The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and seventy-two, mass effect (22)


Hanshan Port.

After leaving the dock, the three of Thanos arrived at the main building complex of Hanshan Port. It was so large that you couldn't even see the roof of the building complex without raising your head.

Although its name is "port", it is also the political, economic and transportation center of Novilia. Without culture, scientific research and experiments do not seem to be considered culture.

The style of these building complexes is basically the same. They are all made of translucent materials and have functional blocks of different sizes. They are connected to each other by elevators, express lanes and speed train transportation stations. Each key node has fully armed guards on duty.

The alien races walking among them are also diverse. From the appearance, it can be seen that they are all businessmen, guards, scientific researchers, service personnel, and occasionally Hanshan Port officials.

Pedestrians nearby occasionally cast surprised glances at Thanos and his group, but they did not pay attention to them for too long.

"Hmm..." Thanos glanced at the nameplate displayed on the outer wall of the building complex, seeming to be thinking about the destination.

"I thought you were going to take the opportunity to get clues from the dock security, Commander." Gallas said.

"He doesn't know anything," Thanos replied while looking at the surrounding "small market": "It should be said that if he knew something inside, the governor of Novilia would not arrange for him to guard the dock."

"Then what should we do now? Are we going to investigate the logistics department that provides supplies to various laboratories? They won't let us in, right?" Tully was busy looking around.

"If we really intend to investigate some 'illegal research', we can go back home right now and tell the Citadel Council," Thanos withdrew his gaze: "None of the research projects on this planet is legal at all."

"I think so," Gallas didn't seem surprised: "I heard when I was in Paleven that although this place is nominally under the jurisdiction of the Citadel Council, it only abides by the minimum "Citadel Convention". The laws in force are a series of provisions promulgated by Novilia themselves in the name of 'management regulations'. However, because they can provide high taxes, they basically turn a blind eye and send us here. Nothing unexpected happens. It's because they are dishonest again and are ready to crack down. After all, with our manpower, if we can catch one or two illegal research projects, it will be a big deal, and then we will impose fines and rectifications, and the world will be peaceful."

"You council races all have the same virtue." Tully sneered - although I don't know if she has it.

"That's the style of those bureaucrats," Gallas retorted: "We warriors are different from them."

"Really..." Tully seemed to want to retort, but finally gave up.

"If you want to catch them all, there is no way," Thanos's eyes stopped on the logo of a certain company: "As long as the harm and impact of the caught 'illegal research' are large enough, no matter how the Citadel pretends to be Even if you are deaf and mute, you will have to make a statement. By then, you will control the entire Novilia, and all illegal research will be hidden."

"Tip the table? I love it!" Tully said.

"'Double Helix'?" Gallas followed Thanos' gaze and looked over: "This seems to be a food company in our Turian family. It seems to be a private property invested casually by someone. But if there are any serious problems with it, Turian Chapter Masters will never cover up."

"So be it."


A few minutes later, the freight area of ​​Hanshan Port.

This is an unusually wide space, like a super large indoor football field. Countless containers are being loaded and unloaded back and forth by different transportation vehicles. Some are heading to the dock, while others are driving out of the freight warehouse and braving the wind and snow to rush to external experiments. room.

A warehouse manager and his deputy met Thanos in a corner of the area.

"Hello, Commander, my name is Matsuo Basho. Please keep the story short." The person in charge is a "Wocha man" who looks like an upright fox, and his accent and grammar are also a bit strange.

"I am his student, Zeng Liang." The appearance of his deputy is basically the same as him,

But the content of his speech was relatively concise and concise. He also held an information notepad in his hand and was constantly sliding and typing.

"I am John Shepard, a special Star Alliance investigator," Thanos said, "I have been ordered to come to Hanshan Port to investigate a 'Keter'-class incident that may pose a major threat."

"..." Galax and Tully listened silently to their captain's nonsense.

"I didn't understand. What was that about? A strange level?" Matsuo Basho's fox face was full of confusion.

"Teacher, that is a human classification of threatening things. This level means a threat that is almost impossible to control and may cause mass casualties." Zeng Liang explained.

"Maybe there was a mistake. There is no such threat in the area I am responsible for." Matsuo Basho shook his head repeatedly.

"..." Thanos turned his head and looked at Zeng Liang: "Can you make a decision for your teacher?"

"Of course." Zeng Liang nodded.

"Our scanning system shows that there is a response from the 'Raknai Swarm' between 'Dianping 05' and 'Dianping 30'. Since the range is too large, it would be unsafe to alert the snake. We plan to check the goods shipped to those locations. If there are any If there is a large amount of feed in the batch of goods, the laboratory will become a key suspect." Thanos pointed to the surrounding goods.

"That's not possible. There is a confidentiality agreement signed and no opening of the box is allowed." Matsuo Basho shook his head repeatedly.

"You mean...'Raiknai'?" Zeng Liang narrowed his fox eyes: "In this case, you can 'open the box privately', and the teacher and I will know nothing."

"Zeng Liang, you——" Boom!

Matsuo Basho seemed to be planning to say something, but Zeng Liang backhanded him and punched him in the face. He rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Teacher Matsuo suddenly fell ill and went to see a doctor today. We haven't seen anyone, understand?" Zeng Liang nodded to Thanos, put the record board in his hand on the table, picked up his teacher and turned to leave.

"I always feel...Commander, your persuasiveness is quite amazing, but are there really Reknai? They were wiped out a thousand years ago." Gallas shrugged.

"That Zeng Liang obviously discovered something, and his teacher is simply stupid, otherwise he would not be placed in such a position." Thanos picked up the record board he just dropped: "Well... Peak 15, The 'Crack' Research Institute is clearly the genetically modified research arm of Double Helix Food Company, but it has purchased large amounts of feed in recent months."

"Hey -" Tali took half a step back: "Don't you Turians have been eating bugs?"

"...This company's market share is not high, about 13%." Galas said with a straight face, pressing the rifle on his waist: "But it will soon become zero."

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