The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and thirty-three, infinite war (3)


Unknown space.

"[The star spirits are not dead yet! You stupid sea urchin!]"

Selendis' angry shouts came from the communication channel, but Tassadar seemed to be thinking about something and did not stop him immediately.

[It seems that you have noticed it, so I will give you a few more reminders,] Aurus said: [Does nearly half of your tribe fall into fanaticism every once in a while? At the same time, will about 20% of the tribe disappear into the void due to the incorrect use of spiritual energy? 】

"[...The reason is?]" Tassadar said in a low tone.

[That is the inevitable price of using 'Holy Light', or 'Star Soul Power',] Aulus' tone was very calm: [You have only seen Emon provoking internal fighting, but have you ever thought about why he can in this way? Just with the power of shadow he granted? No, the most important reason is the 'darkness' that grew deep in the hearts of your people due to the use of this power before He came. 】

"Oh, that's it." While everyone was quietly listening to the conversation between the two ancient species and trying to understand the meaning, Kerrigan suddenly chuckled and said something of unknown meaning.

Speaking of which, after Kerrigan transformed into the "Queen of Blades", she seemed to have said that she saw the origin of the zerg in Zerus, but it was obviously different from what Orus said.

Now it seems that what she has seen may not only be Zerg, but also the protoss and even the Xel'Naga's past. There are some parts that are difficult to understand. It was not until Orus told some secrets that her doubts were finally resolved. Got an explanation.

"Well...that makes sense." Ariel actually answered.

According to this botanist, two years have passed since the "awakening", and the switching between "external personality" and "internal personality" has become more and more comfortable, just like two flowers blooming from the same flower branch, because no one is suppressed at all. As an outsider, it is not convenient for Renault to inquire and interfere.

Speaking out at this time, it was obvious that the knowledge she gained from the ancient plant Solian and what Aurus told were mutually corroborating, and she spoke out of emotion.

If it were normal times, maybe we could ask them what they understood, but...


Raynor looked at the sparkling glances between Kerrigan and Ariel, and decided to ask again when they were not present at the same time.

I feel like no matter who I talk to now, I will die miserably later.

As Tassadar and the other protoss who were in charge of the negotiations all fell silent, the scene fell into a strange silence.

Renault wanted to speak, but after thinking about it, he found that there was really nothing to talk about with an ancient race that was always worried about whether civilization would perish.

The zerg are just a new and small problem for humans, like wild beasts that just escaped from the zoo and were controlled before they could hurt anyone.

How to deal with it depends on the protoss who has been hunting them for who knows how long.

Should we ask Him what He thinks of mankind?

"Hey, Aurus," Kerrigan took Renault's intercom from behind in the next second: "What's your impression of the name 'Leviathan'?"

Theoretically speaking, this fleet's internal joint communication channel is an encrypted channel and is not open to the public. However, since Orus can respond to the protoss, just assume that he can also hear it.

[That is the oldest and most powerful member of our Xel'Naga. Due to some memetic effect, his name will always be taken away by intelligent creatures to name giant monsters.] Orus turned his huge body slightly, He made an action of "looking at" the Bucephalus: [He actually doesn't have any idea about this...oh? 】

The huge "balloon" seemed to have discovered something interesting and took the initiative to get closer to this side. However, due to its amazing size, it looked like it was launching a charge.

Zhizhizhi—boom, boom—

Before Bucephalos could react, the Protoss fleet launched an attack first. The laser rain from the Phoenix fighter jets and the sea of ​​drones from the aircraft carrier surged over in an instant.

Hmm... It seems that although Selantes doesn't like Aurus, he still fully accepts his suggestions - and prepares for war very quickly.

"[Stop! Cease fire!]" Tassadar yelled at the captains who opened fire without permission, as if he suddenly woke up.

[I did say that these attacks will be effective on me, but it does not mean that they can hurt me. If my actions make you feel threatened, I can consider not taking any actions at all. 】After the beam and explosion completely disappeared, Orus appeared at the same place safe and sound, with a slight "Why are you so timid" attitude in his tone.

"[Thank you for your understanding, they are just unable to control their impulses because of their hatred for Amon,]" Tassadar sighed - although the protoss did not have a mouth: "[Can you please tell me, if you want How can I 'seal' the zerg? ]"

[My original plan was to separate part of my biomass, suppress the consciousness of these bugs, and seal them in the body of a certain star. In this way, the bugs will not be eliminated, and the Insect Saint will not appear. , until the death of this 'Sealer', the Zerg cannot be reborn in other locations due to 'gene ascension'. After all, your lifespan is quite long, isn't it? ] Aurus said.

Tassadar did not respond immediately, either because he was angry or because he was considering the pros and cons.

Sealing an old enemy that has been hunted for countless years inside the body, is this a plan that a carbon-based creature can come up with?

Hmm, is Xel'Naga carbon-based?

"[...So what now?]" Tassadar gave up on this topic and asked instead.

"If you say that you want to seal the consciousness of those bugs in my body...or Ariel's body," Kerrigan said, "I will teach you a lesson for Leviathan."

[No, that would be too wasteful,] Aurus said, with a bit of excitement in his tone: [The reason why I had that plan is because I can't fight against the 'Insect Saint', but now, here is actually Is there an Irisson and a Baor? The original plan can be abandoned directly. 】

"Hmm, so?" Kerrigan responded noncommittally.

[I will hand over all my biomass to you, or that Bao. Unlike the protoss, you, as ancient beings like us, will gain enough power to capture and kill the 'Insect Saint', and the 'Insect Saint' Saint' has no ability to regenerate, which means that the evolution of the zerg he has accumulated will completely disappear. When they are born again due to 'gene ascension', they will only be some kind of ordinary ferocious monsters,] Aurus language Surprisingly, [The question now is, who of you is willing to become a 'Xel'Naga'? 】

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