The Collection of The End

One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-Eight, Mass Effect (28)

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Gotik Section, Planet Wormel.

The planet that used to have only a few archaeological camps has now become very lively. A large number of strong Krogan people who seem to come from various tribes are driving construction machinery or simply carrying various building materials with bare hands.

Judging from the results of space scanning, these krogan have occupied most of the resource-rich locations on the planet - although most of them just circle the predetermined building area and plant a flag with the tribal symbol. .

What they are really working on is a dam located at the mouth of the river, near a waterfall with a huge terrain difference, and the surrounding residential areas.

In order to further confirm the living conditions of these Krogan people, the invisible Normandy broke into the atmosphere without attracting any attention from the Krogan people below who were busy building.

"Krogan's home planet, Tuzenka, is completely in ruins after the nuclear war. The words Orchie usually says to Grant the most are 'tradition' and 'glory' and 'future,'" Grant said. Instead of looking at the panoramic scan, he leaned closer to the window and looked out: "In Grant's impression, our compatriots have never been so... energetic."

"Obviously, if the person who gathered your compatriots is a liar, he must be a very clever liar who cannot be easily exposed." Thanos sat in the captain's seat and quickly browsed the scans of various parts of Wormel. Result; "No individual suspected to be the leader has been found so far."

"Commander, I noticed the clothes of these krogan. They seem to be from different mercenary groups." Gallas was paying attention to other aspects: "Although I don't know much about those desperadoes, they are obviously not peaceful. To live together.”

"There are Tucenka clan symbols, but very few," Grant said with confusion in his tone: "Krogan who go out to work as mercenaries are basically guys who have not passed the adult test and have limited strength. It is difficult to recruit them again. What’s the use?”

"Perhaps we can ask directly," Thanos waved his hand and projected a captured image on the screen: "This seems to be a leader. Do you know him? Grant."

It was a krogan wearing heavy red armor, with many scars on his skin, and a ferocious face.

"That's 'Lex', the chief of the Udno tribe," Grant identified it for a moment: "It's strange. In Grant's impression, he was a lone mercenary, but now..."

"Looks like the leader of these Krogan people?" Thanos thought for a moment: "If we land,

We aliens are too conspicuous and may not be able to ask anything. Grant, is there any problem if I let you negotiate on your own? "

"Ha!" Grant instantly changed his attitude: "Grant stole those four-eyed monster things from 'Qingyang' during the mission, and they are chasing them. I heard that you are recruiting people here, so I came here to see you. Let’s see what you are capable of!”

"I think you really did that..." Thanos shrugged and opened the communication: "Kayden, find a place to quietly put Grant down. After that, we will continue to follow him in the air and provide support at any time."


A moment later, the krogan mercenary camp.

"Grant—come see what you're capable of!"

Apparently, Grant had forgotten the excuse he had made up before, and said this directly after finding Lex.

"Oh? Newcomer?" Lex looked Grant up and down: "Are you going to take a look at the 'Gene Phage Repair' or have a fight with Lex?"

"I want them all!" Grant patted his chest.

"As a krogan, your reaction to 'Gene Phage Repair' is a little too cold, but it doesn't matter," Lex turned to lead the way, "Come this way, Lex is going to check the repair status today. "

"Uh, oh." Grant scratched his head and followed.

"Uh oh oh oh!"


On one side of the camp, there are dozens of metal pillars that are as thick as a person hugging and shaped like giant spikes. Three or four Krogans are each holding one and roaring with unknown meaning.

"Idiot! Don't let go! Until you can't feel the pain anymore!" Several Krogans who looked like supervisors and medical staff stood beside the pillar: "As long as you let go, the genetic modification will be in vain! And even if you are in pain until you are in coma and shock, We can also ensure that you survive!"

"What is this?" Grant turned his head and looked around: "Penalty?"

"That is the tool to repair what the Salarians did to our genes, although the process is a bit...unpleasant," Lex pointed to the empty pillar: "Before fighting Lex, do you want to try it? In case you don't You think it’s unfair.”

"Ha! Grant is not one of these soft-footed shrimps!" Grant said as he strode towards the metal pillar, and the Krogan who were "repairing" stopped howling almost at the same time, holding back the pain. He glared.

"Just put your hand on it..." Grant ignored the advice of the person in charge next to "it's better to hold it" and raised his hand to press the metal pillar: "Oh!"

There was no pain or other similar feelings as expected. Grant directly lost control of his body, and countless chaotic and seemingly meaningless pictures appeared in front of him.

He tried his best to discern its contents, but could only come up with a series of meaningless impressions.

[Predator], [Evolution], [DNA], [Giant Creature], [Cosmic Meteorite], [Reproduction], [Gene Mutation], [Black Sun], [Seven Colors of Light], [Machine], [Biology] Battery], [Evolution Traits], [Killing]...

The final image that appeared was of a silver-white, super-giant Tyrannosaurus rex that seemed to be made of machinery, roaring up to the sky.

【choke--! 】

The next moment, the mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex disappeared. Grant shuddered and woke up from the illusion. In front of him was the "Gene Repair Column" that exploded into two pieces at an unknown time, while other restorers and medical staff Already running away, only Lex stood there thoughtfully.

"Never seen affixes before!" The staff behind Lex scratched incoherently on an information board: "[Fire Strengthening]! [Cold Strengthening]! [Lightning Strengthening]! [Teleport]! [Curse]! "

"What?" Grant took a step forward, and then he was shocked to find that bursts of electric light were blooming from his body.

"Oh, the name 'Grant' should have been thought of a long time ago. Isn't it the only successful experimental product of that guy Orchie? It turns out that when there is no need to modify the genes, you will gain new abilities." Lex moved a little Arm: "It just so happens that Lex has never opened five gene locks at once and fought with others."

"Although I don't understand what you are talking about, Grant is happy to accompany you." Grant clenched his fists.

Boom boom boom!

Just as the two krogan were preparing to fight, the sky was suddenly torn apart, and countless geth warships broke through the clouds with flames and lightning.

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