The Collection of The End

Chapter 156 Journeys and Events

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 18th, 8:00——

When Arthur woke up in the guest room of the Sleeping Giant Hotel, he was not surprised to learn that Makur had sneaked away. He had already guessed this result when he took a rest in the room without taking those gems and jewelry back from the thief.

Judging from the average consumption level in Skyrim Province, those items would probably cost a lot of Septim gold coins if sold. For example, the cost of renting a giant hotel room is 10 gold coins for a day, and the price of a whole bread is 2 gold coins. Between 3 and 5 gold coins, a cheese ring enough for four people is also 10 gold coins. Even if you want to eat something good, a roast beef only costs 15 gold coins.

Therefore, for an adventurer or traveler, 50 gold coins is enough for him to spend a day comfortably, and if he lives in a hotel like an ordinary farmer and saves money, 10 gold coins are enough.

When Arthur usually hunts, a complete wolf skin is worth about 100 gold coins, and if it is a bear skin, it can even exceed 200 gold coins if it looks good. The wages obtained are almost 30 gold coins.

As for those gems and jewelry, even if they are worn out due to age, the cheapest ones are worth at least 500 gold coins. His trick is to lower the price to a very low price when purchasing, and jewelry worth 500 gold coins is likely to be reduced to 100 or even less.

If the guy who seems to have no brains is bluffed into a hasty shot, there will be plenty of time to regret it later.

As for now, with Lucan Valeris' reward of 400 gold coins for him to retrieve the golden dragon claw, it is enough for him to go to Snowman City. It is suspected that they will probably not meet the lord who remained neutral in the war between the Empire and the Stormcloak, but directly hire carriages to go to their respective base camps.

As for the two Xueman guards escorting the bandits, they were probably sent off to work without even being qualified to meet the lord. For example, when Arthur went to sell fur and meat in Falkreath, he could occasionally meet the lord Manager, but I have never met the lord, and the guards are not allowed to run around casually.

From Ximu to Xueman, if you walk, it will take about a whole day. Even if you ride a horse, it will not be much faster. This is because the climate in the sky is cold, and large livestock such as cows and horses have long hair and thick coats. Fat, although the endurance is good, but the speed cannot be complimented.

Knowing that Arthur was going to Snowman, several people in Ximu Town prepared his luggage for him. Although Rarov and Hardawa also had luggage when they left, the two families who each tended to Stormcloak and Empire were sure. Not prepared for each other.

It is not easy to preserve the vegetable and fruit bread that must be eaten first, and the cheese bacon and smoked fish that can be stored for long-distance travel have almost filled Arthur's luggage. Arvo specially polished Arthur's armor and weapons, and the song Not to be outdone, Erdo prepared high-end clothing for Arthur when he met the lord, and Camilla even stuffed him with a few pieces of jewelry that "you can give to her when you meet a good girl".

By the way, it's the jewelry you often wear, isn't it implying something?

Under the eyes of Swann and Farndal who were about to breathe fire, Arthur bid farewell to everyone in Ximu Town with his bulging luggage on his back.


Although Ximu Town is located in a mountain valley and has a mild climate, it is actually still in a mountainous area, and the road to Xueman is sloped downward. Therefore, even if Arthur wears his helmet and carries a sword and bag, he will not be able to walk at the same speed. It was too slow, and arrived at the campsite at the mountain pass at noon.

Although it's called a bivouac, it's really just a campfire and a few tents.

As well as a simple stone wall around it, this kind of campsite can be seen everywhere on the roads of Skyrim Province, and the distance between each other is usually five or six hours to allow travelers and caravans to rest, because they are only for temporary rest It cannot be used as a stronghold, so it will not be spotted by robbers, but if you want to stay here overnight, you need to be more vigilant and arrange people to watch the night-because it has almost no defense.

At this time, there were already people resting in this campsite. Four of his Nord men in leather armor of the Imperial Legion were eating around the campfire, and a man who looked like a prisoner in only sackcloth was dejected and his hands were tied. Sitting on the sidelines, obviously, the escort will not give him food until he is full.

At a glance, Arthur thought that Makur had been arrested, but the strong smell of death on the prisoner made him overturn his judgment.

"Imperial affairs, no interference!" The imperial soldiers turned their attention to Arthur at the same time, and at the same time the leader stood up.

Arthur noticed that they were tense for a moment when they saw their armor and sword, but they relaxed again when they saw their face. The leading soldier just gave a routine warning, and the prisoner didn't even raise his head.

The imperial soldiers escorting the prisoner seemed normal, but their reaction was subtle, which was obviously related to his typical Nord appearance with blond hair and blue eyes. Arthur thought quickly and quickly came to a conclusion.

"Are you worthy of calling yourself a Nord?" Arthur sternly walked over, "The empire forbids us to believe in Talos. Even if you don't intend to rebel, you shouldn't embarrass our compatriots!"

