The Collection of The End

Chapter 157 Red Guards and Giants

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 19th, 6:00——

After a night's rest, Arthur and a few Redguards resumed their journey early in the morning.

Arthur wasn't too surprised that the Redguard woman who called herself "Satya" was able to kill wolves with her bare hands.

Because in his impression, there are many women who can easily do this... No, wait, has he come into contact with any powerful women besides the town guard?

At that time, Arthur fell into entanglement with his own memories. The two Red Guard swordsmen had nowhere to ask for help, but Satya detained them as servants in the name of "offending the nobles".

Due to the impact of the ongoing war between Hammerfell and Thalmer, many Redguard nobles moved to other provinces to escape the war. Only a few of them can maintain their status in Cyrodiil or Skyrim Province, and most of them cannot afford to lose their wealth. Do various jobs without hiding your identity.

To people in other provinces, the Redguards might just be a bit more proud and aggressive, but if there was a conflict between two Redguards, they would basically report their identities in Hammerfell and try to borrow This holds the advantage in disputes.

These two scimitars were more unlucky, they were just mercenaries even in Hammerfell, and this lady Satya was a descendant of a certain old noble blood, even though she was working as an innkeeper in Snowman City, Identity and force are also enough to overwhelm these two mercenaries - of course the main reason lies in the latter.

"Are you going to Xueman too?" Satya said to Arthur, "Can I hire you to protect me?"

After passing through the intersections leading to Falkreath City, Rift Valley City, and Snowrun City, the four of them still walked together. Maybe the two redguard scimitars didn't want to go, but they had no choice at this time.

"Of course," Arthur replied, "but I think you have enough strength to protect yourself."

"If the nobles do it themselves, wouldn't it appear that the guards are very incompetent?" Satya glanced at the machete man who was looking for the way in front of him: "I just ask you to take action after the two of them die."

It seems that she is still very dissatisfied with these two guys forcing her to fight in person.

"Of course, but how are you going to arrange them?" Arthur looked at Satya's attire: "There won't be any servants in the hotel?"

"I will go to their leader and ask him to pay compensation for offending the nobles. Because they are looking for a 'Redguard woman' with such a big fanfare, my work has been seriously disturbed." Satya said: "Just in Xueman's money to buy a house is still a little short."

"Hehe, Kaimatu is not a small character like us," a machete man turned around and sneered, "Even in the cave, he can beat seven of us by himself."

"Oh." Satya sneered back.

"You don't believe me? Let me tell you, the captain—" the Redguard continued.

"You have fully revealed the information about your team." Arthur sighed and reminded the swordsman who still didn't realize what he said.

A powerful warrior named Kaimatu led seven men of the same level as the scimitar man in front of him to Xueman to look for a certain Red Guard woman, and he is currently staying in a certain cave.

"Uh... ah..." The scimitar man was a little sluggish, and after a while he was tongue-tied, he suddenly picked up the scimitar: "If you go to him, you will be like this cow, with a snap—"

He didn't seem to dare to fight Satya and Arthur, and he slashed at a passing long-haired cow with his backhand.

It was just an ordinary cow, which was hacked to death without any time to react, and the machete man who did it was still complacent.

In other words, the blue pattern on the cow seemed familiar, Arthur thought, as if he had seen it on some mammoths?

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" sounded in the direction that cow appeared, a little far away from the road.


Skyrim Province is the northernmost province of the Tamriel continent.

The temperature has always been very low. Even in summer, the snow line on the mountain peak will rise by tens of meters at most. Without the care of the farmers, the crops will not be able to grow at all.

Therefore, what looks like a "grassland" on the Xueman Plain is actually just a tundra, and no herbivores can survive except rabbits. Goats and deer are all active near the snow-capped mountains. There are plenty of hardy plants growing.

However, on those tundra, there lived the largest animal in the sky, the giant mammoth. They have a body taller than a house, and they will make the ground vibrate violently when they walk. They have thick fur, sharp tusks and flexible Their trunks are their weapons—and a coveted target for poachers.

They dig holes in the ground, arrange spikes, put grass and fruit that mammoths like to eat around the trap, and try to attract this huge creature that dares to wander around because there are no natural enemies to approach the trap, and then get ivory, trunk and fur It's time.

