The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and thirty-seven, infinite war (7)

Latest website: ――AD.2159.9.21――

The planet of knowledge palace, outer space.

The violent explosion has stopped, and the fire and aftermath it produced are gradually dissipating. The "Wataumians" on other space platforms that have not yet exploded are nervously waiting for the results.

As a "lost empire" and "knowledge manager" that has existed for an unknown period of time, if they are given enough time, they can easily analyze the invading fleets, transform their own ships and defense methods, and finally completely destroy them. Destroy, instead of being raided on the home planet without warning and having to launch a big killer called "Final War" for defense.

This kind of explosion is not a conventional killing effect such as electromagnetic, radiation, kinetic energy, combustion, etc., but an "annihilation" effect caused by in-depth research on "Element Zero", which can ignore all protective measures and cause destruction to objects within the range of influence. A sexual strike, and as far as Wortaum, the "knowledge manager" knows, there is no countermeasure technology for this strike at all - because they don't have it themselves.

After the aftermath of the flames of destruction dissipated, there was nothing in the space except for a large number of wreckage of the space platform that had not been affected by the explosion but was only torn apart by the kinetic energy impact.

"Sure, was it successful?"

"Who are they?"

"Old supervisor..."

"What should we do next..."


When the surviving Wataums thought they had won the sudden war, and even began to mourn the dead and plan for the future, the densely packed, unscathed dark fleet reappeared in their original positions, just like "finally" "War" has not been started at all.

In an instant, the overwhelming terror and despair silenced all the people watching the scene in Wattaum.

"[I have seen your determination, but it is meaningless,]" the next moment, the big purple face of the strong man appeared on all the monitoring equipment terminals in Wortaum: "[This explosion killed 12% of your total population. The loss is still 38% short of our goal. You can choose now to elect a new scientific research director to continue the negotiations, or to open fire on us as a signal that the negotiations have broken down and a full-scale war has begun.]"

The tone of the invader leader hardly changed, as if no matter what Wortaum did or did, it was just a small matter.

And what frightens the viewer the most is,

He was not in a safe space battleship, but on top of a piece of space debris formed after the space platform exploded.

This means that he did not avoid the blow of the "Final War" by some means like those black battleships, but he directly resisted the super weapon created by Wotaum with the technical strength of the entire clan, and did not suffer any damage. No harm.

As for the fact that he is in space without any protection and can directly connect to all monitor terminals, it is not worth mentioning at all.


After confirming that no Wortaum was trying to talk to him, the strong purple man sitting on the space wreckage raised his hand, closed the projection window in front of him, and then looked up at the densely packed black battleships "above".

"How long are you going to fight for?" he said.

The law that sound cannot be transmitted in space does not seem to apply to him, or in other words, he does not need a medium for sound transmission.


A few seconds later, a slender figure jumped out from the largest ship in the fleet, turned into a black stream of light, and appeared in front of the purple man almost instantly.

What appeared in this magical form was a petite human girl. She looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, with green eyes and green hair. Her left eye was glowing with a faint blue light like a flame. She was combed back. Wearing a pair of long and fluffy ponytails, a black short-sleeved sports top and denim shorts of the same color, a pair of skate shoes on his feet, and a strange spear with a long white shaft and a green tip in his hand. When he spoke, With some kind of reverb-like electronic sound:

"That old woman was the one who stopped me, otherwise I would have arrived long ago, huh."

"Now that you're here, what can you do? Are you going to take Lord Thanos back with your bare hands?"

A lazy and hoarse female voice retorted.

At the same time as this sound appeared, a "carriage" drove out from the flagship of the black fleet. It was a very classic and gorgeous carriage with a black background and gold rim. It had two heads that looked like horses, but the whole body was pitch black and there was a scar on the forehead. A strange creature with a single horn rushed towards it, leaving a bright rainbow of seven colors in its path.

The person driving this car was a tall, graceful woman with bright blue skin and no hair. She wore a white robe with layers of complicated fabrics and a large number of gold and silver jewelry. It looks like a tall cloth hat that symbolizes a certain identity. There are no eyeballs in the eyes, replaced by a constantly beating golden stream of light.

"Compared to your stupid donkey cart, Lord Thanos would rather let me carry it up with my bare hands!"

"Those are dark unicorns. You can't denigrate them as donkeys just because they won't let you ride."

"It's the donkey! That's it!"

Two women with completely different appearances and personalities were arguing over how to bring "Lord Thanos" aboard, while the strong purple man known as Lord Thanos looked up at the huge flagship again. , seems to be expecting the emergence of a third party.

However, no new means of transportation or people have appeared.

As for those densely packed black fleets, they were keeping their communications silent in unison.

"Okay, myself..." Thanos stood up from the ruins and seemed to want to say something, but in the middle of his words, he was interrupted by a tall, thin, dark-skinned man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Lord Eamon," the dark-skinned man raised the small octopus in his hand and shook it with a hearty smile: "I have brought back the will of the 'Lord'."

"Don't use that stupid title!" X2

The green-haired girl and the blue-skinned woman shouted at him in unison.

"Hmm... Lord Talos?" The dark-skinned man blinked.

"'EbonyMaw,' do you want to taste the God-killing Spear?" The green-haired girl pointed her spear directly.

"If you think this kind of thing is interesting, we will call you 'Hermaeus Mora' from now on." The blue-skinned woman's eyes flickered.

"Okay, 'Proxima Midnight', 'Supergiant'," Thanos raised his hand, regarded the distance in space as nothing, and directly pinched the little octopus: "You know he likes to pick. You start a fight and fall for such a simple talk?"

"So, sir, who do you want to bring up?" The green-haired girl and the blue-skinned woman looked at him together.

"Isn't this a ready-made 'ladder'?" Thanos pointed at the dark-skinned man.

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