The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and seventy-one, mass effect (21)


Novilia, Hanshan Port Dockyard.

"[Normandy frigate, you have no reservation, please indicate your intention.]"

When the Normandy approached Hanshan Port through the howling blizzard, it received contact from the opponent's control tower.

What has nothing to do with the word "please" is the sound of a shipborne early warning being locked by multiple air defense weapons.

"Hey! These guys did it on purpose. If they needed to submit a login application, they should have contacted us when we had just entered the atmosphere, not when we were about to enter the port." Kaiden, who had to slow down and go around, almost cursed.

"Obviously, they have received the notice of assistance in the investigation sent by the Citadel Council. This is just to express dissatisfaction." Thanos, standing next to the driver's seat, leaned over and pressed the call button: "[This is the 'Citadel Ghost', John Shepard, on classified mission, no comment.]"

"..." Kaiden had an expression like "Commander, are you kidding me?"

"[Who are you lying to!]" the operator on the other side of the tower said angrily: "[A mere special investigator dares to pretend to be a ghost?]"

"[It seems we have an appointment.]" Thanos responded calmly.

"[...Dockyard No. 442.]" The tower was silent for a few seconds, then said something stiffly, and then cut off the communication.

And the warnings targeting the Normandy disappeared one after another.

"This trick works very well, I will do it next time." Kaiden whistled.

"The managers of this place are already hostile to us. We can play tricks on them, but if it is a normal space station or star port, doing so will only complicate things." Thanos patted his shoulder and turned to leave, " I’m going to select someone to take us off the ship, keep our ship safe and wait for me to contact you.”

"It seems that the commander is planning to cause trouble," Kaiden looked back and said, "But why pick someone? Bring all the Marines."

"Because Hanshan Port is not our destination," Thanos said to the eager team members in the air valve: "Compared with real swords and guns, this place is more about wars of words, sweet words and swords, so Ash Rei and Grant’s force values ​​are of no use here, so it’s better to recharge their batteries on the ship.”

"When you find the target, just drive over to Normandy and attack?" Ashley shrugged: "It's up to you, Commander."

"Grant hates talking." The krogan nodded his big head.

"In any case, the appearance of an Asari archaeologist in Hanshan Port is too eye-catching," Thanos looked at Liara and Tali: "But a Quarian mechanic is more normal."

"...I have to admit this." Liara tilted her head and looked at Tali.

"No matter how the officials of Hanshan Port view us, as a business team, leaders, bodyguards, and professionals are the minimum normal configuration. Therefore, in this place where there will be basically no fighting, as long as Galax and Tali Just follow me," Thanos concluded: "If there's no problem, just log in."


A moment later, Hanshan Port Dockyard.

Before landing at the dock, you can clearly see from the porthole that in addition to the docking areas divided according to size, there are also "single" and "double" docks, which are obviously for the inconvenience of contact with the outside world or negotiating opponents who need to talk confidentially. What was prepared, as for Normandy, was naturally the ten-man open dock of "Datongpu".

However, although he did not receive special treatment, there were many security personnel, automatic turret aiming, and various scanning and warning measures. The chilling atmosphere made Galax always subconsciously touch the gun.

"Don't be nervous. As a planet whose main business is renting out laboratories and providing business meeting venues, this level of security is a bit outrageous, but it is considered normal." Thanos said, completely ignoring those who deliberately showed off their muscles. While leading the team members to the security checkpoint.

These security personnel have probably already learned about Normandy's intention. Although they all looked coldly at each other, they all kept their distance and refused to communicate with Thanos and the others.

So as not to accidentally get ripped off.

However, the staff responsible for scanning at the dock exit did not receive this kind of treatment.

"I've been to Hanshan Port before, and the security measures were not so strict," Thanos said to the scanner staff as the team members looked at him as "Commander is talking nonsense again." "Did something happen?"

"Of course it's because of the recent 'Geth attacks' in various galaxies," a turian in charge of the inspection said with a sullen face while scanning Thanos with an instrument: "We have to make sure that they don't get into Hanshan. port."

"Do you think the geth will put on a biological disguise, make an appointment with you, and then bring the battleship into the dock for you to inspect?" Thanos shrugged.

"..." The Turian opened his mouth but stopped talking.

Obviously, he also felt that this approach was unreliable, but with surveillance everywhere, he couldn't blame his boss for having problems with his orders.

"I think you know what I've done, so do you want to listen to my advice? Maybe you can make a great contribution or something." Thanos asked.

Turian security did not agree or refuse, and just continued scanning.

"Compared with the shipyard where people leave, the place where goods are shipped requires more inspection. If the Geth really wants to sneak in, he only needs to shut down and stack himself. A rough scan will only show ordinary steel building materials, and maybe some One point of Element Zero," Thanos pointed to the other end of the dock: "However, if they really sneak in this way, maybe you have to find out who is colluding with the geth and preparing to overthrow Han It’s Shanggang’s mole.”

"Okay, next one." Turian security put away the instrument without making any comments.

"What are you scanning for?" Thanos patted the rifle on his back and the pistol on his waist: "A weapon?"

"Weapons that are directly displayed are not included in the scan. If they fire, we will know it immediately," Turian replied: "What we want to scan are hacking, surveillance, and listening devices that will harm other guests. If you If you have something similar on your body, you will..."

Buzz! Buzz! The scanner he had just pointed at Tully began to beep loudly, and all the nearby security personnel came over with their weapons drawn.

"Hey! You've never seen a Quarian, have you? In order to keep our armor sealed, most of our structures have what you call surveillance!" Tully complained dissatisfied.

Other security personnel were unmoved and even had the intention of raising their guns.

"I will vouch for her," Gallas stepped forward and held down the turian security guard's arm to stop him from continuing to scan: "I am Gallas Vakarian, and I think you should know me."

"Of course..." Turian security waved his hand to signal other security personnel to return to their posts: "You can pass."

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