The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and ninety-two, mass effect (42)


"How can I make this decision?"

"[Now only you know what exactly happened in the Citadel, and Admiral Hackett also said that he will listen to your opinion.]"

Inside the castle, Kangna was in a tangle.

Two options were placed in front of her. They were not the easy and light-hearted choices like "how to treat people" or "whether to arrest a certain suspect" in the past. Both options this time were heavy and breathtaking. Don't get angry.

Or, at the expense of the newly formed Fifth Fleet, save the Destiny Extraordinary and the Citadel Council, and use this as an opportunity to gain the favor of the Citadel Council and then join the council.

Or, let the Citadel Council and the most powerful dreadnought in the galaxy be destroyed, and then use its overwhelming military strength and the merit of saving the Citadel to become the new permanent director civilization of the Citadel Council.

Is it really okay to let her, an android, make decisions about this kind of event that has a major impact on humans?

Kang Na now very much wants to hold a referendum for all mankind immediately to throw away the pot of decision-making.

However, even if that were possible, the referendum result would certainly cause irreconcilable controversy.

Those who have long been concerned about the unfair treatment humans have received in the Citadel Council will definitely support abandoning that useless council to make humanity’s voice louder, but those who hope to live in civilized and harmonious coexistence with the members of the Galactic Alliance will definitely oppose this.

Due to the urgency of the situation, Kangna had no time to think slowly and directly turned on the ultra-high-speed computing mode. If the halo on her forehead was still there, it must be showing a dazzling red light.

First of all, it seems that the Destiny Extraordinary Ship and the Citadel Council cannot give up.

The Destiny Extraordinary is the most powerful dreadnought of the Asari people. When fighting against the "Reapers" that will appear in the future, it will definitely be able to contribute far more than the value of a "lifeboat with a thick shield" at the moment. , since the Citadel Council was on her deck, she was busy avoiding artillery fire in order to protect those politicians, and she did not exert even half of her original combat effectiveness.

As for the Citadel Council itself, it is not that important. Although due to the issue of candidate qualifications, sacrificing them is equivalent to sacrificing an Asari matriarch, a Turian chapter leader and a Salarian chief scientist, but the three major races A three-digit replacement can be found at any time.

The real trouble is once you do that. The three major races will clearly learn that humans gave up on them in order to preserve their own combat effectiveness when they were able to rescue the Council. This will shatter the image of humanity that Nick Fury and Allen have managed in the Citadel for several years.

The three major governing civilizations will never give mankind a good look again.

Perhaps the Citadel Council would not know that this decision was made by Kangna, but she might not be able to live up to her status as the "ghost" of the Citadel.

Even if the United Fleet is severely weakened and the Fifth Fleet seizes the Citadel Council with overwhelming strength, it will be useless. The heritage of the civilization of the three permanent directors of the Citadel is there, and it will inevitably make a comeback within three to five years. Humanity, as a The civilization that has just joined the Galactic Alliance cannot possibly be their opponent in terms of playing tricks.

However, the Fifth Fleet cannot give up.

This fleet is an elite force created by the Star Alliance by integrating most of the new technologies acquired by humans after joining the Galactic Alliance. Not to mention the technological content of the ships, even the average age of the crew is lower than other fleets. It can almost be said that A group of children who wanted to contribute to humanity and joined the Star Alliance Navy precisely because they witnessed the war between humans and Batarians.

As soldiers, these young people will not be afraid of fighting and sacrifice, but they should never be "sacrificed" as a political bargaining chip. If they do, in the future, whether it is a colony on the earth or another planet, every human being will Whenever you see a recruitment advertisement for the Star Alliance Navy, you will definitely think of the fate of this fleet and sneer at it.

Therefore, sacrificing them means giving up the future of the Star Alliance Navy.

Of course, if the Fifth Fleet suffers heavy losses in order to protect the Parliament at this time, humans will definitely gain the favor of the Parliament race. Under the active operation of Nick Fury, these favors may be discounted, allowing humanity to further develop in all aspects.

However, who can guarantee that the Reapers will come to the galaxy only after humans have recovered and grown up successfully? Who can guarantee that after seeing those legendary "ancient machines" that destroyed civilization, aliens will send fleets to defend the earth and colonies out of "gratefulness"?

According to Kangna's deduction, those congressmen would probably say, "Our planet has also been invaded by the Reapers, and we really have no time to lend a helping hand."

Taken together, this option is basically a disguised trolley problem. It seems simple, but the more details you understand, the harder it is to make a decision.

If you calculate it by the number of lives, the questioner will tell you that the single person on the railway track is an outstanding scientist, and the five-person railway track is a criminal. If you calculate it by value, the questioner will tell you that the scientist is dying and the criminals are all misdemeanors. There are wives and children waiting for them to come home.

It makes people wish they were just an unrelated person passing by with a toilet pusher.

When Kangna saw the question, her conclusion was to beat up the person who asked the question. If the problem couldn't be solved, then she would kill the person who asked the question.

However, she can't beat Anderson or Action Suggestion now, because the threat of the geth is real, and if you think about it carefully, the geth who were originally hiding behind the Perseus Curtain will come out and seem to be related to Her activation of the "Spark Source" has something to do with letting Raven pilot the Reaper battleship.

If we refer to off-site factors, Raven is now rushing towards the Citadel tower with all her strength so that Kangna can gain access to the Citadel's internal system, which has no use other than sharing the geth's movements.

Heading to Yunzhong's too late.

The ability of the fire source...cannot be used.

The technology given by the Lich King... can only affect oneself.

The Supreme Mage... this situation must have been expected by him, and it would not happen until the critical moment.

Kangna thought she was already special, but for a while she couldn't find a way to break the situation, such as "the Fifth Fleet supported but was not severely damaged" and "the Fifth Fleet did not support but the Destiny Extraordinary survived". Events of low probability can be treated as if they do not exist.

"Let the Fifth Fleet jump and rescue the extraordinary destiny." Kangna stopped thinking and responded to Anderson.

"You..." Before Saren could say anything, he saw her instantly transform into a purple lightning and speed forward.

When the Fifth Fleet arrives, let the Citadel be re-opened just in time.

This was the only solution Kangna could think of.

This choice means that she must reach the internal control system of the Citadel Tower within the ten seconds before the Fifth Fleet receives the order to jump and join the battle.

Without recovery, what will happen to the jumper if high-frequency "psionic jumps" are performed?

do not care.

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