The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and twenty-eight, the fission of the earth (8)


Omega galaxy, asteroid belt.

"[Wow~]" Raven exclaimed in surprise: "[Commander, is this really reality here? Isn't it a place that you think is reality but is actually a virtual world?]"

"Even if the facts are what you said, I can't answer because I thought this was reality." Kangna questioned the little girl's question, and then took a closer look at the chaotic battlefield: "If you If you’re talking about that steel suit, its technological level is average, it’s just expensive, and it’s not mass-produced.”

"[Oh, you don't have to be wary of me. Individual weapons of this level are not taken seriously by Turians,]" Saren laughed: "[Compared to this 'little girl' we picked up, then It doesn’t matter.]”

Is this trainee ghost feeling too good about himself?

Kang Na thought for a while, but still didn't expose him.

"[Um...can't you see it?]" Raven asked doubtfully, and then replayed the video of the entire battle at one-third speed: "[Here, here, and here.]"

She made special circles on the edges of the shields of some cruisers and battleships, and marked them with arrows, but there was really nothing there.

"If you are talking about the cracks on the shield, I have seen them. Is there anything special about them?" Kangna asked.

"[No, no,]" Raven paused the camera, and then used a red brush to draw many lines on it: "[That golden mecha, every time it attacks a shield, it will fix a golden chain on it. Above, it finally fixed all the chains on the shield of the dreadnought, and then suddenly closed it, and all the shields connected by the chains exploded.]"



Kangna and Saren looked up at the dense red lines drawn by Raven on the screen, and fell silent for a moment.

"In other words, he is actually not only a simple wealthy group CEO scientist, but also a powerful superpower." Anderson curled his lips: "Is there any day when ordinary people can succeed in this world?"

"We are all sitting in a living Reaper battleship, let's not worry about that, right?" Kangna glanced at Anderson and said while thinking: "If what Raven described is right, then he should at least be crazy. A level of 'energy transformation' or a vicious level of 'order destruction'.


"[...According to your classification, all of us Turians are disruptors of order.]" Saren seemed to follow with some annoyance.

"[Huh? But why do I feel that his original 'power level' is not that high, according to your classification.]" Ruiwen said while continuing to add strokes on the real-time battlefield screen.

This time, what she drew was not a chain, but a blue line like flowing water, extending from Iron Man's position towards the Starfleet fleet, and finally connected to... the flagship.

"[Before he started to act, there was this kind of enhanced power connected to him,]" Riven specially added an arrow to the blue line: "[Before this power was linked, he was counting. Similar psychic powers have never been displayed in this battle.]"

"This..." Kangna looked at Anderson: "It seems understandable?"

"After all, he is the only son of General Drescher. Although he is a little naive in his thinking and a bit talkative in his tactics, he always treats the Second Fleet as a family business," Anderson said, "but it is appropriate to send someone to protect him."

What did you "but" mean? There is no turning point at all!

In short, there should be a powerful superpower sent by the Star Alliance to protect the flagship on the flagship. If the flagship itself is not in danger, he will not take action. This time, he probably felt that a protracted war between the two sides was too boring, so he specially strengthened it. "Iron Man."

So, based on Anderson's previous statement that the Second Fleet is completely the "family business" of Drescher and Jiangjuan, there is only one possible candidate for the superpower: the beautiful girl reporter Miss Ao Yuyu. does the arrangement of those blue lines look like music score? Can Ao Yuyu sing? I don't think I've heard of it.

"[Speaking of which, I have received some interesting things before, let me show you.]" Ruiwen turned off the battle screen, which no one was interested in anymore, and began to write out secret messages one by one.

[The Starfleet Fleet is approaching the star gate leading to the Omega Galaxy and is about to jump. 】

[The live broadcast is delayed by 45 minutes, please note. 】

[The approximate position of the fleet after the jump is in the 140-degree direction. 】

"Tsk...the is not the time to help the Star Alliance find them," Kang Na frowned: "What did you do after you received them?"

"[Well... there were three options at that time, which seemed to be 'continue lurking', 'change additional orders' and 'you are free',"" Raven said in a relaxed tone: "[It will be very troublesome if they continue to send me messages. , I chose 'You are free' all the time.]"

"This..." Anderson was stunned.

"[Huh? Is there a problem? Then next time I receive it, I will ask them to surrender?]" Raven asked doubtfully.

"No, there's no problem. We'll do this from now on. We don't have time to pay attention to such trivial matters." Kangna patted Anderson on the shoulder hard to stop him from saying anything, and then changed the subject: "How are you progressing with your own repair? "

"[It's ready, you can enter the stealth state at any time, avoid fleet scanning and use the repeater,]" Ruiwen said: "[By the way, I'll show you something interesting."

Before Kangna and the others could respond, a girl with blue skin and small white armor appeared out of thin air on the bridge. She saluted Kangna with a Star Alliance military salute in a decent manner: "[You OK! Commander!】"

It looks exactly like "Ruiwen" in appearance, but it seems...

"Hey! So cute!" Kangna was still observing, but Benacia had already hugged her.

What to say? Are blue-skinned people attracted to each other? Anyway, according to Kang Na's human appearance scoring module, her appearance just passed.


As expected, Benacia jumped directly into the air, and his arm passed through "Riven"'s body. It was not until the two of them "passed the mold" of each other that the three-dimensional image of "Riven" appeared torn and broken. A sense of ambiguity.

"[This is the 'Adjutant's Projection' that is limited to the interior of the battleship. It can create various images with no flaws as long as there is no contact,]" Ruiwen took two steps back to make herself whole again: "[ According to the instructions attached to the program, if nothing can be done, all crew members will be abandoned and pretend to be captured, and use this system to impersonate the ship's AI.]"

The reapers are so insidious...

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