The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and sixty-seven, mass effect (17)

"Collect Doomsday ()"


Philos planet, the airspace near the "Pearl of the Orient" colony.

Boom! Snapped!

As soon as the Normandy entered the atmosphere, it was hit by a mass effect cannon.

Fortunately, this attack was not very powerful, and it was only a side attack. It was not a targeted fire on the Normandy. It just exploded a giant firework outside its mass effect shield.

"[Don't panic!]" Thanos used the ship's internal communication to stop the crew responsible for controlling the ship's defense weapons from overreacting: "[We are still in stealth mode! Kaiden! Stay evasive, and others will confirm the battlefield situation as soon as possible!]"

"[Copy that, Commander.]" Pilot Kaiden Alainco responded, while deftly maneuvering the Normandy to draw an arc to avoid the trajectory of the mass effect cannon: "[Ha, those council members should really be allowed to Look guys, this is what they call 'the geth have never left the Perseus Veil in 300 years.'"

At this time, whether through the portholes or external surveillance, everyone could clearly see the strange-looking warships outside the window.

They are silver-gray in color and have a very unaerodynamic shape with a large head and narrow body. They look like... grasshoppers with their wings and limbs retracted.

"Geth! Kill them!" Tali was the first to react, and then attracted the attention of the crew on the bridge: "Uh, I mean...if it's convenient, please kill them all."

"We have killed a lot of geth in the past two months, and it's not like we haven't wiped out geth warships. Don't get too excited." Gallas reassured.

"Every quarian has been taught three things since they were sensible: kill geth, kill more geth, kill all geth," Liara said: "It can be understood from a rational point of view."

"Hmph, Asari, as the largest civilization in the galaxy, naturally cannot understand the fate of a race that has killed countless of its compatriots, lost even its home planet, can only live on a wandering fleet, and has been revoked from establishing an embassy in the Citadel. Painful." Tully turned to glare at Liara - maybe a glare.

"I deeply sympathize with what happened to the Quarians, but the reason why you were dismissed from the Citadel embassy is because the geth rebellion caused all Quarian intelligent machines to go berserk, causing major casualties to more than 200 Galactic Alliance civilizations. Property damage," Liara said: "If you are willing to compensate for those losses and reapply to join the Galactic Alliance..."

"Our population was reduced to one percent by the geth! We have nothing but the fleeing fleet! You are taking advantage of others' danger! Only a ghost would join that cold-blooded organization again!" Tali said angrily.

"Your anger is unreasonable. The "Citadel Convention" is signed by all participating civilizations. Moreover, considering your actual difficulties, the Citadel Council has proposed to provide Quaili with a special loan without interest and no repayment period. I asked for a loan to compensate for the loss, but you refused." There was an incomprehensible look on Liara's face.

"It's just a loan for compensation! Nothing but debt will fall into the hands of the Quarians! We wanted to apply for more to expand the fleet and rebuild our home, but there is not a dime in this regard!"

"That's because you caused a 'major disaster' like the Geth. Your credit rating in the Galactic Alliance has been significantly downgraded. According to the Citadel Convention, all active loans will be rejected."

"To hell with that damn convention!"

"Well..." Grant took a few steps back and stayed away from the two "girls" who were arguing: "Grant felt that the fighting inside was more intense than outside."


After a while, the two alien girls finally discovered that neither of them were born when that incident happened. They just argued about the ancients for a long time, looked at each other awkwardly, and then shut up in anger.

At this time, navigator Preliss also completed scanning and analyzing the basic conditions of the planet.

"More than 80% of the planet's surface is covered by Prothean ruins, but because they are all agricultural ruins, they have no archaeological value.

It has been abandoned for development by the Citadel, but there are still some speculators settling here, trying to find some valuable Prothean relics that have been missed by the Citadel's archaeologists," Jay Kings read the words given to him by the first mate. Intelligence: "The current public information is that the planet has a total registered population of 3,109 people, more than half of whom belong to a company called...'Exgeno'. "

"'X Gene'?" Liara interjected: "This is an Asari biological company. It was one of the first companies to abandon the Philos research project. Its employees should not be here at all."

"Obviously, those Asari discovered something, hid those things and made a gesture of evacuating, deceiving other colleagues." Although Tali gave up arguing about the original matter, when she heard that it was Asari Company, Still sarcastic subconsciously.

"Then what's going on with these geth?" Gallas directly interrupted in order to prevent them from arguing again.

"Well...according to our rough scan results, the targets of the Geth warships and the dropped infantry are all buildings controlled by Exgenor." Jenkins continued to flip through the information: "It seems that the Geth warships and the dropped infantry are attacking buildings controlled by Exgeno. It's true that Si's target is this biological company, but they don't know what and where they are looking for. They are just blindly attacking and trying to occupy all the territory belonging to the company, and Exgeno seems to have been prepared. All the research buildings have fortress-level coastal defense guns, and the personnel are relatively well-armed. They are relying on the buildings and terrain to fight the geth, but since the geth do not suffer from fatigue and mistakes, they may not be able to hold on for long."

"Well... our mission is to rescue the Philos colony from the geth attack, and it does not include finding out what the company that attracted the geth is secretly doing," Thanos said, stroking the slight stubble on his chin. : "With the Normandy's stealth function, we can sneak attack one by one to kill all the Geth warships, and then send ground teams to eliminate the scattered Geth infantry, but..."

"Commander, I think we should investigate what it is secretly researching. That should allow us to further our research on the Protheans."

"I also agree that something that makes the geth want to rob or destroy must be a major threat to themselves. Maybe after we control it, we can eliminate the geth like mowing grass!"

Liara and Tali spoke one after another, and after they finished speaking, they realized that they had the same opinion as the "enemy" who had been arguing fiercely before. The two looked at each other for a few seconds, as if they wanted to say something but couldn't. After thinking about what to say, he finally turned his head to the other side.

"Women are really difficult to understand." Grant said, grabbing his lower back.

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