The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and forty-one, infinite war (11)


Thanos opened his eyes.

He was still on the flagship bridge of "Sanctuary One", sitting on the wide, dark throne. The scene of the bridge staff coming and going seemed to be the same as before.

"Well..." He first raised his hand and pinched his forehead, then raised the gloves on his hands and took a look: "How long did it take me this time?"

"About three months, sir." The super giant standing next to his throne replied: "We have reached the [Canghui Galaxy] through the 'warp engine'."

"Yes." Thanos nodded: "Has Ebony Maw ever left?"

"At the beginning of the voyage, he tried to leave the Order's fleet, but for some reason he turned around and came back. Now he is still on the 'Sanctuary One'." Superstar replied.

"Oh, I hope he dares to go out. That way I can be a little more relaxed when doing things." Thanos flexed his fingers: "Call him here."

"Your loyal subordinates have been waiting for your interview~" Before Thanos finished speaking, the hatch of the bridge, or in other words, the side door of the temple opened directly, and he put on an ebony-throated man dressed like a priest or priest and stepped forward. And out.

He walked up to Thanos' throne and bowed with an exaggerated expression.

"Well," Thanos looked at him, "I didn't have time to ask you because of some accidents. Have you found out the whereabouts of all the [Infinity Stones]?"

"Of course, as you guessed, each of the six lost empires that have existed since ancient times has an Infinity Stone," Ebony Maw said: "Woltoum has the [Reality Stone], Irison has the [Power Stone], Ute has the [Time Stone], Bao has the [Mind Stone], Cyberlux has the [Soul Stone], and the First Alliance has the [Space Stone]."

"Does such an obvious matter need to be investigated?" Superstar took a step forward: "Is it possible that you have been obsessed with organizing the 'Mobius Foundation' these years, causing disputes everywhere in [Crimson Galaxy], and ended up forgetting the real thing? ?”

"How is that possible?" Wumuhou innocently raised his hand and pointed to the fish tank next to him: "Didn't I successfully bring the [Power Gem] back?"

On the side of the throne, in a fish tank or aquarium that is as tall as a person, a translucent little octopus is happily playing with other ornamental fish.

"This can only be considered half at best," Superstar obviously didn't buy it: "Lord Thanos has already laid out the plan. If you hadn't made an extra step, it should be a complete gem now, not an octopus."

"Without my intervention, it has now been completely taken away by the 'Queen of Blades'." Ebony Throat shrugged.


"Okay, I know very well what he did," Thanos raised his hand to stop the superstar from continuing to attack: "Where is the 'specific whereabouts' of the other gems?"

"On the Ute side, when escaping from the Crimson Galaxy, due to the random operations of his subordinate Haixing, Europa 7 was blown up, causing Huanglong... I said it was the 'King in Yellow' who went on a rampage and killed all the Haixings and almost all the Utes. Everything was completely wiped out. Even the repeated backtracking of the Time Stone failed to save the unlucky civilization. In the end, Kamal Taj took action, took away the Time Stone, and conducted a comprehensive backtracking of related matters. The matter came to an end temporarily, but there are still Two foreign gods went to stay by his side to prevent him from going crazy again," Ebony Maw spread his hands and said, "So, the time stone should be with Ancient One, but due to excessive use, it seems that it only has a little precognitive function."


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The superstar looked at Thanos in disbelief, but saw that he just nodded slowly and said: "Continue."

"Although Ancient Yi is in his hometown in Cyberlux, he has not been able to obtain the 'Soul Gem' on a first-come-first-served basis. That gem is a key item for the reapers to ensure harvest results, and it will never rise from the depths of the virtual dimension. , and there are no signs of the Soul Gem being used elsewhere. For the time being, it can be considered that it has not been obtained by anyone. If you want to obtain it, I am afraid you have to enter the virtual dimension created by Grox." Ebony Maw gestured in front of him Large expanses of green characters.

Thanos continued to nod without comment.

"As for the space gem, it is naturally in the mass effect repeater network created by the 'First Alliance'. It is everywhere and ubiquitous. Not surprisingly, it should be in some kind of quantum superposition state. If it is obtained by someone, the entire galaxy will be destroyed. The stargate system will collapse instantly, so it can be considered that it is still in a free quantum state. If you want to obtain it, you must be prepared to cut off the entire jump network and search piece by piece. My personal suggestion is that after effectively controlling the main universe If you continue to think about this thing, otherwise there may be a fish that slips through the net and is hiding in a corner waiting for an opportunity to make a comeback." Ebony Throat continued.

After these words were spoken, Ebony Throat fell silent, looked at Thanos, blinked and said nothing.

"Where is the Mind Stone?" Superstar couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know." Ebony Throat spread his hands.

"I don't know?!" The superstar's eyes widened with golden light.

"I originally thought it was obtained by Ariel Hanson, but I found that the reason why she maintained her own consciousness had nothing to do with the Mind Stone. Then I went to the Green of All Things to look for it, and still couldn't find it," Ebony Throat shrugged. : "If there is no active Ba'au, only the dormant Ba'a will be left, but there is no difference between the dormant Ba'a and ordinary plants, and plants are found on all T1 planets, Mobius Although the Foundation has many nuclear bombs, there is absolutely no reason to blow up all the planets with plants around Bao’s home planet.”

"..." The superstar stared at him with "you can definitely do it" eyes.

"Okay, you can go down. I allow you to leave the Dark Order fleet, but if anything comes to you, you must come as soon as possible." Thanos waved his hand.

"My subordinates, please leave~" Ebony Throat made another exaggerated salute before turning and leaving.

"Let's go, let's go to Bao's home planet." Thanos raised his hand and issued the order.

"Um... Lord Thanos," the superstar said hesitantly, "Can I ask a question?"

"Ask, I think it's been in your heart for a long time." Thanos nodded.

"We have clearly investigated that the average strength of the creatures in 'Nairn' is much lower than that of 'Annihilation'. Why are you so careful, sir?" Superstar asked: "Even if you don't have to look for those gems left by 'OOA', He should be able to occupy this universe as well.”

"That's because the 'Almighty Universe' has specialties that the 'Dark Multiverse' doesn't have:" Thanos tilted his head and looked at the endless stars outside the window: "'Superheroes'."

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