The reason why these hunters who hunt mammoths are called poachers is because almost all mammoths have owners. This owner is not a lord or a king, but a giant (Giant).

A giant is a humanoid creature of innate power, with gray skin, thick and powerful limbs, huge palms and feet, and thick gray-brown hair. For decoration, the weapon used is generally the femur bone of a mammoth.

The average giant is three to five meters tall, and ten meters or more rarely appears. There are also giants with a height of forty meters in the legend, and most people regard it as a joke.

Although giants are a major threat to travelers, because they have basic intelligence, they only care about the mammoths they raise. If they don't get too close, they will be completely ignored. The ones who really die at their hands are those who are bold and bold. Unfortunately, the poachers didn't escape in time after killing the mammoth, so lords everywhere pretended they didn't exist.

The blue patterns that Arthur saw were the giants who crushed a blue plant and smeared it on the mammoth they owned. Basically, if you see such a pattern on a mammoth, you must be able to see it nearby. A giant with the same pattern painted on his chest.

Arthur remembered that his adoptive father had warned him never to provoke a giant, because that would be tantamount to death. If he accidentally angered a giant, it would be the best choice to run away without hesitation—in fact, the two red guard swordsmen were did so.

The giant rushing out of the roadside jungle was only two meters tall, and it looked like a giant cub, with the same blue pattern on its chest as that of the cow.

"Aww!!" It yelled loudly as it stood beside the long-haired cow's body, and the two red guard scimitars had already run away without looking back. Because it blocked the way forward, Arthur was temporarily unable to move forward. Maybe back off - well no.

Satya was completely stunned, and stared at the giant motionless with wide eyes: "Holy Spirit, what kind of monster is that, I have never seen it before."

Obviously, this kind of special product of Skyrim Province does not exist in Hammerfell Province. She has been living in towns since she came to Skyrim Province, and she has never seen it, but even if she can move, she can't deal with such a huge thing with bare hands.

"Hey..." Arthur sighed again. Due to such a delay, the giant had already recovered from the grief of losing his "small mammoth". With a ferocious killing intent, in Arthur's vision, a black "death vortex" like a tornado gathered on Satya's body in an instant.

"Okay," Arthur untied the steel two-handed giant sword behind his back, and said slightly shorter, "I always like to hunt big prey, but I didn't expect it to be so big."

"Roar!" The giant naturally didn't care what he said, and rushed over while waving the bone club in his hand.

Stride and kick the prey, swing the stick from top to bottom to hammer the prey, sweep the stick from left to right to sweep the prey, if not successful, repeat the above actions.

Giants only know this simple attack method, but due to their size, these attack methods are all extremely deadly. No one can parry with weapons or block with shields. Doing so will only make themselves blown away like fallen leaves or Smashing, even though he was wearing iron armor, Arthur didn't intend to try to see if he could meet the stick.

He just made a shovel by virtue of the momentum of the charge, and slashed past the running giant's side. Although the giant saw Arthur's movement, he didn't have time to react, and the bone club he threw towards the ground missed at all. The target, instead, was left with a long wound on the outside of its leg by the steel sword.

Arthur saw that at that moment, the "death breath" on Satya's body completely disappeared. If he could see himself, it should have all been transferred to himself.

Obviously, the giant's goal had changed from "the red-skinned human being who killed the mammoth" to "the iron shell that hurt itself". It stood still and turned around, raised its bone stick and roared at Arthur.

"Looks like it's just scratched the skin." Arthur looked at the giant who was moving without hesitation, put away the giant sword and raised the longbow, and shot three arrows at the giant in a row, all of them hit, but it had no effect. The arrows in the arms, shoulders, and chest dangled and did not fall, but they had no effect at all except to make the giant more angry.

"Then, I can only continue to run away. I hope there are guards in Snowman City patrolling outside the city." Arthur, who had completely attracted the giant's attention, turned around and ran away, and the giant, as he guessed, dropped the closer man without hesitation. Satya chased after him.

"I hope that no one will be a hero to fight it head-on," Arthur thought while turning his head and shooting a few arrows at the giant to prevent it from chasing Satya. "It would be best if there were strong archers."

At the end of the downhill road, the Snowrun Plains, the White River, and the farms and mills beside the river became clearly visible.

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