The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty-Two, Infinite War (2)


Unknown space.

[It's not 'Amon', it's 'Aurus',] the voice said: [The 'spiritual voice' of our 'Xel'Naga' should be the same in your perception. As far as universal theory is concerned, you It's true that you can think of me as Eamon, but we are still different individuals. 】

Accompanied by the second sentence's grand voice with reverberation, the gray fog dissipated, revealing the true face of the voice owner.

That was... a broken balloon with many patches on its surface?

The size of that "creature" is astonishing. It even exceeds the protoss's aircraft carrier according to visual inspection. Its round body is mainly dark red, and its body is also covered with many pink "protectors" of different sizes, whether it is a defensive means or an external organ. "Arapula". In addition, under the body, there are some relatively short, octopus-like tentacles hanging down.

Compared to all kinds of strange bugs, this shape can even be called mild, but it still makes everyone who sees it feel dizzy and want to vomit.

However, only "people" felt uncomfortable. The protoss were completely unaffected by his words or appearance. Selantes even opened fire directly: "[Go to hell! Eamon!!]"

squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak

Dozens of bright white beams of light shot straight at the "Xel'Naga" who called himself "Aurus".

Although sound cannot be transmitted in space, Renault unconsciously made up the sound effects of those "Void Ray" beams.

Protoss ships are not classified like humans at all. For example, this battleship that looks like a drill is obviously only the size of a cruiser. The power of the main gun is even comparable to a full-strength strike of a former Federation battleship, but it takes a bit long.

They use something called a "void prism" by the protoss to emit lasers. The initial power is low and gradually increases over time. In addition, there is also a type that consumes a large amount of psychic energy to directly reach the maximum power of the attack. Judging from the thickness of the beam at this moment, Selantis clearly used that ability.


Unexpectedly and within reason, when the beam of the Void Glow Ship was projected in front of "Aurus", it disappeared silently. The Void Glow Ship was still attacking, and the beam still existed, but it just couldn't hurt that person. The name "Xel'Naga" is nothing.

[Using void energy to attack void creatures, have you really thought about it seriously? ] Aurus didn’t seem to care about this attack.

He even had time to point out the shortcomings of the Protoss: [According to my analysis of the vehicles you have, aircraft carriers and Phoenix fighters may still be effective. 】

"[Really! Then try it -]"

"[Stop, Selendis, this is the home of the Void, and any of your attacks will not be effective.]"

Selendis actually seemed ready to attack as Orus said, but was stopped by Tassadar.

Speaking of which, the internal management of the protoss seems to be a bit chaotic. Selantis listens to Tassadar, Tassadar listens to Artanis, and Artanis respects Selantis, Yurlan and Mohandar very much. He listened to everything he said, but Zeratul listened to no one.

Well... the human side was actually not much better. Renault turned his head slightly and glanced at the passengers on the bridge of the Bucephalos.

Ariel, who had changed back to her botanist attire, was flipping through a book on botany with an uninterested look.

Kerrigan's body shape returned to normal, wearing a pure white space armor, but her hair was still full of tentacles. For some reason, Kerrigan stared at Orus with piercing eyes.

The fat black man Tuo Xu was munching on some unknown snack.

Tychus crossed his arms and watched Mira pestering Matt.

Basically, none of Arcturus's team came, and they also kidnapped Angela, Jax and Nova who should theoretically belong to Reno.

Well, Jax is actually General Hofield, who is commanding the regular Terran Republic army, and is not very suitable for participating in the aliens' mischief.

Now that Nova is a star congressman, she is also very busy. She has not even thrown away her favorite nuclear bomb for a long time.

The person that Renault most hoped to appear in such a strange place was naturally the little princess Emil. If she were there, she would have stabbed Orus in the vitals with a lightsaber and forced him to "speak in human language".

What is the key point of the balloon?

"[This... Aurus,]" Tassadar seemed a little unsure of how to call a void creature, and he randomly made up a name: "[We temporarily believe that you are not Amon, so you are preventing us from destroying the zerg. what is the reason?】"

[Insects cannot be 'annihilated', they can only be 'sealed',] Orus said: [When a certain insect disaster is completely eliminated, the 'Insect Saint' existing in the subspace will appear and absorb these insects from birth. All experiences to the point of extinction will create strong resistance to the weapons and tactics you use to destroy them the next time the zerg reappear. 】

"[In other words, even if the seal is loosened and they escape and flood again, our weapons will still be effective, but if we completely eliminate them, the next time the zerg is born, it will be our annihilation?] "Tassadar instantly understood this somewhat strange rule and accepted it: "[Do they always come back, is there no way to prevent them from appearing again?]"

[We have tried to seal the zerg in an independent artificial environment. Once they show signs of evolution, we will destroy them all with excessive damage that is extremely large and impossible to resist through natural evolution. But the final result is, Their intelligence has achieved unprecedented development, and after escaping, they destroyed almost all similar artificial environments. 】

Aulus seemed to be recalling some distant past events. He paused for a moment before continuing:

[Perhaps Eamon told you a similar theory in some wrong way. Let me repeat it again: There are only three ways for ordinary creatures to evolve into advanced creatures, namely 'genetic ascension', 'mechanical ascension' and 'spiritual ascension'. ', it's not that we can't completely eliminate the zerg, but even if we eliminate the current batch of zerg to the point where not even a single atom is left, the next race that studies 'genetic ascension' will still destroy it in an experimental error. They are created just as those civilizations that try to take the route of 'mechanical ascension' will always be destroyed by their own creations along the way. 】

"[Only 'spiritual ascension' left?]" Tassadar asked in an unconvincing tone: "[Eventually turned into a 'void creature' like you?]"

[No, this road doesn't work either...] Aulus' tone was filled with sadness: [Civilizations that take this road will always perish inexplicably, like us, like you. 】

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