The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty-Three, Mass Effect (13)

"Collect Doomsday ()"


Artemis galaxy, planet Sparta.

"Commander, we have arrived at our destination," Kayden Alanco reported while operating the control panel quickly: "But there is no landing area near the target location, and the nearest landing site is fifty kilometers away."

"Then don't land, just throw the infantry vehicle down." Thanos pressed the porthole with one hand and said while looking out.

"Uh, are you sure? This place is full of lava and magma, and it will be very problematic to close the team later..." Kaiden asked hesitantly.

"You can do it, can't you?" Thanos turned to look at him.

"Yes! Of course! I can!" Kaiden's hand speed suddenly increased. "If you just throw the gray tip shark down, the flat runway only needs fifty, no, thirty meters, and within one kilometer of the excavation site, There’s a suitable spot!”

"The way you inspire your men is impressive, Shepard," Galax commented.

"I just believe that the people assigned to me by the Star Alliance are all elites," Thanos said: "I secretly used the Mind Stone. Do you think I will talk about it everywhere?"

"Huh? Elite?" Grant glanced at Corporal Jenkins.

"Sir! Please take me with you this time!" Jenkins snapped to attention.

"No, you still have to continue to read our combat records these days," Thanos glanced at the top of Jenkins' head: "I believe that you were also an elite in the original army, but you have never encountered an unknown enemy like Geth. , and maybe your talents are not for front-line combat - you are obviously a warrior template, why do you stuff a bunch of skills of engineers and superpowers into it? This kind of messy late-stage skill set will suffer before you grow up. It’s strange that he still doesn’t die after two shots.”

"Well..." Jenkins seemed to be convinced, silently taking two steps back, and then looked at Ashley beside him.

"Don't look at me, rookie," Ashley patted the rifle behind her: "My position in Eden is 'Gunnery Sergeant,' and I'm definitely better at fighting than an academic like you."

"Okay, everyone must believe in the captain's command ability. His staffing must be reasonable." First mate and navigator Preliss smoothed things over.

Thanos did not expand on this topic, turned around and walked to the captain's seat to pick up the microphone.

"Everyone, I believe you are tired of the easy work of finding crashed detectors, cleaning up pirate lairs, capturing rebel superpowers, and cleaning up geth scouts," he said. "What we have to deal with this time is A whole geth army."


"It should have been like this -"

"Do it!"

The other crew members started making noises.

"Unlike the previous mission, this time the geth attacked a mine where Prothean ruins had just been excavated. If the situation is the same as on Eden Prime, we may encounter the 'Reaper' again," Thanos' next One sentence made the crew calm down a lot: "So, this time I will not randomly select people to take you for a 'flight'. Instead, I will select an elite team to go deep into the mine, and the others will stay on the Normandy and remain vigilant. If I make any noise down there, you might have to deal with a swarm of geth coming."

"I guarantee they can't hit me!" Kaiden patted his chest.


A moment later, the surface of the planet Sparta.

The mining methods of most civilizations in the Galactic Alliance are basically the same: find a hilltop, dig a hole diagonally downwards, hit a vein of ore and spread it, and then use this as a basis to continue drilling downwards, and so on. Due to the existence of mass effect technology, , there is no need to worry about landslides. This also indirectly leads to the fact that once a certain rare mineral is discovered on a certain planet, a large number of mines will be built at a density and speed far beyond the scope of human understanding, and they will disperse after the mining is completed.

This behavior has been severely criticized by many scholars, and one of its consequences is... causing the over-exploited planet to turn into a lava planet.

Like the planet Sparta.

Generally speaking, due to the abundance of materials in the Milky Way, the Galactic Alliance will basically allow such a planet to enter a stage of violent geological activity, waiting for it to subside on its own before re-adjusting the environment.

But it was different after the discovery of the Prothean ruins. Rescue excavation had to be carried out before it was destroyed by lava and earthquakes. Perhaps it was this that attracted the geth who for some reason became interested in the Prothean ruins.

boom! boom!

Following a precise sniper attack from Gallas, a silver-white, four-legged giant machine suddenly fell down, knocking away other ordinary geth that had fallen nearby several meters away.

"This is the 'Colossus of Geth'," Tali put away her small pistol and said in a serious tone: "It is not an important defensive location, Geth will not deploy it. Maybe this ruins is really more important. "

"It's also possible that they have made some technological innovations and are preparing to consume these old models." Ashley put her large shotgun on her shoulder and looked at the mine entrance: "Commander, what do you say now? Let Grant, who is too big, and Tully, who has little fighting ability, stand guard outside?"

"Grant is considered a standard among the tribe!" The Krogan people were very dissatisfied.

"Hmm... Although I am relatively confident in the filtration system of my armor, too much dust in the mine will be a serious threat to my immune system." Tali thought to herself.

"Okay then, Grant and Tully will stay on the surface, while Gallas and Ashley and I will go to explore below." Thanos nodded: "If you encounter an attack and feel that you can't stop it, you can call Kaiden for support. .”

"Huh, if your pilot, who was born in the Quarian fleet, just flew at low altitude and abandoned our operation, he would face twenty-four charges related to dangerous driving." Tully looked up and said: "The decks have to be wiped for at least a month."

"So many accusations! Such a light punishment!" Ashley scoffed.

"No, due to living on the ship for a long time, the immune system of the quarians has been greatly degraded, so they need to wear full-coverage armor all the time. Therefore, any behavior that comes into contact with dirty things, such as cleaning the floor, is basically death. The edge jumps sideways repeatedly."

"It seems that after a month of traveling together, she has given up on identifying the two ghosts as 'betrayers'. As long as there are geth to fight with, the quarians are really easy to understand." Galax looked back. Then he said.

"Hmm...? Why do you feel like you have a crush on her?" Thanos raised his eyebrows: "Don't think about it. Not only are the species different, but the genetic helices are also reversed."

"Can't you even think about it? No, I didn't think about it at all!" Gallas said angrily.

"...Do you know what 'there is no three hundred taels of silver here'?"

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