The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and fifty-three, mass effect (3)

"Collect Doomsday ()"


Serpent Nebula, Normandie.

"Captain." "Captain."

As Thanos walked along the bridge corridor to the bridge, the crew members along the way raised their hands and saluted him.

"Take a break." "Continue on duty." "Be careful."

Thanos nodded in response and helped a crew member who hurried past and almost bumped into him.

"How's it going, Kayden?"

"It's no problem, sir. The Citadel Security Department has restored the access permission and given us the authority to jump in line." The driver, Caiden Aranko, was tapping and dragging on the orange panel: "This is simply outrageous. Let's destroy it." A group of pirates, but it is our fault, banning our ships from traveling to non-human controlled systems."

"You should think so. As a newcomer to the Galactic Alliance, we easily eliminated the old man who joined a long time ago. Naturally, we have to re-evaluate this newcomer," Thanos said: "After the evaluation, humans are in the Citadel. The status of Parliament should be significantly improved."

"I suspect a lot of that is your fault, sir," Cayden responded.

"I won't answer such bragging questions. Get close to the repeater immediately and concentrate on driving." Thanos patted Kaiden on the shoulder and stood at attention with his hands clasped next to him.

"Copy that," Kaiden responded while sliding quickly on the orange panel, and kept reporting: "We are approaching the Serpent Nebula main relay, preparing to start the jump process...the Mass Effect core is being connected to the relay. Device synchronization...transmitting destination to repeater..."

Thanos looked at the huge key-shaped celestial body outside the porthole and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"About to enter the jump channel, 3, 2, 1...

call out--

As a blue light suddenly appeared, the scene outside the cockpit turned into some kind of giant tunnel composed of dots of light and gray fog.

"Everything goes well, sir. It will take us 17 minutes to reach the Eden Galaxy." Kaiden tilted his head slightly and looked at Thanos: "You can find a place to rest for a while."

"Well...a single frigate is indeed faster than a transport ship or a battleship group." Thanos nodded.

"And as a stealth ship, we are not like other ships that inevitably reveal themselves when leaving the channel." Kaiden adjusted the panel twice more: "Isn't it a bit overkill to fight against pirates?"

"How do you's just to fight pirates?" Thanos said meaningfully.

"Then... uh, sorry, shouldn't I ask?" Kaiden froze.

"No, you can ask, as long as I don't say anything." Thanos patted his shoulder again, turned around and left the cab.

"I knew it...hey." Kaiden muttered, excitement showing on his face.


"Shepard, come here, we need to talk."

As soon as he arrived at the bridge, Thanos was stopped by Gallas with a serious face - although the turian could not show any other expression except seriousness.

"It just so happens that I also want to talk to you." Thanos nodded and followed Gallas to the communications room on the same floor of the bridge while greeting the other crew members.

Since we were in the Mass Effect channel, the communications room was completely unreachable, so it was a good place to talk about something.

"Hi, Grant, are you there too?" After entering the communications room, Thanos greeted the krogan waiting inside.

"It was Grant who first asked to talk to Shepard," Grant glared at Gallas who followed closely and closed the door.

"Anyway, we have the same things to talk about," Gallas waved his hand nonchalantly, "If you insist, you can talk first."

"No, forget it, you go first, Grant can wait." Grant shrank his huge head.

"You know I don't like beating around the bush, Shepard," Galax didn't refuse. After walking to him, he turned to look at Thanos: "I'll just tell you the truth, my cousin, the Turian Senator. gentlemen,

You gave me a mission before you came aboard. "

"Test whether I am qualified to become a 'ghost'?" Thanos asked.

"Uh... no, why do you think so?" What Gallas was about to say was immediately interrupted. He lifted his cheek armor twice and asked instead.

"Isn't it?" Thanos raised his eyebrows: "As far as I know, almost all 'ghosts' in the Galactic Alliance are from Turians, and if you want to become a ghost, you must be recommended by a senior ghost. I thought you were going to tell me , you are actually a ghost or something."

"Ha! Impossible!" Grant interjected: "If Galas is a ghost, we don't have to fight such a battle at all."

"Well... indeed, if Galas is a ghost, those prisoners should have been captured and imprisoned by a large number of military police by the time we followed the clues." Thanos answered.

"You seem to have some misunderstanding about ghosts," Gallas raised his eyebrows: "My mission is to examine whether you are qualified to join the Citadel United Fleet. Although it is headquartered in the Serpent Nebula, there are three ships a year. The United Fleet has not returned to the headquarters for a hundred and sixty days and is looking for trouble all over the galaxy."

"Okay, I know your father served in that fleet," Thanos patted his shoulder: "But I think humans have already joined the fleet?"

"Not an ordinary 'captain' who accepts deployment, but a 'commander' of a squadron." Gallas shook his head: "My father is going to give me the command of a squadron, but I don't like that, compared to deploying troops. General, I am more willing to charge into battle, so I would like to ask you to be the commander of that fleet."

"Isn't it a bit sloppy?" Thanos raised his eyebrows: "We have only fought side by side once in total, although the movement was a bit loud."

"Personally, a life-and-death battle is enough to see a person clearly, but not those old guys." Gallas poked his breastplate: "I will videotape any subsequent battles and record them afterwards. I will write the evaluation report and give it to my cousin, so I have to trouble you in advance to make it more 'beautiful'."

"Hmm..." Thanos was noncommittal and turned to look at Grant: "Is this your plan too?"

"Hey! Why are you doing things for those guys in the Citadel?" Grant stared: "Grant's father heard about your deeds and wanted Grant to ask you to help kill several other nasty tribes. , of course, the position is 'Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces'!"

"Is it necessary to conduct a battle like the Krogan Civil War, where nuclear bombs were thrown as firecrackers?" Gallas said.

"Hey, even if you were Gallas, Grant would be angry if you said this." Grant glared at him.

"It doesn't sound contradictory. After the things here are over, I can fight one more war to show the Turian congressmen." Thanos said.

"It seems..." "That's not impossible?" Gallas and Grant were lost in thought, but the latter's mind was obviously blank.

"[Hey, Captain, I think you should take a look at this, we seem to be late.]" Kaiden's voice came from the communicator.

The fact that the communication room is able to communicate means that Normandy has escaped from the jump channel, so Kayden must have discovered something.

"Come over to the communications room," Thanos responded.

Squeak, as the surrounding scene distorted, the mechanical structure of the communication room instantly changed into a scene on the surface. Some Star Alliance warriors were hiding behind bunkers fighting some enemy. In this scene, there was a person in the sky. An unusually huge, dark, octopus-like, squid-like strange battleship waving its huge claws descended from the sky.

"Things are starting to get troublesome," Thanos said, looking at the blurry image.

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