The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and thirty-one, infinite war (1)


Cthulhu Sector, Char.

Reno looked at the scene outside Bucephalos with a melancholy expression.

Char is a lava planet located on the edge of the star sector with a T0 environment, full of magma and volcanoes, extremely high temperatures and droughts, and completely worthless for development. Except for some environmental researchers, no one is interested in it.

But bugs do.

The remaining zerg in the entire sector, excluding those controlled by Kerrigan, are all gathered on this planet with extremely harsh environment.

No one knows how those monsters evolved to adapt to this environment, but relying on the power of the environment, the coalition of humans and protoss really can't do anything about them. With no choice, they can only leave them alone for the time being. First, clear out the bugs in other star regions.

However, when all the fish that slipped through the net were eliminated, the general attack on Char had to be scheduled again, just after the first anniversary celebration of the founding of the Terran Republic.

Of course, the Terran Republic is a human country that was reborn from the ashes and was founded after the collapse of the Terran Federation, led by Angus Mengsk, the former Governor of Korhal.

Logically speaking, a centipede will never die. Even if the Tyrannic Federation encounters very unfavorable external circumstances such as the independence of its members, the rise of resistance forces, and the massive exposure of its vicious deeds, it will still be able to survive even if it has an army in its hands. Only if it can last for a long time.

As a result, the extremely gorgeous gold fleet summoned by Tassadar from Kara became the straw that broke the camel's back.

These protoss themselves do not intend to intervene in the civil war between humans. They only focus on eliminating the zerg reactions they detect. They even issued a declaration saying that they hope that humans can restore peace as soon as possible and jointly fight against the threat of zerg.

However, the Tyranid Federation eventually collapsed when the gold fleet, which declared itself neutral, dug out and wiped out zerg swarms from planets with laboratories controlled by the Terran Federation one after another.

One of the earliest immigrant families, the patriarch of the Tyron family and Nova's grandfather, Congressman Tyron first announced his resignation from the Federal Parliament by giving up his status as a member.

Then one after another planetary governors with Federation laboratories declared their independence and invited protoss fleets to inspect the conditions in their laboratories - at least half of which detected traces of zerg activity.

Then, the border fortress defense chief headed by General Hofield stepped forward.

Revealing the despicable act of the Federation deliberately using nuclear bombs to bomb its own people just to intercept the rebels... no, the rebels.

Under attack from multiple parties, the forces controlled by the Federation Congress fell apart. The armies everywhere ceased fire on their own and refused to accept any orders. In the end, under the mediation of Angus Mengsk, the heroic governor who first rebelled against the Federation, the new "Thailand" The "Republic of London" came into being.

Incidentally, Nova Terra took her grandfather's place and joined the Republic Senate as a female congresswoman.

Therefore, a force can be evil and cruel, but it must be external. If it even kills its own people, it is not far from destruction.

However, due to the Federation's perverse behavior, in addition to the Amarr Empire, the Gallente Federation, the Minmatar Republic, the Caldari United States, the Jupiter Empire, and other peripheral forces have no intention of controlling President Akto of the Republic. Lars Mengsk's attitude is also basically in a state of listening to the instructions but not the announcement. This is because he can exert a greater influence on the Protoss fleet.

Overall, the Terran Republic is still a long way from becoming a united country.

When it comes to the golden fleet, they are powerful, but they are like a rootless tree and a sourceless water. Tassadar's joy after successfully summoning the fleet was dampened by the bad news that came to him in less than an hour. No trace.

Kara is devastated.

Not by the zerg or other enemies, but by the protoss themselves.

According to Zeratul, a leader of the Golden Fleet, a superior being named "Amon" came to the existence that created the "Kara Crystal" a long time ago.

He can easily use "Kara" to connect the consciousness of every protoss. There is no more reliable evidence than this. Although he is as huge as a super battleship, his shape looks quite weird and insignificant even to the eyes of the protoss. Can be named.

