The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, mass effect (29)

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Gotik Section, Planet Wormel.

"Geth! It's Geth! Fire quickly! Kill them!"


Except for Liara, who was analyzing what happened to Grant, everyone on the bridge looked at Tali, whose attitude suddenly changed.

"Tsk, tsk, why do quarians wear sealing masks? I think she must be performing a very good facial art right now." Ashley shook her head repeatedly.

"That's because they live on spaceships for a long time, and their skin may have allergic reactions to the varying intensity of sunlight on different planets." Gallas, who rushed to support Tali when she was going crazy, actually answered this question.

Then everyone's eyes turned to him again.

"Kill! Geth!!" Tali pressed against the porthole, shouting a little brokenly.

Thanos made a few adjustments on the captain's control panel. While closing the portholes, he also eliminated the image of the Geth battleship from the external scan results.

"Kill - eh?" Tully stopped shouting and turned around blankly: "What happened?"

"It's nothing, a bit of specialized PTSD," Thanos glanced at Tali: "The entire quarian tribe has it more or less, but she was unlucky and it broke out. The manifestations are split personality and forced switching under certain circumstances. "

"Huh?" No one could see Tully's expression, but her voice sounded surprised.

"The 'strong-spoken engineer' turned into a 'gentle engineer' and a 'berserker who goes crazy when he sees the geth'," Ashley said, clasping her fingers: "Gellars, you've made a profit."

"Stop joking..." Galax shook his head: "We may have to send her back to Quaili's immigration fleet, Commander."

"Are you sure?" Thanos continued to operate the multi-purpose tool: "Quili always talks about how to defeat the geth and regain their homeland. Do you think there will be a corresponding picture?"

"Ah, this..." Galas was stunned for a moment.

"Compared to sending the quarian fleet back,

It would be better if you brought her back to Paleven. No matter how you think about it, there will be no geths appearing on the turian home planet, right? " Thanos said.

"Wait, why do I want to go to Paleven? My wandering is not over yet." Tali asked doubtfully.

"..." Now everyone looked at Gallas with pity in their eyes.

"Oh? Have all the emotions gone to another personality? This is a bit troublesome." Thanos touched his chin.

"Don't laugh at me, Commander, you must have a solution." Gallas tugged at the exoskeleton at the corner of his mouth.

"Has it been discovered?" Thanos spread his hands: "In fact, as long as the PTSD is cured, there will be no problems. And now is the opportunity, but it is a bit difficult."

"What can we do?" Gallas asked.

"After the war begins, you take Tali to the fire control room and let her personally use the Normandy's main gun to destroy a hundred geth warships." Thanos pointed to the closed porthole.

"This is what I'm good at -"

"She had to be in a rage."

"...It's no problem."


One after another, the geth warships, which looked like grasshoppers without wings and legs, broke into the atmosphere, and the electric charge they carried caused waves of hurricanes, lightning, and heavy rain.

The invisible Normandy was like a petrel, braving the bad weather and shuttling between geth warships that were at least three times her size.

"Commander, you really gave me a difficult problem," Kaiden said with excitement: "As long as we fire, we will escape from the stealth state, and those iron lumps will blast us into a beautiful ball in an instant. of fireworks.”

"I didn't say let Tali fire right now," Thanos put his elbow on the back of Kaiden's seat and looked at the driving panel and all kinds of dazzling monitoring data: "When they focus on There are krogan on the ground, and after we destroy their communication center, only two or three battleships will discover the Normandy at a time. If that is difficult, I will replace Ashley with sailing the ship."

"In that case, if there is any damage to the Normandy, I will use my own military salary to repair it!" Kaiden clicked a few times, and the Normandy made a big bend again and arrived behind these geth warships.

As the Normandy broke away from the geth warships that were neatly arranged like a swarm of sardines, their command ship appeared on the surveillance screen.

It was a strange, cylindrical spaceship that seemed to have gone through countless years. The outer wall was mottled and broken, and the whole was light gray.

Its diameter is at least one hundred meters, and its length is more than five hundred meters. The internal mechanical structure and the completely unprotected inner wall rotate in opposite directions. Although it gives people the feeling that it "may fall apart at any time" , but always hovering quietly in the air without moving. If you stare at it for a long time, it will give people a shuddering feeling that you are facing something extremely terrifying.

"God, what is that?" Kaiden was stunned.

"That is the command center of these Geth warships. What we have to do is to land and destroy its communication core so that it cannot coordinate the Geth network below. If possible, destroy it entirely." Thanos said: " Ute's 'Planet Annihilator' was beaten like this, Master Huang Long is probably really angry."

"It's unbelievable. I guess the defense inside must be very tight." Kaiden didn't hear the second sentence. After a pause, he said: "You will bring Ashley back safely, right?"

"Haha...Kayden," Thanos patted him on the shoulder: "Why do you think I put so much effort into matching my crew members? Is it to pursue Ashley?"

"It's not like that... with Ashley's character, she wouldn't regard those alien women as a threat at all..." Kaiden muttered.

"You know? Before I served as the captain of the Normandy, I was also the leader of a team." Thanos said.

"Of course." Kaiden glanced at the bright red N7 logo on the chest of Thanos' combat armor.

"When a leader leads his men to victory again and again, he will naturally win the favor of many people. I'm not bragging. At least one woman from the company showed favor to me, but I didn't accept any of them. What do you think is the reason? Thanos asked, looking at the huge geth warship outside the porthole.

"Are you interested in men?!" Kaiden said in horror.

"..." Thanos' golden multi-purpose tool appeared for a moment, as if he wanted to hit someone.

"It's a joke, hahaha... you said it." Kaiden took some time out of his busy schedule to scratch his head.

"Because my fiancée's status is a bit high," Thanos ignored Kaiden's joke: "If she finds that I have any signs of development with any woman who does not have enough 'status', she will definitely give up on me." , and that is basically irreversible.”

"Please stop talking, I didn't hear anything." Kaiden shook his head wildly.

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