The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and fifty-two, mass effect (2)

"Collect Doomsday ()"


Citadel Dockyard, "Normandy" frigate.

When Thanos pressed his hand on the bridge command platform, a mechanical sound sounded, and a three-dimensional image appeared at the same time.

[Welcome to the Star Alliance military personnel database. 】

[Establishing a secure connection...]

Suspended in the air are three nine-square grids, each grid has a light yellow folder icon.

After they emerged, patches of green like water began to rise from the bottom, eventually filling all the nine-square grid. Then, they "turned sideways" and overlapped each other.

[Secure connection has been established. 】

The green three-dimensional nine-square grid gradually disappeared, and at the same time, the command podium projected a faint orange light towards Thanos, scanning his appearance.

[Since you are affiliated with N7, the public information is incomplete. You can choose a preset identity or log in again with your ID. 】

The next moment, two rectangular boxes that looked like options appeared on the podium.

【John Shepard】

[Enter a new ID]

"Heh," Thanos looked at the second option and smiled: "I really want to enter 'a new ID', but let's forget it. Funny is not the character of this Shepard."

Thanos said, clicking "John Shepard."

As he moved, the name box disappeared and a new entry appeared again.

[Name: John Shepard]

[Identity: Earth’s indigenous people]

[Experience: Sole Survivor]

[Occupation: Warrior]

[Please confirm whether your identity information is correct. Once confirmed, only the Starlink Program Center (SCP) has the right to modify your identity information in the future. 】

【View entries】


"I really haven't paid attention to this," Thanos raised his hand and pressed "View Entries": "Let me see what background Tetu's brother made up for me?"

[Indigenous people of Earth: John was born on an Earth that was almost completely covered by cities. He was abandoned by his parents due to family poverty. He lived on the streets and in orphanages, and developed a skill in street fighting. When he was eighteen years old, he got into trouble with the locals. He joined the army to escape gangsters. 】

"Did that kid do it on purpose?"

[Sole Survivor: Because he is very good at fighting, John is very comfortable in the army. After winning the fighting championship for three consecutive years, he was recommended by his superiors to go to N7 for training. When he graduated from N6, he participated in the "Halo War". His teammates were in the Turian Army. Almost the entire army was wiped out in the raid. John survived by chance, and deeply understood the limits of fighting alone, and began to learn team cooperation and army command. 】

"It will be troublesome for Galax to see this."

[Warrior: John has almost no special abilities, but he is very good at using, transforming and repairing light and heavy weapons. He also has considerable fighting ability and certain team leadership ability. He is identified as a warrior in the Turian professional classification. 】

"The incompetent people are described in such a refreshing and refined way."

Thanos poked at the other options and found that the range of options was not large.

You can choose between [Astronaut] and [Colonist] for identity. The former’s parents were Star Alliance soldiers and died in the war. Their children are determined to inherit their parents’ legacy, while the latter was born in a Star Alliance colony. Their parents were pirates in the Batarians. He died protecting his children during the attack, and the children who survived joined the army out of hatred for the aliens.

"...This kid has a grudge against other people's parents, right?"

As for experience, there are [War Hero] and [Ruthless] to choose from. The so-called war hero refers to someone who participated in the rescue operation of the Skilian colony and successfully saved a large number of civilians. The experience of Ruthless is similar, except that Participating in the Batarian counterattack, he was very active in exterminating pirates and refused to accept the surrender of the Batarian pirates, claiming that his "eyes were covered with blood and he could not see the white flag."

"Good guy, birth and experience actually match each other," Thanos thought for a moment and gave up on modifying his experience.

"In any case, although they were abandoned by their parents when they were young, they should still be alive in theory, which is better than the two parents who died."

[Confirmed correct. 】

[Welcome aboard, Captain Shepard, all facility permissions have been unlocked. 】

As the selection panel disappeared, the bridge, which originally had only a faint glow of emergency lights, suddenly became brighter.

This is a standard frigate bridge. In the center is a cone-shaped projection table with a star map. Behind the table is the captain's seat. Outside the corridor on both sides of the table are staff operating seats slightly recessed into the floor. Further forward are two rows of emergency seats. The escape cabin, and further forward are the cab and entrance and exit, as well as the disinfection pressurization chamber.

Since it has not entered the universe at this time, the Normandy's blade-like hull structure is projected on the projection table. This projection is real-time and can make it easier for the captain to know which parts of the ship have been damaged. After entering the universe, this projection There will be a holographic star map below, and the captain will choose the destination and send it to the navigator.

From the perspective of the hull structure, it has only three decks, which is smaller than the "Dunkirk" with five decks. Its functions are also relatively concentrated. In addition to the bridge, crew living deck and weapons and equipment deck, There is no independent captain's deck above, and there is no mechanical deck below to accommodate shuttles or infantry vehicles. In other words, every sortie is launched directly from the Normandy, which means that she has to be quite close to the battlefield.

Due to its invisible function, this kind of risk is not unacceptable.

"[Okay, come in and see our girl~]" Thanos adjusted the captain's panel a few times, opened the cabin entrance, and said through the radio.

"Hey, Shepard, is it your human rule that the captain must verify it first before other crew members can board the ship?" Gallas was the first to step into the Normandy, looking around with a critical eye: "It is said that the stealth system is imitation We are Turians, but there are many similarities internally."

"That's because your body shape is almost the same as that of humans," Thanos responded: "If it's Grant..."

"What happened to Grant?" "Bang!" "Oh! Grant's head!"

There was a clanking sound coming from the entrance to the cabin, like someone hitting his head and knocking something over.

"It will be like this." Thanos spread his hands.

"Okay, as long as I can stand straight in the disinfection tunnel, I'm satisfied." Gallas looked around and asked, "When are you leaving?"

"We may have to wait for a while, the embassy does not have all the manpower arranged yet," Thanos looked at the crew configuration: "Even if we don't need ordinary soldiers, we at least need 'navigators', 'engineers', and 'drivers' , 'ship doctor', and 'cook' to drive the ship away - oh, those last two are not very necessary, we can use medical glue or keep eating cans."

"Has anyone ever said that your jokes are cold?" Gallas spread his hands and said, "I'm going to find a room first."

"Grant doesn't like canned food!" A huge krogan walked in with a broken lamp on his head.

"'s nice that engineers have a job on their first day on board."

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