The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and eighty-eight, mass effect (38)

"Collect Doomsday ()"!


The planet Elos.

The Normandy was rolling around in the heavy rain of mass effect fire.

"What the hell!" Kaiden's hand slid wildly on the control panel as if he had a seizure: "We are obviously invisible! Why are we being attacked?"


A beam cannon grazed the edge of the Normandy's shield. Although it did not hit the hull, it slightly deflected its original trajectory.

The next moment, the aimless attacks of the geth battleship group in other directions were instantly focused, and Caiden had to turn around and return to avoid those extremely dense lines of fire.

"Obviously," Thanos said, pressing the back of his seat: "They were attacking based on the premise that there is an undetectable ship. After all, no matter how invisible we are, we will cause damage after entering the atmosphere. The disturbance cannot be concealed, it seems that the geth mothership has a strong desire for revenge."

"We should have found a way to blow up the ship in the first place," Gallas stood aside with his arms folded: "What should we do now? These 'heretics' obviously don't intend to let us get close to the 'Holy Path'."

"[I contacted the geth on the surface,]" Legion said in an electronic voice: "[They said they want to guard the holy road and cannot attract firepower for us.]"

"What the hell, it's obvious that most of the heretics have already gone to the Citadel, why don't these guys retreat?" Kaiden tried to approach from another direction, but was still quickly hit by exploratory artillery fire and had to retreat.

"[The Geth will not give up any 'possibilities,'" Legion explained: "[They believe that destroying or occupying the Holy Path will still make it possible for the 'Ancient Machine' to successfully descend.]"

"It's a little strange here." Gallas turned to look at the Legion: "The 'Ancient Machine' you met with has made it clear that it wants to prevent other 'Ancient Machines' from coming, so it is the traitor of the 'Ancient Machine'. Why are you still willing to follow it? it?"

"Hey! Gallas, don't say unnecessary words!" Kaiden shouted.

"It's okay," Thanos patted Kaiden on the shoulder: "Since they already know everything and are still willing to stand with us, then this sentence is questionable."

"[Because it was the 'ghost signal' that woke us up, not the 'ancient machine'," Legion said: "[As far as humans are concerned,

You are born of human women, but you do not call all human women mothers. ]"

"Huh? So that Reaper happens to be your mother?" Kaiden looked incredulous.

"[In terms of identification, it is not completely consistent, it can only be said to be exactly the same.]" Legion replied.

"I think your language module needs to be debugged." Gallas snorted.

"['Heresy' believes that the identification signal of the 'ancient machine' claiming to be 'overlord' is consistent with the 'ghost signal', which can only prove that all 'ancient machines' use the same signal," Legion said: "[We have no idea about this. No. If it turns out that the identification signals of other 'ancient machines' are different, they do not recognize their creator. If the signals of all 'ancient machines' are consistent, it is reasonable for us to accept the first 'ancient machine' we see. of.】"

"I didn't even know that the geth had imprinting behavior." Kaiden muttered.


A gray-blue light, like a mass effect jump, soared into the sky in front of Normandy.


Half an hour later, the Normandie fell into an ancient building from the top of the Prothean Pyramid.

Due to the relatively narrow interior, Thanos and the landing team took infantry vehicles and followed Virgil's guidance to the location of the "Holy Way".

"It's amazing," Liara leaned against the car window and looked outside: "The Prothean Pyramid is not empty. If this matter is announced..."

"[All Prothean pyramids will be destructively developed,]" Virgil's shadow, who was allowed to connect to the communication in the car, responded: "[It is said that the price of Prothean relics on the black market is quite high.]"

"Uh..." Liara was stunned for a moment: "Who told you?"

"[An Asari named Benacia, her appearance is 83% similar to yours.]" Vergil replied.

"Mother! I knew it!" Liara gritted her teeth.

"Are there any weapons used by Protheans here?" Gallas looked at the empty dormant chambers and asked a little reluctantly: "The blueprints are also acceptable."

"[The relevant technology has been claimed by a Turian named Saren Atreus,]" Virgil replied: "[Any inquiry from an individual without 'ghost' permission will be rejected.]"

"Tsk...that's his style." Gallas scratched his head.

"I just asked directly," Ashley seemed to have thought about a question, but was hit by these two answers and forgot about it: "What message did Connor Shepard have?"

"[She said, 'After this battle, humans will become important members of the Galactic Alliance. In order to see that day, please try your best to protect yourself and not die.']" Vergil replied.

"Oh...has she been planning for the future of mankind and the Galactic Alliance?" Ashley touched her chin: "It seems that someone claimed that she was a traitor at first."

"I was wrong, okay, who let her mix with the geth... uh." Tali looked at the neatly arranged geths outside the window, and then looked away and saw the legion again, and she was speechless for a moment.

"Hey!" Grant, who was lying on the roof of the car because he couldn't sit down, knocked on the roof of the car hard: "I saw the 'Holy Road'. If I want to make a mass effect jump next, I have to go in."

"[I talked with the other geth,]" Legion said: "[Using the 'Holy Path' requires synchronizing the vehicle's mass effect core with it, which will take nearly two hours."

"Because its size is too small," Thanos, who was in charge of driving, nodded: "Ordinary mass effect repeaters will also take longer to transmit an entire fleet."

"Then what should we do?" Ashley looked at the erected repeater approaching in front of her: "After two hours, it will be too late to do anything, right? Mr. Virgil? Can you think of a way?"

“[I only have the blueprint of the ‘Holy Path’,]” Virgil replied, “[In our time, the Holy Path has not been successfully created, so we don’t know how to use it.]”


"It's very simple," Thanos said, interrupting other people's questions: "They have already synchronized once with the Grayfin Shark, and the time it takes to synchronize again will be shortened, and the one who made the jump is also [Shepard]. "

"No, the latter one has nothing to do with it..." Ashley rolled her eyes.

"There is still a little bit of it,"

Thanos looked up at the almost filled "Warrior" constellation, and stretched out a hand forward:

"[The gathered prayers will become a reborn shining star! The gathered star's light will illuminate a new miracle! Turn it into a shining road! Synchronic jump!]"


The stars on the "Warrior" constellation that no one could see disintegrated one after another, and fell on both sides of the speeding infantry vehicle in beautiful trajectories, forming a starry road.

The next moment, the infantry vehicle that galloped to the front of the "Holy Road" without slowing down instantly turned into a dazzling golden light and soared into the sky.

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