The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and seventy-five, mass effect (25)

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Gotik section, planet Elos.

The dark Reaper warship is cruising in the satellite orbit of this planet full of yellow-green tropical rainforests.

"[If the coordinates you gave are correct, then this is the planet you call the 'Great Library', Old Jia.]" The translucent Riven unfolded a light screen on the bridge, projecting the image of the planet under her feet. material.

"[Humph, it seems that the Galactic Alliance's enthusiasm for the Prothean ruins is all fake,]" Jarvik glanced across the words and said with dissatisfaction: "[There are obviously quite a lot of 'Protheans' here." Pyramids', but they classified this place as a 'tourist planet'?]"

"That's because all the 'Prothean Pyramids' have no scientific and technological information," Benacia said: "Other civilizations are unclear, but Thessia therefore classified all the 'Prothean Pyramids' as 'meaningless landmarks'" '."

"[What makes you so confidently equate 'cannot learn technology from school' with 'meaningless'?]" Jarvik looked at her: "[The reason why they are empty is because of the Technology and knowledge were destroyed by the Reapers.]"

"Like the ruins where you are hiding?" Saren asked.

"So there is a lot of Prothean technology in every pyramid?!" Benacia was even more excited.

"[Copy one piece of knowledge into two copies. Finding either copy is equivalent to obtaining complete knowledge, but the reapers have to destroy the knowledge media in two places at the same time, and the number of troops going to each place will be reduced by half,]" Jarvik said: "[As long as we copy enough knowledge, the Reaper troops who have to divide their forces many times may not even be able to break through our defenses.]"

"But we haven't found relevant knowledge from any Prothean pyramid yet..." Benacia was excited and then a little depressed: "It seems that the reapers are patient and careful enough."

"And it is because of them that attract attention that the fragmentary technologies discovered by the galactic races in various ruins can see the light of day again fifty thousand years later." Saren nodded.

"So, is it possible that there is a complete, undestroyed Prothean pyramid with a large amount of Prothean technology stored inside?" Benacia stared at Jarvik closely.

"[Perhaps, but we are here to find the 'Holy Path',]" Jarvik obviously has no desire to recreate the technology of his own civilization.

After all, they could not withstand the attacks of the reapers in their heyday: "[AI girl, help me scan those pyramids one by one. I have to spend some time to find the real 'Great Library' from these pyramids."

"I'm here to help too!" Benacia immediately offered himself.


"Commander, you have to see this."

Since humans are just getting started in cosmic archeology and Prothean technology, Kangna consciously did not get involved in those academic issues. After saying hello to others, she returned to the Dunkirk and paid close attention to the discovery. Library Throat for landing and preparation for battles that may develop while using the Holy Path.

Just then, Anderson approached her with a notepad.

"What are you looking at?" Kangna glanced at Babas. The dog was still pretending to be an ordinary dog. Of course, it might have been "offline".

"About those...'Black Geth' movements." Anderson said as he clicked on play.

"[Here is the frontline report brought to you by Galaxy News Network.]"

"[The Philos colony that suffered the Geth attack has returned to normal. Exgeno Corporation announced that their research work has not been affected. Its spokesperson claimed that there is absolutely no relationship between their secret projects and the Geth attack.]"

"[A Waller Group that employs a large number of alien races and extracts labor through deceptive contracts is under review, but neither its parent company spokesperson nor the Galactic Alliance officials have responded to this.]"

"[The planet Artemis, which was attacked by the Ges, experienced the most violent earthquake and volcanic eruption in history. Some valuable relics were buried and destroyed. There are currently no reports of casualties. The Citadel Security Department announced an attack on the planet. The geth have all been destroyed in geological disasters.】"

"[The latest information obtained shows that due to Geth infiltration, the safety of Novilia's rental laboratory has been widely questioned. Its stock has fallen for three consecutive days. The planet's governor has officially resigned due to pressure. In the Citadel Council Before the appointment of a new governor, his deputy will serve as acting governor, but due to the possibility of facing high compensation and huge debts, several candidates for governor have made it clear that they will refuse the appointment.]

"[We can see that in just three months, the geth, who were rumored to only hide behind the 'Perseus Curtain', suddenly launched large-scale attacks on various civilizations, whether it was the civilization of the Citadel Council members or just now The weak civilizations that have joined the Galactic Alliance have all been invaded. We have to suspect that the major threat of the geth has erupted again. However, as of press time, the Citadel Security Department has still not issued an official response to this series of attacks. The Quarian Wandering Fleet, which is closely related to it, declined to be interviewed.]"

"[Here, Galaxy News Network solemnly reminds viewers that if necessary, do not go to planets and colonies with insufficient protection capabilities. If your planet is attacked, please contact the nearest Galactic Alliance patrol fleet as soon as possible. The following are each Contact information of the galaxy patrol fleet——】"

When a series of numbers came out, Anderson turned off the recorded video: "What do you think?"

"The 'Black Geth' didn't listen to Riven at all," Kangna shrugged. "They believe that Riven's appearance is a precursor to the return of the Reapers, and they must act immediately to pave the way for the 'Ancient Machine'. As a... well, I have a hard time understanding how their logic blocks work."

"It's not that." Anderson shook his head and brought up two separate scenes, one of which was a high-rise building in a large area of ​​Prothean ruins, and a mountainous planet with a snowstorm: "We arranged to deal with the planet where the Reaper's back-up force is located. , all suffered geth attacks, this cannot be a coincidence."

"They should be following this 'Reaper'. They may know where we have been, but they don't know what we have done. Didn't they just miss it on the Novilia side?" Kangna shook her head.

"I hope it's like you said, but I will continue to pay attention," Anderson paused and showed a photo of a majestic male N7 on the screen: "He is the one who solves these geth, John Shepard, you I have a fan, Commander."

【Quite handsome. (model)]

【A bit girly. (Rebellion)]

【very common. 】

There must be something wrong with the aesthetics of the action recommendations.

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