The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and thirty-six, infinite war (6)

Latest website: ――AD.2159.9.21――

The planet of knowledge palace.

This is a strange planet full of various buildings.

It seems that the owner here is an avid infrastructure enthusiast, so he has completely covered all the land and nearly 50% of the ocean with artificial creations.

However, even this density, which is unbelievable for conventionally developed civilizations, has not had any impact on the environment of this planet. The blue sky of the entire planet is extremely clear.

If you want to find a reason, it can only be that this civilization is highly developed in science and technology, and there are no industries that can cause pollution, or it can deal with any pollution in a timely and rapid manner when it occurs.

Or, they have already been able to leave their home planet and develop towards alien planets or even outer galaxies.

Judging from the huge space platforms in the satellite orbit of this planet that violate normal space architecture, the reason is basically the latter.

However, this civilization with such advanced technology is now facing a disaster.

Different from the calm surface, in the satellite orbit, all the defensive artillery and functional buildings on the space platform were in ruins. In the open space of the platform, many residents with weapons were looking at the sky tremblingly.

Wherever they looked, there were densely packed, overlapping, countless dark warships that looked like giant dragons spreading their wings.

It was obvious that these hostile warships had easily eliminated all the vehicles and facilities used by the indigenous people to resist, but they did not kill them all. As expected, there should be a dialogue.

In the eyes of these segmented humanoid creatures, which were mixed with despair, fear and hatred, a ray of light shot down from the nearest battleship and teleported down a strong man who was twice their height and whose skin was lavender.

He has no hair, but has a big chin with many wrinkles. His expression is indifferent and cruel. He wears a sleeveless blue armor and does not carry any weapons. After being teleported, he did not actively approach the local residents, but just held his arms and attacked them. observe.

"I am the chief spokesperson of 'Wataum'." Finally, the leader of the aboriginal people took the initiative to talk: "Invaders, you have violated the rules of the 'Star Sea Community' -"


The strong purple man grabbed the leader's neck and lifted him up: "I'm more familiar with those stupid rules and regulations than you are.

insect. "

"Spokesperson!" "Open fire!"

"Stop! Idiot! Didn't you notice! He's not wearing a spacesuit at all!"

The attendants behind the aboriginal leader panicked, but in the end did nothing.

"" The leader tried to struggle, but to no avail.

"I'm not going to talk to you. You're not qualified yet." The strong purple man held up the aboriginal leader and turned his head to look around: "'Stephen Hawking' or 'Laplace's Demon', whoever comes out, hurry up. , my patience is limited.”


As a faint sigh sounded, the aboriginal leader suddenly stopped struggling and said, "[Are you going to talk to me like this?]"

"Hmph," the giant purple man snorted and put the leader back on the ground: "It seems that the 'Laplace Demon' does not dare to come to see me."

"[Ahem, you can find us, don't you know that the collective consciousness of the 'Lost Empire' is basically in a state of slumber?]" The leader touched his neck: "[Tell me, your purpose.]"

"Okay, I think you should be able to make the decision," the purple brawny man pointed in the direction of the planet: "I want to kill half of your 'Wataum' tribe."

"[What——]" The leader's eyes widened.

"Use the method of drawing lots." The strong man added.

These conversations caused another commotion among the followers of the leader of "Wataum", but still no one dared to act.

"[You mean...]" The leader narrowed his eyes: "[We will cooperate with you in conducting a population survey, and draw a life and death lot for each member, and then hand over the tribesmen who draw the death lot to you to kill.] "

"Although there are still some details, this is basically correct." The purple brawny man responded.

"[Why do you think we will agree to you instead of fighting to the death?]" The leader's tone became tough.

"Because we will evacuate after killing half of your population," the strong purple man said without any fluctuations in his tone, as if he had expected the leader's answer: "You have no ability to stop us from wiping out that half of the population. Resistance will only lead to other aspects, such as the loss of scientific research, production and daily necessities.”

"[...]" The leader remained silent, seeming to be thinking about this cruel proposal.

"If the 'Laplace Demon' comes to talk to me, he will definitely agree," said the purple brawny man: "After all, material losses are secondary. Once the war starts, it will be difficult for us to control the number of casualties."

"[I have one last question,]" the leader spoke again, his voice very hoarse, as if he had made a difficult decision: "[Who are you? Why do you have to kill half of our population?]"

"You can call us 'Dark Titans'. As for the reason..." The purple man glanced at the planet below: "You have something that does not belong to you."

"[Can I ask what it is?]" The leader continued to ask: "[I don't think we will have a treasure that you still covet with your strength.]"

"It's difficult to explain," the purple brawny man didn't seem to mind explaining: "The simplest way to put it is 'something that will only appear if you lose half of your population in a very short period of time.'"

"[...]" The leader was speechless again.

"Actually, there are five more similar things. We don't necessarily need to get yours first," the purple brawny man said, "It's just that you are the closest and it is relatively easier to get them."

"[Really...]" the leader said in a low voice: "[Our final decision is to resist to the end!]"

"That's a pity," the purple brawny man shook his head: "Then I will go back to arrange the landing battle. You can stay here. If you want to reconsider our proposal, you can put it forward as soon as possible."

"[I'm sorry too...]" The leader suddenly raised his head: "[Because you can't go back!]"

Boom boom boom!

As the leader said these words, the space platform where the two were on suddenly experienced an extremely violent and large-scale explosion. It was obvious that the leader was just talking to delay time and gather information. The real purpose was to arrange for the platform to self-destruct, and this The arrogant leader of the Dark Titan died together.

Then came the second, third, and fourth. All the "Dark Titan" warships were drowned by the explosion of fire from the space platforms under their cannons.

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