The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty-Eight, Mass Effect (18)

"Collect Doomsday ()"


Planet Philos, the "Pearl of the Orient" colony.

"Hello, Commander Shepard, I am the governor of the planet Philos, Fontaine. As you can see, we are quite busy now, so please keep your story short."

When the Normandy remained cloaked and docked at the unattacked "capital" of Philos, a bald human who looked like a researcher met with the operations team led by Thanos.

"Are you a human? Why are you here? What kind of ghost governor do you also serve as?" Ashley looked like she had seen a ghost.

She looked around and found that more than half of the staff in this "capital" were humans.

"To be precise, it's the 'Interim Governor of the Feros Branch of the Warham Desolate Planet Reclamation Company'," Fontaine looked at Liara: "I think this Asari lady should know about this project."

"I think you must have been fooled. This company receives at least dozens of complaints every year." Liara nodded and shook her head: "They specially select those members of civilization who have just entered the space stage and provide them with some 'orbiters'. The opportunity to develop new planets through the Citadel Council', and promised that the pioneers can obtain permanent residence rights after successfully establishing a colony on the target planet."

"If you pay, you will gain. And we have indeed obtained the right to live on this planet, which is recognized by the Citadel Council." Fontaine replied: "I think I have contributed to the expansion of human territory."

"It's a pity that what you opened up is not the territory of 'humanity', but the territory of the Waller people," Tali continued: "Your current identity is a 'foreign mercenary' hired by the Waller people. Philos has little money now. They won't care about you, and if you really achieve anything, they may 'fire' you at any time."


"Star Alliance will not ignore this," Thanos interjected: "I will report the situation here, and officials from the relevant departments will contact you later. Now, tell me, what did Exgeno do? What, why did it attract the geth?”

"It's impossible for me to know the internal secrets of those Asari people, sir, but judging from what they registered with me as the titular governor, they should be raising a canine creature called 'Wei Ren'. As for Why those robots were attracted, I have no idea, and since they started attacking, I have been busy arranging the defense of the Pearl of the Orient, and they have not contacted us." Fontaine replied.

"Grant guessed that those animals are very capable of fighting. Geth plans to transform them into war dogs." Grant bared his teeth.

"Why don't they build their own mechanical dogs if they have this idea?" Gallas retorted.

"No matter what, we have to go to the headquarters of Exgeno," Thanos nodded: "Fontaine, send me a copy of the transportation route map between colonies."


A few hours later, Exgeno headquarters.

Boom boom boom! Wow!

The Grayfin Shark infantry vehicle climbed high over the cliff and crashed into the scientific research building occupied by Exgeno Corporation. The gunfire from the Geth warships that followed directly buried the entrance it crashed into.

"Ha, ha," Ashley gasped in the driver's seat: "My driving skills are pretty good, but much better than Caiden's."

"Next time," Thanos jumped out of the car with his rifle raised: "Our back road was blown up, we have to wait for him to pick us up."

"Hmph, it seems that there is indeed something important here." Gallas also got out of the car and looked around: "When we approached the first few research buildings, the geth warships ignored us at all."

"But they don't know anything, except that the company is taming the 'Wei Blade'," Liara also walked out: "I can be sure that they are not lying."


At the same time Liara landed, a ferocious creature with a black back and a white belly, an exocarapace, and a wolf-like body suddenly sprang out from the ruins near the infantry vehicle. It had a big mouth with sharp teeth like steel needles. Bite the Asari's neck.


Grant rushed out of the infantry vehicle at a speed that was not suitable for his huge body. He bumped into the strange creature with his shoulder. It rolled twice and was about to get up when it was shot by Gallas. head.

"You're welcome." Grant turned to Liara and bared his teeth.

"Good fight, Galax!" Tully stuck her head out of the carriage and praised, looking around for a while to make sure she wouldn't be attacked again before jumping out: "The environment here is really unfriendly to the Quarians. "

"Hmm..." Thanos looked around at his team members: "A pairing that I never imagined."

No one heard this.

"I seem to hear something moving over here... Liara?" As the team members took a break and prepared to continue the investigation, an Asari wearing a black combat uniform came down from the upper floor and seemed to know Liara. Yara.

"Siana?" Liana came forward and said, "I seem to remember that you are working for 'Exginor', but I didn't expect that in such a remote place, you know what evil deeds the head of this branch is doing. ?"

"Uh... I'm the person in charge." Asari, known as Sianna, touched her neck.


"I'm not interested in an Asari company's biological research project, but my mission is to eliminate the geth threat on this planet," Thanos walked over: "If you know any clues related to their attack, Finally, don’t hide anything.”

"Uh... I was just ordered to raise these 'Wei Blades' to awaken the plants sleeping on this planet. I don't know why those plants were attacked by the geth after they were awakened. Maybe..." Siana looked at it. Wei Ren, who fell dead, hesitated to speak: "You'd better come with me and have a look."

Thanos exchanged glances with the team members and followed Siana on guard, who turned around to lead the way.

“Is there something wrong with feeding animals to wake up plants?”

"I thought so at first, but after seeing the results, I realized that this statement couldn't be more accurate."

Liara and Siyana chatted while moving forward, while Thanos and other team members were responsible for killing the crazy Weiren and the geth who successfully broke into the building along the way.

As they gradually went deeper into the building, the number of scientific research and security personnel gradually increased, and except for the shelling of geth warships, there were basically no enemies encountered.

"Here, this is the result of our training." Finally, Siana led the group to a spacious hall and pointed to the sphere in the middle of the hall.

It was a nearly perfect green sphere with a diameter of ten meters that was completely formed by thick vines intertwined with each other. It was like a spider web with vines attached to the surrounding buildings, making itself seem to be suspended in the middle of the hall.

When Siana was about to say something more, the vine sphere spoke in a strange, vibrating voice:

“[I am ‘Solian’, and you mortals should kneel down and worship me.]”

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