The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and sixty-one, mass effect (11)

"Collect Doomsday ()"


Novilia planet, Hanshan Port.

"[First Mate Connor Shepard leaves the ship, and Dunkirk-related authority is transferred to Captain David Anderson.]"

When Kang Na walked out of the connecting channel of the ship, Edith, as "Ship VI", broadcast the report in a decent manner.

"I always forget that you are not actually the captain." Saren, who walked out of the battleship with her, tilted his head and said casually: "The captain is called 'Master Chief' and the first mate is called 'Commander'. You guys are probably from the Milky Way Galaxy." The first one."

"There are a lot of political factors involved. It would take a long time to explain it to you clearly," Kangna shrugged. "Having said that, it is more surprising that a ghost is the boss of a large biological company."

"I have said that I have many identities. When using those identities, I naturally need corresponding evidence. For example, a black market businessman must have a large amount of goods from informal channels, and a scientific research expert must have a diploma and thesis from a relevant professional institution to pretend to be a company senior official. When in charge, of course the company must actually exist. As for them getting bigger and bigger, it is actually not my credit, because I basically don't do anything except using my name." Saren shook his head.

There is no doubt that the Turian mother planet is behind it, for its own ghost.

Kang Na thought about it and decided that it would be better not to expose it.

"But why is it a biological company with such a strange name as 'Double Helix'?" Kangna tugged on her uniform, which had a logo that looked like a DNA spiral: "And you have a turian and a human assistant. Isn’t it a bit weird?”

"As we all know, Turian DNA is left-handed. We cannot digest and absorb the food of other conventional right-handed civilizations even if we eat it. Therefore, in the Turian economic field, the scale of food-related industries is second only to weapons and equipment. Among them, research on modifying right-handed organisms into a left-handed state that can be eaten by turians is quite common, so it is named 'Double Helix'." Salen paused, "As for whether the assistant is surprised by this, at least No one will ask questions in Novilia."

"Hmm..." Kangna glanced at the blizzard outside the port shield, adjusted the "universal tool" twice, and began to check the information about this place.

[Confirmation information: Novilia. 】

[The planet Novilia is recognized by the Citadel as a ‘neutral academic research planet’. Its year-round snowstorms and severe cold weather provide a natural testing ground for biological, chemical and other scientific research projects that require a low-temperature environment. 】

[There are nearly half a million well-equipped and isolated rental laboratories on the planet. The local governor claims that he will do his best to protect the safety and privacy of all researchers. 】

[The capital, ‘Hanshan Port’, is also the only customs port on the planet. Any ship entering or leaving without passing through Hanshan Port will be shot down by anti-aircraft guns. 】

The so-called "anti-aircraft guns" were actually not taken seriously by the overlords, and were not even worthy of being scratched. The reason why they had to board the Dunkirk that was put into the hangar to land at Hanshan Port was because of the "half a million laboratory."

When going to Double Helix Company, if anyone from any laboratory sees the Reaper battleship, there will be no end in sight. This is not Eden Prime, and there is no way to say that these researchers from all civilizations in the universe have appeared together. hallucination.

As for why you should go to this company? Naturally, it was because their team picked up Reknai eggs.

It is not appropriate to say that it was "picked up". It should be said that it was dug out on its own initiative.

Previously, after Benacia had arranged the recovery of "Solian", in order to show off his connections and abilities, he non-stop took everyone to laboratories where "Raknai Swarm" cells might be hidden.

As a result, not only were they not found, but they were all blocked by the managers of those laboratories.

The reason is also very simple. According to the current Citadel Convention, cultivating Raikni is strictly illegal. This silly lady not only said carelessly, "Do you have a Raikni organization here? Show me."

"The existence of Saren and Kangna was also revealed.

As a result, those laboratories contacted each other and concluded that "Benacia had colluded with the Citadel Ghost to arrest all illegal researchers" and cut off contact with her uniformly.

In Ruiwen's words, she was carried away by love.

After that, I went to the original battlefield of Krogan and Reknai to search, but couldn't find any remnants.

Obviously, a thousand years have passed, and even if there were any remnants at that time, they would have weathered and disappeared long ago.

In the end, based on experience, Jarvik guided Raven to find a nearly thousand-year-old dormant insect egg on an icy planet near Reknai's birthplace.

But at this time, due to Benacia's magical operation, all the laboratories that might be willing to cultivate this kind of biological weapon turned her away, and she had to turn to the biological company affiliated with Saren.

It is not that there are no other biological research departments in Saren, but Novilia is the only one that meets the conditions of "loyalty" and "confidentiality".

Of course, this insect egg has been debugged by Raven, and the hatched and copied finished product is more like a well-trained hunting dog. Under normal circumstances, there will never be a problem of losing control and attacking people-the Reaper battleship is really a treasure.

"Hello, Mr. Atreus, do you want to inspect the research institute of Double Helix Company? You seem to have arrived earlier than usual... I'm sorry, I will apply for a pass for you right now." While thinking, Kang Na had followed Saren to the governor's office, and they were greeted by the governor's assistant, a Salarian who spoke quickly.

"Yes, Anoris, there are some urgent matters this time," Saren obviously had dealt with him a lot, and responded with familiarity: "Is Mr. Governor very busy? Then I won't disturb you."

"Oh, yes, the Governor is very busy. Recently, there have been reports of Geth attacks on many planets. Many tenants believe that Novilia should strengthen its security, but that will cost a lot of extra stars. The Governor is contacting those who have encountered The planet being attacked asked for details and was prepared to decide on the degree of security enhancement based on the intensity of the Geth attack." Anoris kept talking and moving his hands, and after finishing speaking, he handed over a pass: "You can take the No. 889 cable car. I wish you a pleasant journey to the 'Rip Research Institute' of 'Summit 15'."

"This assistant is really good," Kangna commented after leaving the Governor's office: "I guess it saved a lot of trouble for Mr. Governor, who I haven't met yet."

"Do you think so?" Saren turned the pass in his hand: "As far as I know, this guy has embezzled about 90 million star coins by taking advantage of his position, and then falsified the accounts to make the governor think that Novilia's The form is really bad.”

"...Just now I was thinking that the governor would suffer sooner or later if he was so stingy in defense. Is this the result?" Kangna shrugged: "When are you going to arrest him?"

"No, I plan to work with some tenants to recommend him as governor after he retires," Sarun bared his teeth: "Not only will he not be able to be greedy, he will also have to spit it out."

"As expected of a ghost."

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