According to him, his race is called Xel'Naga, a race dedicated to maintaining peace in the universe. They created the protoss to fight against the disasters of the universe: zerg. Seeing the protoss walking on They were deeply pleased with the path He designed and had no intention of continuing to interfere with their development.

The reason why He came to Kara was because there was a "cosmic disaster" besides the zerg, called the "Reaper".

According to Eamon, both the zerg and the protoss were created by the Xel'Naga in order to maintain the peace of the universe. However, the former was influenced by the evil existence in the subspace, the pseudonym "Insect Saint" [Khorne], and completely lost control. , so they create star spirits to fight against them.

The "Reaper" is a new round of attempts by the Xel'Naga beyond the zerg and protoss.

The cause of the matter is that through their observation of cosmic civilizations for countless years, they discovered a wonderful pattern: as long as civilizations are not destroyed by zerg or natural disasters, they will eventually be destroyed by their own mechanical creations.

That is: organic life will always be born in the universe, organic life will always create mechanical life, and mechanical life will inevitably destroy their creators.

Therefore, these Xel'Naga decided to create another creation to destroy the mechanical life that would inevitably destroy them before those civilizations were destroyed by their own creations, in order to achieve the result of protecting these civilizations.

In view of the two excellent achievements of the "creatures" of the zerg and the "powers" of the protoss, the Xel'Naga, who seem to have a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, decided that the new creation is the "Iron Guard" with "mechanical" attributes, that is, The predecessor of "Reaper".

It can be said that these "Iron Guards" completed their tasks brilliantly in the early days of their creation, eliminating those mechanical life forms that wanted to devour their masters before each civilization was about to be destroyed at the hands of their own creations.

But the good times did not last long. The Xel'Naga soon discovered that the civilizations that were about to be destroyed soon fell into decline after losing their mechanical life, or they re-created new mechanical life that they thought would not rebel, and once again Betrayed, he had to trouble the Iron Guard to rescue him a second time.

The reason is also obvious. Civilizations that will be destroyed by their own creations naturally entrust all the things of the entire civilization to machines. When things develop to the point where they are about to perish due to mechanical backlash, they have completely We no longer have the ability to support the operation of the entire civilization on our own.

If you want to save such a civilization, you can only eliminate the rebellious machines, strengthen their bodies, restore their knowledge, increase their population, and a series of other troubles, so that they can continue to survive on their own strength. .

It is conceivable how much extra energy and time this behavior will cost. If only one or two civilizations need this kind of care, the Xel'Naga will not be able to reluctantly add this almost nanny function to the "Iron Guard".

But the problem is that there are as many similar civilizations as there are stars in the entire universe. Doing this is equivalent to Xel'Naga being responsible for tailoring a batch of mechanical nannies who will never betray each civilization that is about to commit suicide... …


However, now that the Xel'Naga had made the decision to save other civilizations, they couldn't give up halfway, so they tried to add intelligence to those "Iron Guards" so that they could deal with similar problems flexibly, such as only killing those Mechanical lifeforms that pose a threat to civilization in terms of military matters will be left alone for the time being.

But it still didn't work. The specific reasons were various, such as the civilization hid a batch of weapons to start a fight, or the Iron Guards were not sure what people's livelihood was. In short, the whole plan was a complete mess.

In the end, the "Iron Guard", who was so annoyed that he couldn't stand it anymore, woke up on his own.

They directly took away the civilization that was about to be destroyed together with their mechanical creations, then collected all the historical, cultural, technological and technological heritage of the civilization, and returned to Xel'Naga to deliver the message.

The Xel'Naga were shocked and prepared to readjust the Iron Guard's behavior, but then they were beaten by the Iron Guard.

However, no matter what, the Xel'Naga are not the kind of weak race that relies on creation for everything. They have powerful psychic powers that are enough to ensure that their creations cannot hurt themselves.

