The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and forty-two, infinite war (12)


Lush monster star.

This is a strange planet with a ratio of land and sea of ​​50%. I don’t know if it should be considered an archipelago or a large inland lake.

Both land and water bodies are covered with dense vines.

There are also many tall and sturdy woody plants growing in certain locations with higher terrain or denser land masses.

On this day, the sunlight that the plants on the planet are accustomed to does not shine according to the rules. They adjust their internal circulation according to the "cloudy day" according to the habit of their DNA.

However, if they have consciousness and can raise their heads, they will be able to clearly see that it is actually the group of black battleships that cover the sky like dark clouds and block the sunlight.

Although the plants did not notice the abnormality, the various small animals running and jumping among the vines and trees noticed something was wrong. When the shadows cast by the black battleship cluster approached, they fled frantically, but in the end they found that the entire sky was completely obscured, and they could only hide. Shivering in the gaps between the vines.

Click, click.

As a beam of light shone towards the ground, a tall humanoid creature with dark purple skin stepped onto the ground.

With a trembling feeling deep in their souls, the little animals didn't care whether there was sunlight outside or not. With the purple man as the center, they fled crazily in all directions.

"Well..." Thanos ignored the small animals that escaped and carefully observed the layers of vines under his feet and the woods in the distance: "So that's it."

"What? Have you found the gem? Master Thanos?" Proxima Centauri, carrying a spear, jumped out of the beam and set up a pergola to look around: "It doesn't look like there is an explosive particle mine here. Looks like that, right?"

"The Mind Stone, yes, it is here, but these BAOs must be 'willing' to get it." Thanos looked around at the green eyes: "If you can't penetrate into their 'hearts', you can't get the 'stone' '."

"I don't understand," Proxima Midnight turned the spear in his hand: "Does it mean that you can get it, sir, but that guy Ebony Maw doesn't even know how to get it?"

"I can," Thanos turned to look at Proxima Centauri: "But I need your help."

"Just tell me what you want to do~" Proxima Centauri snapped to attention: "Haha, that old woman Superstar insisted on investigating some 'superhero', but she was not there when she needed to help. She deserves it~"

"I need you -" Thanos raised his gloves, and the red gems began to emit bursts of light: "Protect the melon field."


Before Proxima Centauri understood the meaning of this sentence, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.


A golden full moon hangs in the deep blue sky, and below is the sandy land by the seaside, with endless green watermelons planted there.

In the melon field, there stood a little human girl about eleven or twelve years old, wearing a white top, a silver collar around her neck, and blue trousers. She was holding a steel fork in her hand. She looked at the fork in her hand. , pulled the collar around his neck again, and looked at Thanos in front of him in confusion: "Sir? Is this some kind of weird role-playing?"

"Just treat it like that." The gem in Thanos' hand lit up red again. This time, it was himself that changed.

Under the faint red light, he first transformed into a green version of his original appearance, and then shrunk again.

He turned into an adult male human wearing golden armor. Then the material of the golden armor softened and turned into a simple school uniform. Finally, he shrank again, including his clothes, into a man about thirteen or fourteen years old, wearing a A straw hat, a human boy wearing a red mandarin jacket and white pants.

"..." Proxima Centauri, who transformed into a little human girl, opened her mouth and didn't know what to say.

After Thanos completely transformed himself, he waved his hand behind him, and a slightly dilapidated melon shed appeared behind him, and then he sat down on the stone bench under the shed very naturally.

"Superstars will regret it to death..." read the little girl holding the fork.

"Don't be stunned." The boy took off his straw hat and gestured forward: "It's coming."

"What?" The little girl turned around and saw a ferocious little animal that looked like a weasel and a squirrel running in from outside the melon field. It completely ignored the two people present and started to chew on a watermelon.

"Death! Thief!" The little girl pointed at the small animal with a fork and shouted: "God-killing gun!"

There was no movement from the fork. The little animal had already bitten the watermelon, looked at her provocatively, and began to nibble on the pulp.

"I've never heard of anyone using the God-killing Spear to shoot a '猹'," the young man said, "Just stab it."

"Die! Thief!" The little girl stepped forward and stabbed the animal hard with the steel fork in her hand - and then the animal moved away to avoid it.

Not only did he hide, he also took two big bites before slithering away.

"Lord Thanos..." She pursed her lips and looked at the boy under the melon shed.

"Well..." The boy seemed to be evaluating something: "Continue."

For nearly half an hour, the melon field was filled with the sounds and sounds of little girls chasing small animals with steel forks.

In the end, almost all the melons in sight were bitten by the little animal and a lot of them were eaten. It seemed that it was tired of playing games with the little girl, or maybe it was just full. When the little girl took advantage of it again, , instead of retreating, he advanced forward, passed between her legs, and left the melon field in a flash.

"Sir..." The little girl looked like she was about to cry.

"Well... that's enough." The young man in the melon shed stood up and with a wave of his hand, the surrounding scenery and their appearance instantly returned to their original state.

However, the only thing that did not change back to its original appearance was an intact watermelon at the feet of Proxima Centauri. After the illusion was restored, it inexplicably transformed into a vine that did not look like a watermelon vine at first sight. .

"If I guessed correctly..." Thanos walked over, picked off the watermelon, and broke it in half with his bare hands: "It is indeed here."

Between the red watermelon flesh and black watermelon seeds, a golden and transparent gemstone is suddenly embedded.

Thanos took it out of the melon pulp, rubbed it on a nearby vine, and then embedded it in his glove.

"Lord Thanos?" Proxima Centauri held the two halves of the watermelon and made a confused voice.

"The Bao who are active outside are mainly the 'fusion faction' of Solian's family. These 'original factions' have become stagnant since I don't know when, but because of the existence of the Mind Stone, they have never been able to truly turn into plants. , we must find a 'successor', and what we just did perfectly meets their 'idyllic' requirements." Thanos said.

"No...I'm asking..." Proxima Centauri stared at the watermelon in his hand: "Can this be eaten?"


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