The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and eighty-nine, mass effect (39)


Serpent Nebula, Citadel Skyspace.

Due to the recent frequent "Geth attacks" in various galaxies, many people are worried that the Citadel, the capital of the Galactic Alliance, will be attacked. As a result, there have been many fewer ships traveling to and from the galaxy. If we say that the various civilizations came in and out here before The flow is like a big river, so the current frequency of ship traffic is like the river entering a dry season.

Although the Citadel Council did not believe that the geth would brazenly attack the Citadel, they still arranged for the Galactic Alliance United Fleet to replace the ordinary Citadel Security Department fleet to patrol near the repeater. However, the most powerful "Destiny Extraordinary" among them However, it was arranged to be docked in the ring area and stand by. Once nothing could be done, as the most powerful dreadnought in the galaxy, it would be responsible for assisting the Citadel Council in retreating.

This decision was equivalent to cutting off an arm at the beginning of the war, which naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of many other civilized members who had no means of escape. However, they did not have the veto power to interfere with this resolution, and Asari, It is strange that the ambassadors of the three major races, Turian and Salarian, would vote against being taken away and evacuated.

Human ambassador Nick Fury took the opportunity to launch diplomatic mediation on the premise of "we are in the same boat" and announced that the human-based "C-SEC" police department under the Citadel Security Department will do its best to protect the safety of Citadel residents when the geth invade.

Since John Shepard dug out the moth in CSEC, Secretary Allen and other police officers are holding their breath under pressure to prove themselves. In the past few months, the reputation has improved to a considerable extent after a short-term decrease. Indirectly, Nick Fury's promise became more credible, and the evaluation of humans in the Citadel was greatly improved.

However, if the geth did not invade in the end, this unfulfilled promise would be forgotten by other civilizations after a while, and the Citadel Council's attempts to flee the battle would also be ignored.



Customs space station.

The space station is in the same orbit as the Mass Effect repeater, and instead of maintaining the same orbital speed, it is responsible for deciding whether to accept the "application" of each ship trying to pass through the repeater.

Because the repeater itself will automatically allow every ship synchronized with it to pass through, there is no security at all. Therefore, most civilizations will build such "customs" at the border or near relatively important repeaters. According to the creator Conduct access review based on requirements.

However, even the customs of a repeater with a large throughput like the Citadel has basically no chance of clearly rejecting which ship, because whether it is smuggling or piracy, it is completely impossible to distinguish simply from the received ship identification signal. from.

"Waller, Turian, Asari, Salarian..." Turian Ashtotzka was looking boredly at the ships passing through the mass relay.

His responsibility is to receive the ship identification signal and press the "pass" button to assign docking areas to them. The rest will be taken care of by other customs staff.

Of course, you can only press "Pass". If the "Don't Pass" button were real, it would have been covered with dust long ago.

He complained more than once, if every ship can pass, why put a person here to watch, it is not difficult to directly automate all the passes - but no.

The criteria for "failure" are clearly defined, namely "ships of civilizations whose ambassadors were expelled from the Citadel". Except for some strange civilizations that I have never heard of, the more well-known ones are "Batarian" and "Quali" "The former is because it refuses to fulfill the Citadel Convention, and the latter is because it has created a major threat to the geth. Any ships marked with these two civilizations are not allowed to land on the Citadel.

But the problem is,

What is prohibited is "civilized ships" rather than "civilized individuals". When they know clearly that they are prohibited from landing, how stupid would they have to be to drive their own civilized ships over and be rejected. Members of these two civilizations only need to take other Civilized ships can roam around the Citadel with great arrogance - being discriminated against and alienated is another matter.

In order to be on the lookout for a fool trying to apply for this position so that it can be rejected, it is better to withdraw as soon as possible. The fate of turians should be to die on the battlefield, not to die in the office.

Ashtozka approved another batch of applications that were probably cargo ships. He looked at the clock on the wall, picked up the cup and walked to the coffee machine in the corner of the office: "Kora! It's time to change shifts!"

"I've said it a hundred times, my name is Colokia. Any abbreviation means it means something different." A Wocha man who looked like a fox dropped the puzzle pieces in his hand and stood up and walked to the workbench.

"Okay, Cora," Ashtoszka started to make coffee: "I will change my words next time."

"Huh, I've said this a hundred times," Colokia sat down in front of the workbench, quickly processed the slightly blocked applications, and then glanced at him sideways: "As a creature with left-handed genes, you drink Are human things okay?”

"The nutrition itself will not be absorbed, but the refreshing effect can be enjoyed," Ashtoszka held up the coffee cup: "Human technology and culture are quite average, but luxury goods are really good."

"You call that thing a luxury product? Huh?" Colokia was mid-sentence when his attention was suddenly attracted by the newly applied identification signal: "Geth Cruiser? Is today April Fool's Day?"

"Perhaps who captured the Geth warship and planned to sell it?" Ashtozka sipped the black liquid without paying much attention.

"That should also be the identification code of the cargo ship... Oh! Fox God!"

At this moment, a dense number of "Geth Battleship Passage Applications" suddenly filled Colokia's operation panel, and even began to spread to other unrelated information boards.

"The information that the Geth are preparing to attack the Citadel is actually true!" Kolokia was frightened for a few seconds, then raised his hand to slap the "Do Not Pass" button projection: "I must stop -"


There was a bullet hole in the foxman's head, and blue blood splattered all over the workbench.

"Finally -" Ashtoszka pulled away the body of his colleague with a sick smile, and began to tap the "Pass" button frantically like a timer: "The war has begun! I don't have to press this stupid button here anymore. Got it!"

Buzz, buzz, buzz buzz——

Following his movements, gray-white battleships that looked like grasshoppers without wings and legs appeared near the Serpent Galaxy's relay one after another. Soon, their number was so large that they even obscured the Customs Space Station. All the universe that can be seen.

When the alarm inside the customs sounded in vain, Ashtozka was still frantically tapping the "pass" button that had long been taken over by the geth.

Behind him, a line of turian text was quietly displayed on the panel of the coffee machine, which was supposed to only have standard text such as temperature and timing: ""

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