Although they couldn't hurt them, they couldn't defeat them. The Xel'Naga finally chose to give up on another failed creation and left the planet.

And Amon came to the protoss because those "Iron Guards" have become the climate. They have collected the knowledge of one civilization after another over countless years, and because these civilizations are about to be destroyed by their own mechanical creations , so the knowledge gained tended to be in fields related to machinery and artificial intelligence, which caused the "Iron Guards" to evolve at an exaggerated speed. Later, they not only collected knowledge and history, they even began to Some strange means are used to preserve the individuals of the exterminated civilization. At this time, they are no longer "steel guards", but "reapers" of civilization.

Coincidentally, the zerg have always been keen on attacking planets with sufficient "biomass", and it is impossible for such planets to have a large number of machines. On the other side, the protoss have been chasing the zerg and will not go to those planets. A civilization with advanced machinery and serious pollution. As for the "Iron Guards" or "Reapers", according to their harvesting logic, the Zerg that strengthens the body and the Protoss that develops psychic abilities will never "harvest". In this By such a coincidence, Xel'Naga's creations never encountered each other even once until Eamon arrived.

Eamon's statement is that the "Reapers" have mastered a new ability called "enlightenment" and can silently control the objects they harvest. With the protoss using "Kala" to connect to each other, it is easy They will take advantage of them, so before seeking help from the protoss, he will teach the protoss another kind of "dark attribute" ability in addition to the "light attribute" ability they possess.

However, depending on the power quality of each star spirit, not everyone can master dark attribute powers. Perhaps it is a coincidence, or perhaps it is inevitable, only half of the star spirits can master this power.

Protoss who have acquired dark attributes are called "Dark Templar", "Dark Archon" and other corresponding titles.

As the saying goes, "Use justice to win, use surprise to win." Sneak attacks and underhanded moves are always easier to achieve results than upright battles, and the same is naturally true for dark attribute abilities.

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Light attribute abilities mainly include "Light Blade" that focuses on lethality, "Psychic Assault" that increases charge speed, "Psychic Storm" that causes group damage, etc., while dark attribute abilities tend to penetrate shields and The armored "Dark Blade", the "Invisibility" that allows the user to make sneak attacks, and the silent "Mind Control".

This resulted in the protoss who had obtained two kinds of superpowers splitting into two parts before actually setting out to fight the Reapers.

I don’t know who started it. The "light forces" and the "dark forces" fought fiercely. This internal fight, known as the "War of Eternity", lasted for a long time and was so tragic that even though a long time had passed, Zela His voice still trembled when he mentioned it.

And Eamon, the instigator of all this, disappeared after the battle began.

Although there is no doubt that Eamon started this war, there is no evidence, and after being blinded by hatred and blood, this war will not stop because of such a trivial matter.

The final result is that the golden fleet brought back by Tassadar, as well as the five fleet commanders and leaders, Zeratul, Urun, Mohandar, Selendis and Artanis, are the stars. Ling is the only remaining member of the clan.

His duty is to protect other civilizations from being destroyed, but he is already on the verge of destruction. It sounds like some kind of black humor.

However, even so, the protoss have no idea of ​​giving up their duties. After completely wiping out Char's zerg, they plan to pick up the "Hunter Sentinels" one by one based on the information obtained from Al, while continuing to patrol the universe. , looking for zerg, reapers, and even Amon.

"Boss, all units are ready for airborne landing." Jimmy ran over to report.

"[Attention to all units——]" Renault picked up the microphone.

[No, you cannot destroy these zerg. 】

At this moment, there was some kind of low and echoing sound, and the next second, the boundless gray fog surged in, completely engulfing the entire Char and the coalition fleet in satellite orbit.

"[——Stay alert and feel free to fire when in danger.]" Renault said instead.

"[Eamon!]" Even this weird situation could not stop Selantes' penetrating soprano from filling the entire communication channel.

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