The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and sixty-two, mass effect (12)

"Collect Doomsday ()"


Novella galaxy, cosmic space.

"Overlord" Reaper battleship.

"[...Compared with 'Thorian''s ability to control other creatures materially, 'Raknai' can affect other creatures spiritually. The effect is not as good as 'enlightenment', but creatures that have been affected will not be 'educated' again. 'Influence, but I have seen your history of annihilating Raiknai. The reformers are still doing the same thing. They use their advantages of fast reproduction and high physical strength as weapons. This is completely putting the cart before the horse.]"

When Connor and Saren finished arranging the cultivation of Reknai and returned to the Reaper battleship on the Dunkirk, they happened to catch up with Jarvik's use of Kopreknai, but obviously there was nothing except Benacia. People want to listen - silly fortresses don't count.

"[The correct approach is to let Reknai's offspring serve as cannon fodder to fight with the corpse puppets, while the mother worms follow regular troops with normal minds to make them immune to indoctrination. Then -]" Jarvik raised his eyes and saw Kangna and Saren walked into the conference room: "[You are here just in time. This creature called 'Krogan' should still be alive, right? Where is their settlement?]"

"Uh... Various places with fighting opportunities?" Kangna replied.

"[Are they still used as combat pets? Then we should be able to acquire some...]" Jarvik nodded.

"No, wait? They are still a registered civilization in the Citadel. What Shepard means is that they are working as mercenaries. If any Krogan hears your words, they will demand a duel on the spot." Nasia hurriedly explained.

"[Civilized race?]" Jarvik blinked his eyes, showing a rare puzzled expression: "[As the three major governing civilizations, the Salarians... used a fertility reduction method on a civilized race instead of a beast... A genetic virus with a rate of 1,000 times...after they eliminated Raiknai for you?]"

"Well... they reproduce too fast and are aggressive. Because they are dissatisfied with being restricted to the designated galaxy, they actively launch wars against the surrounding galaxies..." Benacia blinked and tried to put in good words for the Salarians, but I found that I couldn't find anything good to say.

"[Such perfect warriors fighting against the Reapers, but you want to limit their number. This reminds me of the outrageous 'Farrickson Act' that limits the number of battleships of each civilization," Jarvik continued Shaking his head: "[Do you know why I said you'll lie down and die'? Because you've already laid down."

"After all, the current civilization doesn't know that there are enemies like reapers." Kangna smoothed things over.

"[Anyway, let's go find a Krogan first,]" Jarvik seemed unwilling to continue this topic, and instead said, "[I'll see if there's any way to remove their genetic virus.]"

"That's specially made by the Salarians, and it's said to have absolutely no antidote..." Benacia's eyes widened.

"[In our time, they would just lie on the branches and stick out their tongues to catch mosquitoes.]" Javik snorted coldly.


A few hours later.

"[Bastard! When Wrex gets out, I'll kill you all!]"

In the Reaper hangar, a strong krogan wearing red heavy armor was banging against the cage that contained him. Unfortunately, the "cage" was part of the Reaper itself, and it was impossible to hit it with brute force. open.

"Riven... I remember it was only three hours since Jax said he needed the Krogans, right?" Connor looked at the ceiling: "We are still planning which conflict area to find them, and you have already captured them. arrive?"

"[Have you forgotten that I am a 'super AI'?]" Riven appeared with a smile: "[I heard from the communication channel that this krogan was deceived by a group of slave traders, and he only contributed his efforts without giving any money. I was going to throw him into space, so I intercepted him.]"

The krogan obviously understood, and his movement against the cage was much slower.

"No, how did you intercept Hu? None of us have ever attacked before." Kangna turned to look at the other companions who were also watching.

"[I stretched out my hand and grabbed hold of their spaceship, smashing it into pieces. Then I took the krogan into the cargo warehouse. He was unconscious due to the impact, so he probably thought he was dreaming or being captured. Let’s resell it.]” Ruiwen raised her hand and made a gesture of crushing it and taking it away.

He's really lucky if he's not dead...

"Where are those slave traders?" Kangna frowned. It would be very troublesome if the guy who saw the Reaper battleship was left alive.

"[It's just some Batarians. It seems that a few opened their armored helmets in time, so they didn't pay much attention.]" Raven spread her hands: "[As you said, Batarians don't count as human beings.]"

"[...]" The Krogan was completely silent and began to look around with disbelief.

"Now..." Kangna looked at Saren and then at Benacia, but they all waved their hands to indicate that they did not intend to negotiate.

Originally, Krogan also hated the three major races of the Citadel Council because of the actions of the Salarians. Their opening their mouths would only have the opposite effect.


"[My name is Jarvik,]" Jarvik took a step forward and stared at Krogan among the dragons: "[Tell me your name.]"

"[Lex, Udno Lex (),]" the krogan looked at him: "[Maybe you saved Lex, but Lex is a mercenary and only works for money-and he must first money.】"

It seemed like he had been tricked once and had a long memory.

"[What if I said, I can eliminate the genophage virus from your race?]" Jarvik said.

"[If you can do it, Lex can make the decision and make Udno and the entire in-law tribe obey your orders,]" Lex glared at him: "[Think clearly, no one dares to say this to Krogan lie.】"

Benacia took a step forward and seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by Saren.

"[Have you ever wondered why your eyes are on both sides of your head?]" Jarvik nodded his eyes and pointed at Lex: "[This is a typical 'predator' evolution to facilitate escape. characteristics, and the character of your people obviously does not conform to this characteristic.】"

"[Many boring scientists have studied it, but there are no meaningful conclusions.]" Lex touched his eyes.

"Have you seen the ancestors of the Krogan people 50,000 years ago? Not starfish, monkeys, or phosphorus fish?" Kangna noticed the context of Jarvik and took the initiative to denigrate herself.

"[Yes, the Protheans have footprints all over the galaxy, and they have only seen this kind of 'predator' with eyes on both sides of the head. I just remember their genetic sequence, and the genetic sequence of that creature As unruly as their character is, no external means can permanently change it, not even the Prothean Academy of Science at the time could do it,]" Jarvik looked at Lex: "[I don't even have to What to do, just activate those gene sequences that have fallen into sleep for too long. When those genes wake up, they will eat up the so-called 'gene phages'. Their names are——]"

"[Yes?]" Lex's breathing became much heavier.

"[Tyrannosaurus rex!]"

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