of fearlessness.

A simple example is that the larger the warship, the worse its ability to avoid direct artillery fire. There are other ways to avoid missiles, drones and live projectiles, but how to avoid the mass effect cannon that does not turn around?

If you really don't hide and fight head-on, then the battle between fleets will become an ordinary addition and subtraction. Before the battle starts, whoever has more cruisers and battleships will win.

Leaving aside the tycoon civilization that can organize battle seas, when an ordinary mixed fleet faces a battleship bombardment, it will let cruisers, destroyers and even frigates defend them against the unavoidable mass effect cannon.

The "evasion rate" of these ships against mass effect cannons can come in handy at this time. The opponent's battleship fired a main gun, hitting the small frigate blocking the front. Then, MISS, the opponent's gunner was furious to death. No.

However, this situation is generally unlikely to happen.

Because the mass effect cannon does continuous damage,

The frigate's 60% dodge rate seems very high, but the dodge rate in the second damage determination will become 36%, and the third time it will be 21%. With its thin and small body, as long as it fails to dodge successfully once, I'm afraid It will be reduced to ashes on the spot.

Therefore, generally speaking, at least a destroyer must be qualified to block the battleship's gun, and a frigate can only have some sense of presence when the cruiser is bombarded.

Specifically, the Star Alliance not only carried out the order to change formations to block artillery fire very resolutely, but also had several instances of overstepping ranks to block gunfire, resulting in the ship being seriously injured and withdrawing.

In such a comparison, the dreadnought on the Batarian side, which even the cruisers should block guns for, has become a shield for other fleets. It is strange that its captain is not angry.

By the way, during this battle, there was a guy with a 99% evasion rate who was trying to steal the limelight and even took advantage of the chaos to destroy several Batarian frigates and spelled their wreckage into the word "Uruk".

I am talking about you! iron Man!


"Aren't we going to join the war? Jay...'Illusive Man'." Eva Kuhl, or "driver", asked with a slightly excited voice as she watched the various battleships fighting back and forth.

"...I think you should know very well," Jack glanced at her helplessly: "The specification of our battleship is an 'aircraft carrier', and the evasion rate is 0 by default. Even if you command the crew responsible for driving to play tricks, It won’t exceed 20%. To put it simply, if it takes just one shot, we will have to return it to the factory for overhaul.”

"Really, I also want to fly a battleship..." Eva muttered.

"Don't think about it, it would be nice to have an aircraft carrier." Jack shook his head.

It is not convenient to say the specific reasons, but both parties basically know it well: the regular Star Alliance army has always been very unfriendly to agents, and it is considered friendly not to hold back when cooperation is needed. They are expected to provide powerful ships and take advantage of the limelight. Giving the opportunity to an agent is a fantasy.

I don’t know if this situation is caused by Ms. Nine-tailed Fox. Even if it is, Jack can’t change anything.

"Sir, the new statistical results are out." The adjutant interrupted this somewhat embarrassing topic and passed a piece of information to Jack.

Oh, this is one of the reasons why the regular army hates agents. They are fighting a good battle, but you send them a list of moles, accusing their comrades fighting alongside them of being "indoctrinated". The most disgusting thing is that this it is true.

The reason why this raid was looking for the mole was because of the outrageous "beyond visual range strike", which happened just after the Starfleet fleet passed through the mass effect relay. This means that the mole was using the relay in the fleet. The information was sent out before the machine was installed.

Although his actions enabled the Starfleet fleet to complete a successful counterattack, a traitor is a traitor. If he is not found out... Jack couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the final summary.

"0 people?"

"Yes, sir, before setting off to cross the repeater, there was no external communication. Even Miss Ao Yuyu's live broadcast was deliberately delayed for forty minutes in order to avoid being ambushed. Therefore, although some were found in There are people who have been acting suspiciously during this period, but none of them have revealed the location of the Starfleet fleet." The adjutant responded.

"..." Jack thought for a moment, raised his hand and pulled the names of the suspicious people into the conclusion: "Send it to the fleet ahead, don't say the conclusion, just talk about the ambush we encountered after these people made suspicious moves. But there is no evidence that they have a problem.”

"Yes, sir."

"Huh? Why is this?" Eva asked curiously after the adjutant left.

"Although you need evidence to catch the mole, it doesn't mean you can't catch it without evidence." Jack closed his eyes: "Under normal circumstances, they are about to make a jump. They shouldn't make these moves that will be noticed by us. Maybe they can I think they had an intention to deliver the message but failed.”

"...You are becoming more and more like a real agent," Eva curled her lips: "Do you remember that you graduated from a regular naval academy?"

"If there wasn't something wrong with one of them, how did Batari learn about the fleet's information?" Jack shook his head: "I didn't explicitly say that they had a problem, I just asked them not to participate in this battle for the time being."

"Couldn't it be that they were chasing someone and they happened to hit him?" Eva still didn't agree.

"That's impossible," Jack said firmly.

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