The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Forty, Infinite War (10)

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While setting the "Reality Stone" on the golden glove, the scenery around Thanos suddenly changed.

His location is no longer the bridge of "Sanctuary No. 1", but a dark and chaotic space.

There seems to be no distinction between up, down, left and right, and there is no "gravity" in any direction to make objects fall. Wherever you look, there is black mist that is so rich that it cannot be dissolved, and is constantly rolling and twisting. When Thanos lowers his head, he even sees No more than the area below your waist.

After looking around, Thanos raised his gloves expressionlessly, and the red gem emitted bright light, dispelling all the black mist surrounding him and making the space around him within a radius of about ten meters. One clean.

As the black mist dissipated, Thanos also felt gravity, and his whole body began to "fall" in a certain direction.

He judged the direction of gravity, adjusted his posture in the air, and landed steadily after about five seconds.

With the light emitted by the gems, Thanos could clearly see that the ground he was stepping on was black Gobi mixed with sand and gravel, and some unknown yellow weeds grew stubbornly on the surface.

On this desert, apart from the slight sounds of Thanos stepping on the ground and the collision of his armor, there was only a small whirring sound made by the rolling black mist in the sky.

As for places farther away, due to the limited illumination range of the gem, it is temporarily impossible to determine the specific situation.

"Is this the Kingdom of Shadows?" Thanos squinted his eyes and looked around, but couldn't find any hints about the way forward.

After pausing for a moment, he began to circle outward with his "landing point" as the center.

But it is obvious that this is not an accidental open space, but a very vast Gobi. After more than ten circles and hundreds of meters away from the "center", the surrounding environment still has not changed much, except for the discovery of some slightly larger blocks. Nothing to gain except gravel and more weeds.

"Well..." Thanos stopped meaninglessly circling and began to think. Perhaps because no one was listening around him and the desert was too quiet, he began to mutter to himself: "Only the [Reality Stone], even if There is no point in being able to enter here and not find [her].”

"Without the [Time Stone], I would have wasted too much time exploring the time here and synchronizing it with the outside."

"If there were no [space gems],

I won’t be able to locate myself in this space, and my position may even be different every time I come in. "

"Without the [Mind Stone], I might be deceived by illusions and hallucinations, and would turn a blind eye even if [she] is right in front of me."

"Without the [Soul Gem], I wouldn't be able to wake [her] up. Oh, don't even think about it, [she] must have fallen asleep again."

"In comparison, [Power Gem] is not that important, because my 'power' is already enough."

"Now, should we find any direction to explore, or should we just quit?"

Thanos looked at the red gems flashing on his gloves and was hesitant for a moment.

"[Hahahahahaha!]" At this moment, a rough sound like the friction of stones sounded not far away: "[I seem to hear someone saying that my strength is enough? It makes people laugh out loud!]"

The next second, a flame giant pushed away the black mist and came out.

He, or rather its body, is made of some kind of dense black rock. It has a body of three meters tall, and its whole body is burning with dark red flames. The position of its head is a mass with human-like facial features. It looks like A big fireball that seemed to be laughing maniacally.

"[Oh, haha, who did I think was so arrogant? It turned out to be the 'Dark Titan' clan,]" the flame giant glanced at Thanos: "[Is Sargeras okay? He hasn't been resurrected yet, or he was resurrected and was beaten again. died?】"

The words sounded like greetings, but the malice in both the tone and the words was overflowing.

"..." Thanos looked at the top of the Fire Giant's head: "Dormammu?"

"[Calling them by their first names? Boy, didn't your clan leader teach you to be humble when speaking to superiors?]" The flame giant known as Dormammu was surrounded by flames: "[It seems that I have to teach them a lesson. For a moment, you don’t know the heights of heaven and earth—]”

"Why are you here?" Thanos interrupted him directly and asked.

"[Hahahaha!]" Dormammu laughed angrily: "[I was originally worried that the kid who came here would play an important role, and it would be hard to explain if I destroyed it. Now, even if Sargeras comes, I can't protect you. !】"

Following the words, the flame giant came with a blazing fist.


Thanos took out a dark double-edged sword from nowhere with his backhand. He caught the punch firmly and his tone became cold: "I mean, how dare you appear [here]?"

"[Ha! This place filled with the aura of darkness and death is just right to be incorporated into my 'Dark Dimension'!]" The flame giant instantly scattered, and while the black-red flame enveloped Thanos, his body also appeared in Behind Thanos, he held a giant obsidian blade and slashed at his back.

"Although your behavior is helpful to my purpose..." Thanos ignored the raging flames that enveloped him and blocked Dormammu's sneak attack with his double-edged sword: "But I don't think I can allow you to stay. Even for a second [here].”

"[Boy, do you know who you are talking to?!]" Dormammu's sneak attack was blocked. He became a little angry and turned into a large dark red flame that completely enveloped Thanos. At the same time, various obsidian weapons kept coming. Appears to attack him.

"A person who is on the road to death without knowing it——"

Thanos waved his double-edged sword to parry for a moment, then suddenly turned around and punched, hitting the void beside him.


Boom! Click!

The flames surrounding him suddenly solidified, then slowly extinguished, and where he punched, Dormammu's obsidian body reappeared, but his chest had already been penetrated by Thanos' golden-gloved fist.


Thanos suddenly withdrew his hand, took out a beating obsidian heart in his palm, and then crushed it without looking.


After the very chatty Obsidian Flame Giant left a brief last word, his whole person, or in other words, all the obsidian turned into black powder and scattered away, and was directly swallowed up by the surging black mist around him.

"Tsk..." Thanos looked at the place where Dormammu disappeared and frowned: "It was a mistake. I should have dragged it out and killed it. Isn't this just polluting the environment?"

He rubbed the gem in his hand and then disappeared from this space. The black mist reoccupied the space that had just been driven away by the "Reality Gem".

A moment later, a man wearing a blue mage robe, a red cloak, a strange emerald necklace, a slim face and a mustache appeared in the Gobi.

"Dormammu! I'm here to negotiate terms!"

"...where are the people?"

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