The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and eighty-two, mass effect (32)

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Planet Wormel, inside the geth mothership, communication center.

"Damn it! Commander, are our roles reversed?" Ashley hid behind the fragile bunker, stretched out the muzzle of the gun and blew up two floating machine guns: "Why do these geth want to destroy this communication center? posture?"

"This can only prove," Thanos tilted his head to dodge a bullet, and without looking back, he blasted the head of the geth who sneaked up on him with his backhand, and continued to pull out the conduit on the communication center: "This is not a communication center, but It’s a special individual that they would rather destroy than hand it over to outsiders.”

"Then we must take it away—"


In the middle of Ashley's words, the bunker she was in was blown up by a Geth Rocket Trooper, and her own shield was also crumbling, so she rolled and hid behind another bunker.

Shortly after the "Battle of the Communications Center" began, a strange reversal occurred in the offensive and defensive patterns of the Normandy landing team and the geth attack force.

The geth, who originally seemed to be planning to drive away the "rats" that invaded the communication center, were unable to attack for a period of time, and after Thanos ripped out half of the conduits, they suddenly changed their stance and began to use heavy firepower. Attack the so-called communication center, that is, the geth.

Theoretically, if they were allowed to destroy the geth, the infiltration mission should be considered completed, but it was obvious that none of the people present, even Jenkins, had any intention of following the geth's wishes.

"Damn it, reply quickly..." Ashley hid behind the bunker, listening to the whistling of the bullets that passed her ears. She could only hold the rifle in her hand and stare at the shield indication that was showing "overload". lamp.

The weapons of the geth are different from ordinary Galactic Alliance civilizations. They do not consider the damage to synthetic machinery at all. The properties of all bullets are aimed at "tearing" and "piercing armor" of organisms. After the shield is broken, if it is hit by a god If you take a shot from the Fort race, you might still have half a life left, but if you get shot by a geth, you might have to change it.

Squeak, squeak, drop.

The shield indicator light turned from red to yellow, and at the same time there was a sound of the shield starting to recharge. Ashley breathed a sigh of relief. She was about to put her head slightly to plan the target in advance, but her forehead was pressed by the cold muzzle of the gun.

It was a short geth that was all silver in color.

Only its upper body is visible, and its lower body is still in a strange translucent state. But judging from the speed at which it appears, it doesn't even take a second. At this distance, the mass effect shield cannot take effect at all.

The only good thing about it is that it doesn't seem to be able to fire while cloaked.

Rolling to dodge the gun at such a close distance is simply a joke. The only way to win is to destroy it within one second, or at least knock away the gun pointed at you!

Ashley relied on her military skills to figure out the fighting ideas in an instant, and punched Geth's gun-raising arm directly. The multi-purpose tool on her wrist immediately emerged and turned into a sharp blade.

Crack! Geth's wrist and the gun flew out instantly, but before Ashley could breathe a sigh of relief, the Geth in front of her had already pressed the second gun in his other hand against her head.

What kind of geth is this, and why are they holding two pistols...


The geth's head exploded like a broken alarm clock.

"You're welcome." Jenkins turned back to the gun and said calmly.

...just a Jenkins!


As the battle continued, Ashley glanced at Jenkins from time to time.

It doesn't matter that Shepard is so strong. He has never been in actual combat. This is a guy who has been sitting on the ship looking at combat records!

As a result, the corporal who was trembling and stammering when he first sneaked in, with a face that looked like he might be killed by bullets flying from nowhere at any time, has become an elite in a certain sense.

Perhaps his movements were a bit mechanical and his responses a bit rigid, but he was able to fight back and forth with the geths he was facing without letting them advance half a meter.

"Have you noticed?" Thanos, who was in the same bunker as Ashley, said when Ashley once again escaped the rocket attack. "He's imitating these geth."

"Indeed..." Ashley thought about it for a moment: "If you put a jeskin on him, it would be almost indistinguishable in his movements."

"He can learn battlefield situation judgment and tactical countermeasures from combat records, but the only thing he can't learn is how to act on the battlefield," Thanos raised his gun and blew up a rocket geth before rolling to the back of another bunker. : "My team members have distinct personal styles. Even if he can barely learn it, he will only put himself in danger by over-imitating. In fact, he doesn't need anything fancy. As a person with no characteristics, he will be the most ordinary one." Warrior', as long as all actions are standard enough, and geth infantry are the most standard warriors in the universe - those fancy modified versions are not counted."

"The upper limit is not high, but the lower limit is not low?" Ashley said thoughtfully: "Taiwan Balm?"

"I see you understand. After this battle, he has grown up rapidly. He is a reliable companion who can be trusted to support you. Don't be too mean to him." Thanos moved behind another bunker: "Also, pay attention to observe strange things. air fluctuations."

"What air-"



Before Ashley could ask, Thanos lifted the Defender and shot her sharply.

The next second, a twin-gun geth that was exactly the same as before emerged from the invisible state, but its head was gone.

"I'm thinking of naming it 'Geth Assassin.'" Thanos gestured to her to continue fighting, then returned to the communication center and pulled out another conduit.

"Tsk..." Ashley moved to another bunker and continued to target the geth who were trying to break through, or simply attack the "communication center" from a distance.

Obviously, Commander Shepard could have fired in time to save himself before, but he gave the opportunity to Jenkins, allowing that guy to further build up his confidence that he was very strong.

This also means that when the commander is dealing with the communication center, he is also paying attention to the status of the two of them and the enemy they are facing. If there is a mistake, he will make amends in time.

No, it should be said that during this period of defensive battle, he had quietly made up for countless mistakes for himself and Jenkins, especially when the rookie Jenkins had not yet grown up.

It wasn't until the unexpected "Geth Assassin" appeared this time that his "moisturizing and silent" care was discovered.

Could it be that every time he went on field duty before, he always acted like the "invisible guardian" silently?

Huh, those tough guys who only know how to find the enemy and shoot them must not have noticed it.

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