The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and seventy-seven, mass effect (27)

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Serpent Nebula, Citadel.

"You're doing great, John,"

In the human embassy, ​​Nick Fury showed a rare smile on his always serious face. He even poured a cup of tea for Thanos himself:

"Many projects in Novilia that violate the "Citadel Convention" have been exposed. The Citadel Council is now so overwhelmed that they have no time to pay attention to us. Originally, even if those gray area issues broke out, they would suppress them. , but this time a more serious 'Lakenai' problem broke out at the same time, and they had no choice but to cover up the more serious news."

"They tried to cover the lid, but I just lifted the pot," Thanos said.

"...Well, it's very vivid." Nick Fury thought for two seconds before he understood the meaning of these words. He nodded and continued: "However, the ones they threw out to attract the public's attention are several companies related to the 'Red Sand' Logistics and R\u0026D company, there are rumors circulating that the Star Alliance has a 'Shepard Army' dedicated to combating the 'Red Sand', hahaha."

"I still have no clues about the 'Ghost' senior, sir." Thanos said, "But Tali is no longer eager to hunt her down."

"By holding the red thread? Huh?" Nick Fury pointed at him, laughing and shaking his head: "The news I received is that you have matched all the alien members, and it seems to be quite accurate."

"Ashley and Kaiden are not aliens, sir." Thanos responded. "Through the observation of the Mind Stone, their favorability towards others is completely written on their faces."

"The two of them..." Nick Fury shook his head: "The sentinels who grew up in ordinary families and the granddaughter of the commander of the First Fleet should face unimaginable obstacles in the future, but that is not what we should worry about. ——I called you here this time because I have a new task for you."

"Ready to go at any time." Thanos stood at attention.

"Don't be so nervous. This mission is only asking you to come back because it has a very high confidentiality level and cannot be sent through remote communication, but it should be easy." Nick Fury waved his hand.

"Is it related to Raiknai?" Thanos guessed: "Hanshan Port was facing a formidable enemy at that time."

"Relatively similar," Nick Fury nodded: "It was the issue of 'eliminating' the Krogans of Reknai."


The disaster caused by Raikni reminded them of the original "weapon", but after the Krogans eliminated Raikni for them, they received the gift of "reducing the fertility rate to one in a thousand", which basically It is impossible to work for the Citadel Council. " Thanos said.

"The sequence is basically like this," Nick Fury nodded: "After returning to paying attention to the krogan, the council was surprised to find that a large number of krogan tribes were heading to a planet called 'Vormel' with their families. They planned to I’ll send you to investigate the local situation.”

"That seems to be the territory of the krogan," Thanos adjusted the multi-tool: "Even if I detonate a nuclear bomb on that planet, it won't make the council frown."

"If you can, try not to do that."


Hours later, the Normandy.

"This is not normal, Shepard. Something extraordinary must have happened on that planet." After learning about the destination of the next mission, Grant was the first to respond.

"Why do you say that?" Thanos asked.

"Grant has said that Grant is the son of a krogan tribe chief. If you have conducted research, you should know that Grant's father is 'Olch', a 'warlord' with a very bad reputation. "Grant said.

"I generally don't investigate the crew's personal information unless it will have a negative impact on our mission and the security of Normandy," Thanos said without blinking, "What happened to Mr. Olci?"

"Due to the extremely low fertility rate caused by genophages, he advocated the use of artificial methods to cultivate the next generation," Grant said in a dull voice: "Grant is his most successful 'work'."

"You can't tell at all," Thanos looked at Grant, then turned to Galax: "Grant is smarter and more capable than most of the krogan we usually see."

Gallas nodded in agreement: "Indeed."

"Is this related to the abnormal situation in Wormel?" Liara asked with concern.

"Even if the fertility rate is only one in a thousand, the method Olchi used with a success rate of at least 20% is still not accepted by the vast majority of Krogan people. This is because Krogan is a very serious person. Traditional races," Grant said: "According to tradition, a single krogan can travel, but all clans must stay in Tucenka. If any tribe has no clansmen on the home planet, it will be regarded as A betrayal of the tribe.”

"Just like our wandering fleet," Tully, who had recovered from that strange state and no longer put an exclamation point in almost every sentence, interjected: "No matter how many people are wandering on a ship, even if the battleship is There is no problem if it is entrusted to other captains, but if you try to break away from the fleet with the battleship, you will definitely be attacked by a group of people."

"Actually, you only need to say 'migration is against tradition'. There is no need to reveal your identity and past." Thanos said helplessly.

"Grant believes that this is necessary to allow you to understand the seriousness of the matter more intuitively." Grant said.

"Hmm..." Thanos began to think about the connection.

"I understand," Liara said: "Even artificial breeding methods that can circumvent the 'gene phage' and increase the fertility rate to 20% will be boycotted by the Krogan people because they violate tradition. Then there must be a more important reason that caused those Krogan to ignore tradition and relocate the entire tribe. They might have been deceived."

"Yeah," Grant nodded repeatedly: "Although you are thin and can't fight, you are a good woman."

"..." Liara glared at Grant without speaking.

"It's also possible that some evil scientist has developed an instrument that can interfere with the Krogan's thoughts." Tully tried to smooth things over.

"That's right, we have to pay attention to the reasons for this 'abnormal behavior' in advance during this operation." Gallas answered the words very cooperatively.

"...Hey, Commander, it turns out that 'that thing' you said is true." In the chaos, Ashley leaned next to Shepard and whispered.

"Keep this posture for now," Thanos responded in a low voice, "You know you can see the conference room from the cab, right?"


"[Commander, we have received the permission from the Citadel to leave the port, shall we leave the dock immediately?]" Kaiden's voice came from the shipboard channel.

"[Let's go, Kaiden.]" Thanos responded by opening the communication, and then raised his eyebrows at Ashley.

"..." Ashley blinked, showing a bit of an angry expression that wanted to hit someone, and then silently took two steps back and away from Thanos.

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