The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and seventy-six, mass effect (26)

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The surface of the planet Elos.

After circling for several minutes, the Dunkirk finally found a gap and dropped the infantry vehicle.

Even so, it rolled several times and crashed into a large tropical forest.

Since the goal of the trip was a pyramid containing Prothean technology, Raven did not choose to enter the atmosphere.

After all, if the situation here is the same as that of Eden Prime, there will be a facility managed by AI. They will not recognize the reapers as their own, and will basically activate all defense measures and fire at the slightest disagreement - if If they still have energy.

For the same reason, the fortress did not follow.

The current ground team members are Kangna, Saren, Benacia and Jarvik. Anderson stayed on the Dunkirk because he had to coordinate Raven's private operations.

"Old Jia, are you sure this is the destination? I didn't see anything that looked like an entrance." After driving the car close to the pyramid indicated by Jiavik and circling it twice, Kangna asked with some confusion. asked.

This is a large tetrahedral building that is twenty meters high, with a black base and pale gold edges and textures. From the appearance, it does look very similar to the pyramids of the earth.

"All 'Prothean Pyramids' are like this," the answer was Benacia: "Asari usually use a giant laser drill to open a hole for dozens of days, but because there is basically no profit, it has recently been It’s rarely done anymore.”

"[No need to bother,]" Javik picked up the microphone, turned on the loudspeaker function of the car radio, and then read: "[Dante? Nero? Sparta?]"

"Are you sure the password from 50,000 years ago can still be used?" Saren tilted his head and looked out the car window.

"[That's not a password,]" Jarvik replied and continued: "[Virgil?]"


The giant pyramid outside the car window shook suddenly. The originally extremely strong shell dented inward, forming a huge door hole. At the same time, there was an electronic sound that sounded very similar to Jarvik's words:


Jarvik Centurion. ]"

"Centurion?" Saren, who had a similar military rank, looked at him.

"[It seems that this guy has been disconnected from the Internet for a long time,]" Javik replied: "[No wonder he was not found by the Reapers.]"

"So what did you just read?" Benacia was very curious.

"[The code name of artificial intelligence,]" Jarvik explained: "[The voiceprint does not match, even if it is pronounced correctly, it will not open the door.]"

"The corpse puppets can't speak, and almost all the Prothean pyramids have fallen..." Saren looked at the gate outside and then at Jarvik: "Enlightenment."

"[Humph...According to the records, there has never been an example of the last round of civilization surviving after the 'harvest'. I really want to know what the expressions of those traitors looked like when they faced their tragic end.]" The anger on Jarvik's face flashed. Gone in a flash.

"Then ask the guy who knows." Kangna started the infantry vehicle and rushed directly into the pyramid, and the opened wall slowly reopened shortly after the vehicle entered.


The image of "Virgil" is a Prothean composed of orange lines. It can only appear on fixed terminals, and it will occasionally blur, break, and drop frames.

The current location of the ground troops is deep underground in the Prothean Pyramid, surrounded by a densely packed number of flat cylindrical dormant chambers far exceeding what Kangna and Saren saw in the vision, but they are all empty.

"[Ancient Ape, Phosphorus Fish, Blue Starfish, Centurion Javik,]" Virgil said in a dull electronic voice: "Congratulations on arriving in a new harvest cycle. 】

It seems that there is nothing wrong with its logic module.

"[This place has not been invaded by the Reapers, so where are my people?]" Jarvik asked, pointing to the dormant warehouses around him.

"[A total of 63,353 Protheans in the 'Great Library' entered hibernation," Virgil replied: "[One year later, 342 Protheans awakened on their own. , destroyed the energy core that powered the dormant warehouse, and tried to send a signal to the outside of the 'Great Library'.]"

"[Damn it!]" Javik punched the wall next to him.

"[Due to the signal shielding function using backup energy, the message transmission failed,]" Vergil continued: "[After losing their life support and hibernation functions, the Protheans who were still in a dormant state all died within a month.]"

Javik said nothing, and his expression became terrifying.

"[Due to sufficient material reserves and the fact that the energy supply for the living area was not destroyed, the remaining 342 Protheans continued to survive for 3,760 days after waking up.]" Virgil continued.

"How did they die?" Benacia looked at Jarvik's expression and tried to ask Virgil.

"[Died from fighting with each other,]" Virgil replied: "[Real-time records show that their emotions are very unstable, but there are no signs of being affected by external factors.]"

"Ha..." Saren bared his teeth: "Betrayed his own people and surrendered to the enemy who tried to destroy his people, but the other party simply regarded them as tools."

"The indoctrination lasts for at most ten years, after which it will cause the affected person to fall into permanent madness?" Kangna guessed.

"This is worth recording." Benacia clicked on his multi-purpose tool.

"[Humph...]" Jarvik let out a long breath: "[Okay, Virgil, I'm here to find the 'Holy Path'. I heard that the 'Great Library' has a direct route to the Citadel. Plan to cut off the passage.】"

"[The 'Holy Path' plan was abandoned forty-five days before the entire group went into hibernation,]" Virgil replied: "[The reason was that the half-built micro-relay was artificially destroyed.]"

"[...]" Jarvik clenched his fists and looked around, as if he wanted to find someone to beat him up, but his target had disappeared fifty thousand years ago.

"Since it can be built, then you should have a blueprint in your database?" Kangna looked at Jarvik and asked Virgil proactively.

"[Yes,]" Virgil projected a virtual image that looked like a repeater inserted vertically on the table: "[To build the Holy Road, a total of 20,000 units of 'Element Zero' and 50,000 units of 'Palladium' are required. Units, 'iridium' is 40,000 units, 'beryllium' is 60,000 units.】"

"...Those 'enlightened people' dare to destroy this kind of thing, and they are not afraid of being killed by radiation." Benacia was shocked.

"It's not a lot," Saren did some calculations: "Using our 'ghost' status, we can get it together within a week, but we don't have that many construction workers... eh."

Kangna and Benacia looked at each other and said in unison:

"Those geth!"

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