The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and twenty-nine, fission of the earth (9)


Near the Perseus Curtain.

When the huge, dark, and strange-looking Reaper warship cruised in the airspace that was full of mechanical debris and was completely dead space for ordinary warships, it actually seemed as calm as a lion patrolling its territory.

The countless debris that would instantly overload the mass effect shields of an ordinary battleship would have as little effect as drizzle on a Reaper battleship.

Having silently crushed the current technological level of the Milky Way, neither Saren nor Benacia looked very good-looking. On the contrary, humans who had just joined the Galactic Alliance did not find this situation surprising. Everyone is looking forward to the upcoming contact with the mysterious geth.

"There is no evidence that the geth will obey the orders of the reapers." In the observation cabin where the external situation can be seen, "representatives" of multiple civilizations were holding an impromptu meeting. Benacia was the first to speak: "Although they respectfully call The Reapers are 'ancient machines', but they themselves are just an ordinary mechanical civilization born three hundred years ago. They are probably pulling tiger skins out of lack of confidence in the legitimacy of their own civilization. If the Reapers are really If someone appears in front of them, they might be so frightened that they turn around and run away. How do you humans say that? Mr. Ye put the finishing touch on it?"

What kind of weird suture monster is this? How does Asari's original language work?

"Yes, that's right," Anderson replied cheerfully: "Ye Gong painted the dragon because he liked dragons. After painting the dragon, he claimed that the dragon would come alive without adding the finishing touches. After being laughed at by passers-by, he painted the finishing touches, and then painted the dragons. The dragon burst out of the wall, and Ye Gong was frightened away on the spot. From then on, he would only draw snakes, and in order to prevent the snakes from coming back to life, he would draw more snakes."

Don't add too much... Kangana looked at Benacia, who seemed to be taking notes seriously, and silently covered her face.

"[Turians are not interested in any 'possible' or 'maybe' things and civilized idiom stories,]" Saren obviously did not intend to participate in topics he did not understand: "[If those machine heads are willing to listen to Sharon's words, it is best to Well, if not, influence them to the maximum extent and obtain information before leaving. With such a battleship, we can go anywhere in the entire galaxy.]"

Typical Turian practical thinking, although he cannot be wrong, he ignored a key issue, that is, Riven itself is not a battleship.

Perhaps her identity as a "digital life" gave Saren the wrong association, but Kangna, who is also a member of the "digital life", knows very well that carriers of consciousness that are not recognized as "self" will have a negative impact on "self-awareness". "The "wear and tear" has occurred. Even though the little girl is very energetic now, it is because she has not played enough.

Speaking of which,

It has been three months, and the "Dr. Qiyi" who claims to be the "Agent of the Supreme Mage" still hasn't discovered that Rui Wen is missing?

Based on her character... shouldn't she be the type who would disappear for a long time, but once she started looking for her, she would suddenly jump out of nowhere and laugh loudly, right?

"[Hahaha! Look, the mediation notice from the Citadel is so funny!]"

Raven's blue shadow appeared in the cabin, but before that, her ridicule sounded first.

…Well, that’s her type.


[Notice of the Citadel Council’s Ruling on the ‘Skylian-World God Local Conflict’]

[Details about the local conflict are as follows...]

[The participating military strength and losses of both sides are as follows...]

[...According to the "Citadel Convention", the Citadel Council made a ruling that both sides must cease fire immediately and maintain the current control area and not expand the conflict in order to maintain the peace and stability of the Galactic Alliance. If they refuse to accept this ruling, the Galactic Alliance will unite The fleet will go to the conflict system to force a ceasefire between the two sides. 】

Raven had laughed enough and was posing with her avatar lying on the table, while Benacia was watching with concern.

Kangna, who had learned some knowledge about Asari, was now able to understand her. As Asari, whose lifespan is often tens of thousands of years, during their five-hundred-year girlhood, they could only maintain their childish posture for a mere one hundred years. It can be said that they disappeared in a blink of an eye, and because their powers have not yet been developed, they have no ability to protect themselves, and they basically have no contact with the outside world. This has led to the fact that the entire Asari society is almost entirely composed of adults and women whose appearance is indistinguishable. long.

But no matter what, this kind of fanaticism is a bit too outrageous... Anyway, let's observe three seconds of silence for Benacia's daughter who will definitely be treated as a toy by her in the future.

Speaking of this notification, there is nothing wrong with it, and its content is basically impartial, but it is two months late.

If it had been sent out when the conflict just broke out, the Star Alliance would have suffered a big loss, and the attacks and plunder they had suffered would have been in vain.

But now... the Starfleet fleet has passed through the Omega, Gamma, Beta, and Alpha galaxies, all the way to Batarian's home star of the Ka Shi galaxy...

This was completely a miracle of interstellar warfare. Even the commander in charge, Major General William Drescher, did not expect that the Batali would be so vulnerable.

For example, it's like Zhuge Kongming asked Ma Di to guard the street pavilion, and the subsequent remedies or reinforcements were ready. As a result, Ma Di came back two months later with a letter: "Prime Minister, I am attacking Luoyang. They have concentrated all the strength of Wei State and are unable to escape, what should we do?"

Zhuge Liang had to tear up the feather fan on the spot.

Although this metaphor is a bit outrageous, the reality is almost the same. Humanity is already approaching the city, and the Batarians can only rely on the high output of their home planet to survive and wait for opportunities to counterattack.

Is this a ceasefire and the ceasefire line is the new border? Is this appropriate?

Incredibly suitable.

But Batari definitely won't do it. The corridors leading out of the star cluster are all blocked.

If you refuse a ceasefire and fight to the death, you might be able to push back the Starfleet fleet whose supply line has been stretched too long. Once a ceasefire is agreed to, the entire civilization will be doomed.

There is actually a detail in this announcement, that is, it does not mention the battle in the Omega Galaxy at all, but only makes a ruling based on the battle situation between Skilian and the World God.

Obviously, with the Citadel Council's industrious style, they never expected that the war situation would change drastically within just two months after the war started. Theoretically speaking, the Starfleet Fleet is now at most dismantling Omega. The space fortress of the galaxy is the right one.

Hmm... Although I don’t know what Nick Fury, the human ambassador stationed in the Citadel, did that caused the Citadel Council to issue a ruling notice without further understanding of the details, but let’s give him a credit.

Now, let’s talk about what to say when contacting geth.

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