"What? You—" the leading imperial soldier was tongue-tied.

Arthur walked up to the prisoner and stuffed him with vegetables and fruits that were hard to carry and hard to eat in one sitting: "The defeat of the empire is their business, and they want to ban the Nords' belief in Talos. , let those elves fight to Skyrim Province by themselves!"

"..." Not only the imperial soldiers, but even the prisoners were stunned, but judging from their attitudes, it was obvious that I had guessed correctly.

Even though he expressed his obvious preference for Stormcloak and looked very strong, the prisoner had no intention of calling for help at all, instead he was even more depressed as he lowered his head and ate the food given to him.

"Hehe, actually—" An imperial soldier seemed to be about to say something, but was stopped by the leader.

"As small soldiers, we don't understand the matters between those big men." The leading soldier looked at Arthur and said, "This is an important member of Stormcloak. If you want to give him food, you can give him food. If you want to save him, we will do it first." the ax to kill him."

"Hmph, shame on Nord, I don't bother to be with you." Arthur snorted, turned and left the camp and continued towards Xueman.

Listening to the vague conversation behind him, Arthur confirmed his guess that these people were not imperial soldiers, but Stormcloaks, who probably escaped from Helgen.

He remembered very clearly that the Imperial Legion retreated in an orderly and layered manner, instead of dispersing in a crowd like the Stormcloaks, so these Stormcloak soldiers were probably caught in a siege, and they took the risk of stealing a few sets of military uniforms and disguised themselves as Legionnaires Escorting the unlucky ghost whose clothes were stolen, this place can already be regarded as a safe zone, and they are likely to kill him and run away directly after eating this meal.

But after their trouble just now, they are convinced that that kind of disguise can deceive most people, and they will not give up the disguise and escape soon, and they will not be able to kill the prisoner. The evidence is that before they turned around just now, the death breath on the prisoner was completely dissipate.

As for which holy spirit or demon god gave this ability, Arthur still has no idea, but as long as he continues to save all the people who are entangled with "death" persistently, one day he will understand.


Leaving the mountain pass campsite, you will soon see the entire Xueman Plain appearing in front of you. Large farms are dotted on both sides of the Baihe River. Farther away is the majestic and majestic Xueman City, as if it is within reach.

But unfortunately, this is the result of looking from a high place. It still takes half a day to walk from the current location to Xueman City.

Moreover, Arthur vaguely heard a few howls of wolves, which were howls of wolves with the meaning of "finding prey", but with his iron armor and big sword, even if they wanted to attack him, the content of howls should be " Spot the enemy" is right.

Then, the "prey" they were talking about should be the travelers in the camp not far ahead, and Arthur hurried over.

"Follow us back, Iman, don't force us to do anything." A male voice with a strange accent said, as if something was in his mouth.

"I told you, you have misunderstood the person, stay away from me!" The female voice, which was also somewhat slurred but could be heard clearly, replied angrily.

"We are very aware of your makeup skills, false voice, and acting skills. You can't fool us, Iman." The male voice seemed very stubborn and confident.

"I'm not that damned, cursed 'Iman'!" the female voice sounded furious.

Arthur walked around the stone wall of the camp and saw three Redguards, two men and a woman with red skin.

Men wear turbans, jackets and breeches, with sharp machetes around their waists, while women wear rather localized linen skirts, looking like ordinary hotel hostesses.

"I said—" "None of your business! Nords!"

Arthur was about to remind him, but he was yelled back by the three Redguards. Besides, they didn't have any sense of death, so he shrugged his shoulders and stopped talking. After all, besides Skyrim, Hammerfell is also famous for its tough people. .

"Are you going or not, Iman?" The red guard man had already picked up his scimitar.

"You want to be tough? Then give it a try!" The Red Guard woman was too lazy to defend her identity, and raised her fist at the two men.

There are six, no, seven wolves, and they are still snow wolves with strong fighting power. It is probably because of the dragon. They were frightened by the dragon's power and ran to such an unprotected place in a panic. If these few people were not arguing , probably discovered a long time ago, Arthur looked around and speculated.

"Wow——" With the howling of the wolves, the snow wolves lurking nearby rushed towards the people in the camp at the same time. Except for the female Red Guards who seemed to have no fighting power, every male was attacked by two snow wolves.

"Drink!" "Crack——" Maybe Arthur in the past couldn't deal with the snow wolf so easily, but since he inexplicably lit up the starry sky, his fighting ability has made a substantial leap, and his two ends are higher than other companions. The Big Snow Wolf only took four sword strikes.

When he turned around to help, he found that the other five wolves had all been killed. Except for one who was probably killed by a machete, four of them were killed by the red guard woman's fist.

"Are you still insisting that I'm 'Iman'?" Although she was panting and covered in wolf blood, her aura hadn't diminished at all, and she was staring at the two red guard men with her fists dripping with blood.

"No! We recognized the wrong person!" With one voice.

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