The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy, Mass Effect (20)

"Collect Doomsday ()"


Normandy, communications room.

As the lights in the communications room were completely extinguished, a light blue hollow light pillar rose from the center ring where Thanos stood, constantly scanning him.

When the beam of light rose to Thanos' head, it suddenly scattered, and the appearance of Nick Fury, the human ambassador to the Citadel, was spelled out in front of him.

This is remote instant communication using the buoy network. Compared with simple information and virtual conference rooms, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, even if you have supporting equipment, you cannot conduct this kind of "instant communication" anytime and anywhere. Both parties must be in the same place. Only on the "information nodes" of the buoy network.

However, finding natural nodes is a hassle. Half the time, users will do it close to Mass Effect repeaters in the galaxy.

"Sir," Thanos saluted: "I think you should have received the report about Philos and Solian. Are there any details you need to ask about?"

"[Relax, this is a separate connection, no need to be so formal.]" Nick Fury waved his hand.

"Yes, sir." Thanos put his hands behind his back, his feet shoulder-width apart, and made a "rest" posture.

"[...]" Nick Fury glanced at him twice and did not continue to insist. Instead, he said: "[I have read your report on the Philos colony. You have a very good way of dealing with the humans who joined the Foreign Legion. We cannot let the Galactic Alliance feel that we are aggressive, even if those profiteers are wronged first.]"

"I didn't think of that, sir," Thanos replied: "But it is too far away from the Star Alliance territory, and even if we gain control of it, it will be an enclave that is difficult to deal with. If the Volers completely withdraw their investment , that colony might be in trouble, so let them stay as they are."

"[That's right,]" Nick Fury nodded: "[Besides, I want to confirm with you the details about 'Thorian'.]"

"Excuse me." Thanos responded.

"[Your crew does not have the relevant research qualifications, and their knowledge of the characteristics of that plant is only superficial. The Citadel Council seemed to have obtained relatively important information after notifying the 'X Gene' company, but refused to share it with us,]" Nick Fury complained first, and then said: "[What do you think are the chances of them becoming weapons, being controlled by others, and posing a threat to humanity and the Galactic Alliance?]"

"Zero, 20%, and 80%," Thanos replied: "It's Him, not 'them', sir. It's a kind of consciousness controlled by the group. It can evolve by devouring other creatures and has strong lethality." species, perhaps Asari's research results can control his behavior to some extent, but judging from our communication and his subsequent actions, this is unlikely."

"[Well, I saw in the report that it destroyed more than a dozen geth warships?]" Nick Fury tilted his head as if looking at the information in his office.

"Yes, sir, there is no real-time video in the mission report. I can only say that he is like a sea urchin. When Geth launches a general attack, he uses the vines that make up his body to launch thrusts at each target. That attack seems to be able to penetrate Through the mass effect shield, only a few distant geth warships escaped, and they were later killed by the Normandy." Thanos answered.

"[I will arrange for other departments to follow up on this matter,]" Nick Fury nodded and changed the subject: "[Did you know? Your continuous attacks on the geth in the past few months have attracted the attention of the Citadel Council. , they finally began to face up to the matter of 'the Geth leaving the Perseus Veil'.]"

"This should have been the case a long time ago," Thanos shook his head: "Their reaction is always a little slow."

"[Thanks to you,]" Nick Fury said: "[These guys can only pick up ready-made products. After analyzing the geth items you destroyed and the geth items in the destroyed outposts, they have gained a considerable level of intelligence." scientific and technological progress.]"

"I guess they shared some innocuous technology with the Star Alliance?" Thanos shrugged.


I can’t say that it’s not painful or itchy, I can only say that the meaning is unclear,]” Nick Fury grabbed an information board from the “void” next to him: “[For example...the armor’s medical function will be changed after the shield is full. The user is healed of damage taken. ]"

"But after the shield is broken, it will basically be fatal for ordinary people to take a shot."

"[The thermal rod function is given to the firearm. After the firearm is overheated, it can be returned to a shooting state by discarding the thing, but adding this will cause the original cooling module to be removed.]"

"Returning from infinite bullets to magazine mode, Renaissance?"

"[Due to the discovery that the geth have the ability to detonate grenades through hacking methods, hand-thrown grenades are completely banned and all are replaced by safer grenade launchers.]"

"It's not a thing at all."

“[They added more features to the ‘universal tool’.]”

"I guess it will never have ten thousand uses." Thanos looked at his gloves.

"[Since it is a reverse crack of the geth technology, it is basically useful when fighting the geth. If you have time, you can go to the nearest Star Alliance official military base for modification.]" Nick Fury put down the message. plate.

"I assume you're going to say 'but,' sir." Thanos looked at him.

"[Yes, 'but', the problem lies in the 'but',"" Nick Fury gritted his teeth: "[The Citadel Council believes that your contribution is too great. If you continue to deal with the geth, you may not be able to deal with it. I didn’t promote you to the second human ‘ghost’, so I arranged a very outrageous job for you.]”

"I guess that's not what they said in the official notice, sir." Thanos responded without changing his expression.

"[Huh, what they said was,]" Nick Fury tried his best to put on a mean face: "['We need someone who has courage, wisdom, gets along well with most members of the Galaxy Alliance, and won't be easily deceived. Elite agents are here to carry out this mission.']"

"Actually, what they said is right." Thanos raised his head.

"[Don't be stupid, they asked you to go to 'Novilia' to investigate the 'illegal research project',]" Nick Fury returned to his normal voice and said angrily: "[How can there be a legal research project in that place! This is I don’t plan to let you continue to make meritorious deeds!】"

"Well... what do you mean?" Thanos blinked.

"[The reason why I have this emergency contact with you is to prepare you. If you don't want to do these things, don't stop at any space station that can receive orders from the Citadel Council. Just do what you want to do. , the Star Alliance can use excuses such as 'procrastination' to get through,]" Nick Fury paused: "[However, what is your own opinion on this mission?]"

"My word..." Thanos's gaze focused on the void was out of focus for a moment: "It's my pleasure, sir."

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