The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and eighty-one, mass effect (31)

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Planet Wormel, surface.

"Ho ho ho -" Grant roared loudly, and hit the back of a Geth Elite at a speed far exceeding the normal "superpower collision".

There was no way, even though Grant was over two meters tall, he still couldn't compare to this big red geth, even the shortest one was three meters tall.

The geths obviously knew what kind of enemy they were dealing with. All the mechas that used submachine guns and shotguns for medium and close combat were all huge, and the relatively short conventional infantry all hid far away and used them very insidiously. Sniper rifles and floating sentries provide harassment.

This behavior makes the krogan use "charge" + "knockdown" in ordinary battles, and then take out the "Broadsword 300" giant shotgun that can break the arms of ordinary races and end the battle with a headshot. The three-blade ax was completely useless.

As a result, after the Krogans on various battlefields suffered losses at the beginning, they had to hide behind bunkers and use rifles and sniper rifles to fight the geth like those weak races. They were all extremely aggrieved. When they saw Grant charging, even though they knew that the next second he would be beaten to death because he could not knock down the opponent, they all screamed.

If Grant is really prepared to use the three-axe.

"[Use weaken]!" Liara's voice came from Grant's communication channel.

"Ha!" Grant did not draw his gun. After charging, he directly used his sandbag-sized fist to pound the geth elite's waist, and his fist instantly gathered a wave of energy that seemed to absorb the surrounding light. Enter the darkness.

boom! With one hit, the indicator lights all over the giant geth went out for a moment, and the backhand elbow strike was immediately interrupted.

"[Use Overload!]" Liara continued to command.

Grant turned his fist into a palm and pressed it on the back of the geth elite. The area he touched immediately had fine currents like spider webs flowing around. The giant geth that had just regained its ability to move froze again. At the same time, The shield around it shattered with a crack.

"[Use Distortion!]"

The next moment, Grant's other hand behind his back turned into a palm knife, piercing the geth elite's back like a poisonous tongue, as if the armor on its back was a piece of tofu.

While piercing,

Grant directly exerted force with both hands, directly tearing the heavy armor of the Geth elite to both sides like rags that ordinary firearms were helpless.

"[You are being targeted! Use any method to deal with him and then use 'Shadow Strike'!]" Liara's speaking speed suddenly became faster.

"Hey!" Grant took off the giant shotgun hanging from his waist with his backhand, and directly pressed it against the geth elite's extremely fragile back without the protection of shields and armors: "Bye bye! Iron Pimple!"

boom! The body of the geth elite was instantly covered in frost, turning into a very unsightly ice sculpture.

The next second, Grant disappeared from the spot, and the rocket launched by a geth rocket soldier was belatedly arrived. Apart from blowing the geth elite ice sculpture into pieces, which only turned half of the body, it did nothing. Results.

The krogan who saw this scene roared and their morale was boosted.


About half an hour later, the first wave of geth offensive was resisted by the krogan. They dropped the parts on the ground and retreated to the landing site far away from the krogan camp. Some krogan with hot heads chased them, but He was quickly driven back by the gunfire from the ships in the sky.

It was only then that Krogan discovered that the reason why the geth warships did not participate in the battle was because they were afraid of the anti-aircraft guns in the camp, and were prepared to send infantry to capture them first. Therefore, the current situation could not be called a victory at all, so a Cursing, he began to sort out his weapons and armor.

"Hell, you stole all the limelight from Lex." Lex, who was covered in gunpowder smoke, found the fair-skinned Grant: "One-shot kill is indeed better than Lex and those lightbulb heads facing guns head-on."

"You are too humble. If we face each other head-on, I will definitely not be your opponent."

Grant said, and then added as Lex raised his eyebrows slightly:

"That's what Smurfette asked Grant to say."

"Is that your companion?" Lex looked at the blinking indicator light on Grant's armor, which was showing the "on call" status: "If their location is unsafe, they can come to the camp to hide."

"No need, they..." Grant tilted his head, seeming to understand the meaning of some words: "They are preparing to kick the geth's butts."

Obviously the original words Grant received were not this. The frequency of the communication indicator flashing instantly increased several times, and the expression on his face became very innocent.

"This planet is in a remote location and there are no reinforcements - or in other words, all the guys who can fight within a dozen hops are on this planet. We should..." Lex looked at Grant's expression: " Can your communication be released?"

"Why do you let Grant go out all the time..." Grant muttered and started to operate the multi-purpose tool.

Soon, Liara's image was projected.

"[Hello, Chief Udno Lex,]" she nodded in greeting: "[I'm from the Star Alliance stealth frigate 'Normandy'. I think we should discuss countermeasures.]"

"Grant's tactics are good, but his brain is obviously not good. Did you teach him how to use supernatural powers?" Lex asked.

"[Yes, first the lightning overload shield, then the flame-distorted armor, and finally the cold-freezing structure, all of which are double damage, but if the order is wrong, it will only have half the effect at most,]" Liara said: "[And, these 'Active' abilities all have a one-minute recovery time, which is incomparable to your resident 'passive' abilities, Chief.】"

"Hmph, Asari is still talking in such a roundabout way," Lex snorted: "Even if you didn't say it, Lex wouldn't let Grant charge into battle anytime and anywhere."

"Why?" Grant interjected.

"[Shut up!]" X2

"Okay, okay, Commander told Grant to listen to Smurfette." Grant muttered and shut up.

"[Do you have any plans?]" The two said in unison again.

"Lex can guarantee that if cooperation is needed, with the combat power of the Krogans, the ground battlefield can be delayed for a long time," Lex's tone became more relaxed: "But if you don't have any other reinforcements or better means, just use Lex's method - lure the geth and their ships close enough, hide in a shelter, and detonate a nuke."

"[...As expected of the krogan who used nuclear bombs as fireworks,]" Liara sighed and shook her head: "[But no need, after a short period of time, no more than two hours, these geth will Without unified command, I hope you can wipe out all the Geth ground troops. Do you have any questions?]"

"Hmph, easy as pie."

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