The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and twenty-seven, the fission of the earth (7)


Europa 7, student dormitory.

Lin Mingmei was nestled on the sofa, holding a pillow and watching Ao Yuyu's frontline live broadcast.

Since she didn't have to go to class, she was wearing loose white cotton pajamas, and her hair was not combed much, hanging down casually.

But something strange was that the sofa was quite wide, enough to accommodate two or three people, but she only occupied one end, as if there was another person at the other end.

"[Everyone can see that after a day and night of fierce fighting, the Starfleet Fleet has achieved a phased victory,]" the cute host in black clothes and black hat was pointing at the gunfire and beams outside the window and talked: "[These cowards' Small ships use their dreadnoughts as shields, but now that the shields and armor of the dreadnoughts are a bit unsustainable, they turn to the space fortresses of the Omega system as shields. It is simply shameless - but this is also a good thing. , because in this way they cannot detonate the space fortress, in which case the first one to be bombed will be themselves.】"

"Hmm... That's great. I want to be that person too." The girl murmured.

Since there were no lights in the room, the mottled light and shadow of the live broadcast reflected on and off her face, making it difficult to see her expression.

"What does 'women sing and men die' mean? Are you saying my singing is ugly? But it can at least enhance the abilities of other students. This is scientifically proven." Lin Mingmei puffed up her face slightly.

In the quiet room, only the girl's words sounded like she was talking to someone else.

"Lucio? Sona? Who is that? A famous DJ? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Speak clearly, hey!"

"[Now the war situation has reached a stalemate. If the Starfleet fleet attacks the space fortress, the Batarians will take the opportunity to make a sneak attack. If we ignore the fortress and pursue the Batarian fleet, the missiles, rockets and coastal defense guns of the space fortress will not be spared. , It’s really hateful, if we have more ships and directly surround them, we can fight as much as we want,” Ao Yuyu bared her teeth and claws at the window, suddenly turned her head and glared at the camera: “[Who said I have 'Lack of firepower phobia'? I can bite people!】"

"Well... you see..." Lin Mingmei gave up the original topic and gestured towards the live broadcast screen: "When two armies are confronting each other, she can only give such a relaxed explanation when there is no battle. , once the fight starts, I have to give up the camera. If it were me, I would choose to sing some songs to suit the occasion."

"Hmph, just give it a try." The girl threw away the pillow and sat upright.

Raising her arm to open her light blue multi-purpose tool, she quickly selected the singing mode and projected an illusory microphone in front of her: "I will sing when the fleet starts fighting again."

"La la la~" Lin Mingmei tried the sound test and tilted her head slightly: "I can't even be sure of the occasion, so I'm still trying to decide. Whose spot is it?"


In the live broadcast screen, a golden figure passed by, and the live broadcast camera followed it on its own.

"[Look, Iron Man has taken the initiative,]" Ao Yuyu's voice was a little gloating: "[I bet 50 cents that he will spell out the remains of Batari's battleship with the word Uruk again. This advertisement It’s really hardcore.]”

"Well... let's do it now." Lin Mingmei looked at Iron Man's flying speed and the distance between him and the enemy, and held the non-physical microphone.


Omega Galaxy.

The golden steel suit evaded the attack of the coast defense gun which was completely predictable and without tricks, and then sprinkled a large amount of inducing metal powder, detonating the pursuing missile halfway, facing the direct mass effect. The cannon, it rushed straight along the beam trajectory without hiding, making other live ammunition attacks ineffective.

[Some love is like a paper kite with its string cut off, with a tragic ending. 】

"[Are you idiots! Don't use range attacks on that guy!]"

"[You are the idiot! If someone's battleship is dismantled into parts and spelled into human words, just kill it yourself! I will never go to the rescue!]"

The Batarian military channel was in chaos.

[Some hatred is like a circle, and there is no end to retribution. 】

"[Don't panic! He's only one person! He can't break the cruiser's defense at all! And his interference methods are limited! Keep attacking! Humans have no other way with our tactics! That's why they choose this opportunistic approach! With such a huge fleet like ours, how many ships can he demolish if we let him fight? Show off your momentum!" The captain of the Kashan roared in the channel.

[Just to fulfill a long-cherished wish, how much blood will you have to pay? 】

[Words of loyalty are lies that deceive oneself and others. 】

To everyone's expectation, Iron Man had no intention of stopping. He continued to use force between the unfolded mass effect shields, like a pebble floating in water, drifting farther and farther away.

"What exactly is he planning to do?" The Star Alliance side was also confused.

[Some feelings come back after suffering, and the moon becomes a moon in the window,]

"I don't know what he's going to do..."

"I didn't receive any order to cooperate at all..."

"Why...why am I sending messages in plain code?"

Click, the handcuffs fell.

"I'm sorry, brother, come with us."

[Some hatred is hidden but silent, and the wind and snow in the belly turn into swords,]

"He's...marking us!"

"Give the order! Each of you will aim at the position where Iron Man will 'eject' on the mass effect shield of the corresponding battleship according to the size of your own battleship!"

"But what's the use? There's no such thing as a 'shield' on a mass effect shield."

"So you also watch martial arts."


[Just to fulfill a long-cherished wish, how to distinguish between evil and good in chaos? 】

[Flying sand and wolf smoke will cause chaos, which only adds to my sorrow. 】


Finally, Iron Man arrived in front of the Kashan. The size difference between them was exaggerated to say that it was an ant and an elephant.

Under the gazes of both sides, either inexplicably, fearfully or expectantly, Iron Man condensed a battle ax made of energy on his arm, struck the Kashan's energy shield with one axe, and then began to gallop sideways, flying across the huge shield. A long "line" is drawn out from the surface.

Although this line is very shallow, it stubbornly remains on the surface of the shield with no sign of disappearing. This is completely impossible based on the application principle of the mass effect shield.

At this time, the belated Batarian and the Starfleet fleet who had been prepared discovered almost at the same time that the mass effect shields of the ships that he had touched when he was "drifting" all had something like this on them. Cracks like broken eggshells.



The commanders of both sides roared at the same time.

In the light of the artillery fire that instantly illuminated the entire battlefield, countless golden shadows that looked like whips or chains flashed past.

[Half the city is filled with smoke and sand, soldiers are approaching the pond]

[Arrogance and iron horse, who will fight for the world for whom?]

【One will be completed, ten thousand bones will wither】

【How many white hairs take away black hairs. 】

"Report! 67% of the Batarian fleet was damaged in battle, and the Kashan was seriously injured. It has made an emergency stop at the space fortress. They can no longer escape!"

"Governor Jin Gu, no, where is Iron Man!?"

"Sorry, sir, we did not receive his signal, and there are too many wreckages on the battlefield for us to determine the target through optical scanning!"

"Then what are you waiting for! Go find it immediately!"

"But sir...Battari..."

"Asshole! Leave those amphibians in their turtle shells alone! Go get our 'superhero' back!"

[Half the city is filled with smoke and sand, blowing down with the wind,]

[There is still a trace of concern in my hand,]

[I just want to return to the fields and take off my armor,]

[I can also take home the tea you brewed. 】

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