The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and forty-three, infinite war (13)


Near a Mass Effect repeater.

It is shaped like a key, but is countless times larger than a conventional space battleship, and the majestic blue thunder and lightning surrounding the "key handle" is enough to make ships that jump through it subconsciously feel awe.

But now, if the repeater is conscious, it's likely that it in turn generated awe itself.

Because it was surrounded by an extremely large black fleet, circling like a school of sardines.

On the bridge of Sanctuary One, Thanos was observing the weak, pitiful and helpless Mass Effect Repeater through the porthole.

"Hmm...are you planning to get the [Space Stone]?" Proxima Centauri was holding a watermelon and gnawing on it: "But didn't Ebony Maw say that it should be the last to get it?"

Not far behind her, there were several sailors who looked like swordsmen standing guard near the pile of watermelons. Once Proxima Centauri was about to gnaw all the watermelons in his hand, he would cut a new one open and serve it up.

Not long ago, Proxima Centauri became very interested in the trophies obtained due to her special mission of "Guarding the Melon Fields". After returning, she ordered the flagship kitchen to imitate them and kept the melons in hand all day long. At present, it seems that she is far away from the trophies. It will take some time before I lose interest in eating melons.

"Who said, 'You can't believe even a single punctuation mark in Naiya's words?'" General Deathblade, who was leaning against the porthole with his arms folded, said coolly.

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"Huh? Should I be the first to get it?" Dark Night Proxima continued to eat.

"Sir, the analysis results of the target are out." At this moment, the super giant came in with a long streamer behind him: "This star gate has not been used in nearly a year. Even if it shuts down directly, It will not attract the attention of any organization or individual in Crimson Galaxy or Canghui Galaxy."

"Then, let's do it." Thanos raised his hand to signal.


The dark warships surrounding the repeater began to shoot red beams at the repeater. As expected, they were intercepted by an unusually large mass effect shield and could not really get close to the repeater itself.

However, it seems that the target of these beams is not the repeater itself, but the shield it uses to protect itself.

After the red beam came into contact with the blue shield, there was only a slight pause. It did not disappear or rebound, but "sticked" to it. After a few seconds, the red began to retreat toward the battleship along those beams, while the blue Chased in the opposite direction.

This wonderful sight visible to the naked eye is not so much the shield's counterattack against the beams, but rather the fact that those beams are extracting energy from the shield.

After all the light beams turned from red to blue, the shield on the surface of the repeater was already smaller than when it was just opened, which further proved this.

If this is a battleship or colony whose mass effect shield is "sucked", the crew or defenders will definitely come up with various ways to solve it, whether useful or not, but this time the victim is just a repeater , in the impression of almost all civilizations, using energy-absorbing weapons against mass effect repeaters is tantamount to trying to use solar panels to drain the energy of stars.

So, unless these repeaters are truly self-aware, no one is going to stop them.

"As for your question just now," since this "absorption" will take some time to show its effect,

Thanos turned to Proxima Centauri and said: "The [Space Stone] allows the user to travel to any corner of the universe at will. If you really control the entire universe, there is no point in obtaining it. Moreover, in the process It would take too much extra time.”

"I knew Ebony Maw couldn't believe what he said." Dark Night Proxima nodded repeatedly.

"No, you forgot the other premise of this statement," Thanos shook his head: "'Acquiring space gems will cause the repeater network to collapse'. Under normal circumstances, this behavior will naturally cause big problems. , However, if the repeater network itself is about to collapse and we take away the space gems in advance, to the outside world, the collapse will only be slightly faster."

"So that's it." General Deathblade turned his head and looked at the "absorption" outside the porthole, with an "I understand" attitude: "As long as we cause the repeater network to collapse first, then the collapse caused by taking away the space gem will It doesn’t matter.”

"Aren't you going around?" Dark Night Proxima Centauri said in a vague voice with his mouth full of melons.

"I just said it first to prevent anyone from thinking this way," General Dead Blade shrugged and spread his hands: "It seems you don't think so."

The two looked at each other and looked at the superstar together.

"If Master Thanos had not prohibited me from using my abilities on my own people, you two guys would have been in dire straits." The golden light in the superstar's eyes jumped a few times: "What your master means is that something will happen in the future that will lead to the repeater network." A big event of collapse, then we can take the opportunity to obtain the space gems, and before that, we can intervene and promote this thing to happen."

"It seems that you have found a lot of information about 'superheroes'." Thanos glanced at her.

"Yes, sir," the superstar lowered his head slightly, with a slightly complacent tone: "It's hard to imagine that in addition to those 'outer gods' who are incarnated in human form, there are so many strong men who can theoretically appear only once in a universe. Perhaps it is their existence that makes those ancient gods who symbolize chaos and madness dare not act recklessly, and this also means that if we really carry out the act of 'destroying the repeater network', those 'superheroes' will definitely be there. It was in front of us before we succeeded.”

"Come on, come on," Dark Night Proxima ate melon with one hand and pulled out the God-killing Spear with the other and flicked it: "Even if he is a god, I will stab him to death for you to see."

"I don't know who can't even be stabbed to death." General Deathblade said coolly.

"Who are you from!" Dark Night Proxima threw a melon directly at him.

"Have you forgotten? The five black generals (r) do not belong to each other." General Deathblade flicked out a red light blade from his wrist, and with a wave of his arm, the watermelon was neatly cut into five pieces and fell lightly. On the side table.


"Okay," Thanos raised his hand to stop: "While I am away, you will stay in this galaxy and slightly develop Bao's home planet in a 'pastoral' way."

"Where are you going? I can accompany you!" The superstar answered immediately.

"I'll go too, I'll go too!" Dark Night Proxima dropped the new melon.

"You can always trust my psychic light blade," the Deathblade General said.

"[Roar——!]" The unknown Black Dwarf roared through the communication channel.

"The time is not certain, but none of you can accompany us," Thanos raised his finger and pointed at the repeater: "I want to go 'there'."

Outside the porthole, the shield protecting the repeater has been absorbed by countless battleships in turn. Where it was originally a "key ring," a water-blue door faintly appeared.

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