The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty-Five, Infinite War (5)


The "Insect Saint" was defeated.

Although it showed its powerful shield and spiritual power throughout the battle, as well as its strength and ability to transform into five stages, it was still no match for the glittering humanoid "Xel'Naga".

At first, she was cautious about using psychic beams or "light-casting" some insects under her control to test the strength of the Insect Saint. After discovering that the Insect Saint basically did the same thing and couldn't break her own protection at all, Her tactics gradually became more violent, and in the end, no matter what fancy tricks the Insect Saint came up with, she punched them without even looking at them.

In terms of results, the results are outstanding.

In the end, the Insect Saint exhausted the supernatural powers and biomass it used to move. After being hit by Kerrigan's "penetrating impact punch", it finally completely wiped out its vitality. While the entire body fell apart, due to the unbearable The high temperature of Char began to burn, and on the cruel and fierce battlefield, only its strange "last words" of unknown meaning that made the mortals who heard it want to go crazy echoed:

【'' .】


However, no one cares about why it speaks and what it actually says.

As two ridiculously powerful individuals fought on a planet that was already structurally unstable due to frequent volcanic activity and zerg digging everywhere, Char experienced perhaps the strongest earthquake since its birth. The earth cracked and volcanoes Eruption, endless magma overflows like a fountain or tide.

The protoss units returned to their motherships one after another, while the humans were busy boarding various transport ships and getting the buildings that could be lifted off the ground. As for those buildings that could not be lifted into the air and were fixed to the ground, they could only be counted. "Battle damaged".

【z... qwaz...】

With the last words of the Insect Saint, the magma and flames finally completely engulfed its body.

However, its consciousness has not disappeared.

After the Char Expeditionary Alliance withdrew from the lava-covered surface, the consciousness of the Insect Saint still remained at the location where it was destroyed. The appearance of this consciousness was no longer the original appearance of the "Insect Saint", nor was it the shape of the "Insect Saint" during its several transformations. Weird images such as "Thousand Eyes", "Thousand Throats" and "Thousand Ears" look more like... a huge weird humanoid with an octopus on its head.

It seemed to have no ability to think, or was deep in thought, just standing there motionless.

No, it is not "standing". The original location of the Insect Saint has long since collapsed and melted, and is now completely a pool of lava. This weird humanoid shape simply stays where it appears.

If nothing unexpected happens, this consciousness may remain here until the lava solidifies, sealing it inside, waiting to be revealed again by a volcanic eruption one day in the future.

But, will "consciousness" really be sealed by "matter"?

However, it seems that that situation will not really happen, because a "person" whose goal is directed at this consciousness appears.



A dark-skinned man wearing a former Terran Federation military uniform slowly emerged from the void with overflowing blue thunder and lightning.

He did not use any levitation or flying tools, and just floated in front of the huge consciousness out of thin air. With a hearty smile on his face, he said:

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, is this the fate of the [Old One] who dared to show his true identity? It seems that he must take a warning.


Perhaps it understood the man's words, or reacted to a special word, the giant consciousness slowly turned its octopus head with no facial features to "look" at the dark-skinned man.

"Oh?" The dark-skinned man watched the movements of the giant consciousness with interest: "It seems that the self-consciousness has been almost annihilated, otherwise your first action would definitely be to raise your hand to pinch me."

The giant consciousness stared at the dark-skinned man silently, as if trying to understand the meaning of his words, and also seemed to be thinking about the action of "raising his hand to pinch".

Since the giant consciousness never responded, the dark-skinned man seemed to be talking happily.

"How do you say that? 'Don't cry until you see the coffin', 'Don't look back until you hit the wall'. You can't take it for granted just because the strongest person you can perceive is [Azathos]. This is your home court. After so many troubles, how many of your compatriots are left? How much self-awareness do you still have now?"


Perhaps after hearing a special word again, the giant consciousness had a greater reaction and began to murmur the unknown language before.

"Oh, you don't look completely stupid." The dark-skinned man raised his eyebrows and flew around the giant consciousness: "If you really lose your self-awareness, I can only pinch you and your memory. It was stuffed into the body of some boy or girl and thrown into the set of some campus romantic comedy."

There seemed to be no key words in these words. The giant consciousness remained motionless, and the dark-skinned man had no intention of stopping.

"With your appearance and personality, I think it can be done like this: Clara is a gloomy girl who always covers her face with her hair, wears glasses, and rarely participates in any class activities until one day she loses her student ID card and is The male protagonist found her home and discovered that she was a hidden otaku who really liked making figurines. Moreover, after parting her hair and taking off her glasses, she turned out to be a super beauty~ How about it?"

The giant consciousness remained motionless.

"Well... Speaking of which, that guy [Hasta] is taking the male lead script now. If he really does that, then..." the dark-skinned man's smile became brighter: "It would be more interesting."


The giant consciousness spoke again, this time with almost imperceptible anger.

"Identity, boss, old enemy..." The dark-skinned man touched his chin: "Are these the only things your deep consciousness cares about? But I can't think of any shocking information at the moment. If I have to drag your consciousness away like this, I would rather go first Throwing you here and burning you for fifty thousand years should be enough."

The giant consciousness is unmoved.

"Look, this is me, [Nyarlathotep]." After thinking for a moment, the dark-skinned man took out a long pillow out of thin air and showed it to the giant consciousness.

What is depicted above is a girl wearing a black and white plaid dress, with green eyes and silver hair, and a long dull hair on the top of her head, who is making a cute pose with scissor hands.

[eop...] The giant consciousness made a sound similar to doubt.

"Then." The dark-skinned man raised the corners of his mouth and turned the pillow over with some malice.


The moment the giant consciousness saw the other side of the pillow, it "exploded". The originally huge and void consciousness disappeared without a trace, leaving only a phantom little octopus with staring eyes and constantly spraying ink.

"Hmm... This makes it easier to carry." The dark-skinned man put away the pillow and pinched the little octopus: "It seems surprisingly suitable for [Kshila] to become a painter?"

【\u0026 # ¥ @! 】The little octopus sprayed ink frantically, but it had no effect at all. The next second, it disappeared into the void together with the dark-skinned man.

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