The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and ninety-three, mass effect (43)


Inside the castle.

In an ancient space filled with a sense of abandonment, a slender purple figure was flashing along the curved walkway. Because there were various obstacles on the route, corners and caregivers who didn't know what it meant to give way, the purple figure The trajectory of light and shadow is in the form of a zigzag line, but the speed is still very amazing.

[Connecting to subspace——]

[Exiting subspace——]



[Right, right, right, right——]

Since two matching messages would appear every time [Psychic Leap] was used, causing the relevant information bar to be flushed directly on the screen, Kangna simply minimized the message box, out of sight and out of mind.

[Psychic Leap], [Psychic Shield] and [Psychic Interface] are abilities that Kangna inherited from the Lich King. Judging from the names, they seem to be used by people with psychic powers, but If you study it carefully, something seems wrong.

The original purpose descriptions of these abilities are:

[Psychic Leap: Consume psychic energy to move yourself through subspace to a place you have visited before. 】

[Psychic Shield: Consume psychic energy to create a shield around yourself that can isolate adverse factors. 】

[Psychic energy interface: When spiritual energy is insufficient, you can absorb or release spiritual energy through this interface for use. 】

Before, when she accidentally brought Raven out and possessed her on the Reaper battleship with insufficient core power, she used the [Psychic Interface] ability to reversely transmit the energy of her mass effect core to activate it.

In addition, Benacia arrived at the mechanical sandworm nest through [Psychic Leap] and was picked up by them.

Finally, [Psychic Shield] and the "Mass Effect Shield" provided by the Multi-Tool are incompatible with each other. One is purple and the other is blue, and only one can be turned on at a time.

These features may seem fine at first glance, but neither one of them is quite right.

[Psychic Energy Interface] should only be able to transmit "psionic energy", but what about transmitting the energy at the core of Mass Effect? It also activated the core of the "Reaper Battleship" which is alive. Unless, "Element Zero", a widely used element,

It is actually a kind of "psionic energy" that is spread throughout the galaxy. The "Mass Effect Repeater" on the scientific side is actually a "portal" on the magic side.

[Psychic Leap] allows you to go to places you have visited before, but Benacia jumped directly to a place she has never been to and only exists in her imagination. In other words, the meaning of "visited" is, " "Familiar enough with the target location", even if it is imaginary, it is a magical ability.

[Psychic Shield], the description is very simple, it isolates unfavorable factors, but what is considered unfavorable? Can this shield without a control panel automatically detect the user's species and make inferences, or does it change based on the user's thoughts? Either way, you are going further and further on the road to magic.

However, these core things have nothing to do with Kangna's current situation. Her current problem is... she is losing body parts.

Since she has no idea what the "Citadel Center" looks like, she cannot directly teleport there through imagination. She can only perform a short-distance [Psychic Leap] to the location within the range of her vision. When she arrives at one place, she immediately starts it again and goes to the next place. Since there was no interruption at all during this period, from a visual point of view, a long purple shadow was drawn directly behind her, and from a speed perspective, as long as there was not another giant space inside the Citadel Tower, it would be enough for her to search the entire tower. Find the control center that I don’t know where.

However, the consequence of this continuous "jump" is that her bionic human body is constantly losing structures. This lack is not a physical cut or break, but those structures still exist, but are not in this world, for example , her right little finger has lost the second fingertip, but the fingertip can still move freely, as if it is still connected to the palm. To use a metaphor, it is like she is being "erased".

This can be said to be another "jump symptom" after "subspace storm" and "falling into madness". Could it be because the distance through subspace each time is too short to trigger a storm, and she is an android and does not go crazy. The concept was triggered?

It is also very simple to prevent this "symptom", as long as you open the "spiritual shield" every time you jump, but this behavior will cause the jump to start slower, and it may be too late to reach the center of the Citadel.


In less than five seconds, Kangna's figure had passed through the outer ring area like lightning and found the entrance to the inside of the castle's giant tower, but she herself had turned into a...rubbed by a child who didn't understand how to appreciate it. Scratched pencil drawings.

Kangna saw her appearance on the smooth metal wall, which was not too surprising. In other words, this was one of several possible encounters she had expected to encounter when she overloaded the psychic jump throat, and it was not so bad. kind.

This kind of "subspace assimilation" that will eventually disappear from real space will not have much impact on her current action goals, but it will be a troublesome thing if there is no means of interaction. In any case, she hopes to leave a complete picture when she arrives. With your hands and eyes, you can control the central panel - if there is a panel.

As soon as Kangna turned away from this thought, she was surprised to find that her body was complete again. No, it should be said that all those "defects" had been transferred to her body.

After a simple self-examination, she found that half of her body was empty except for the mass effect core. However, everything seemed normal from the outside. If she continued to use psychic jumps like this, she would probably end up with only the outer core. There is a strange situation where there is a layer of "skin" and the inside is completely empty.

Is this some kind of sci-fi painting?

Oh, no, the modeling of 3D games is basically like this. Who will fill it all up?

While Kangna complained, she continued to "jump" inside the giant tower of the Citadel. Finally, when she really turned into a "sci-fi print skin", she found the center of the Citadel. Not long after she received Anderson's message and replied , only thirty seconds passed.

This is a huge hall similar to the one where the Citadel Council meets, but the place where the members should have been seated has been replaced by an information panel with a large amount of data streaming constantly on the screen.

Click, choke!

While Kangna was quickly browsing these panels to determine their functions, with a loud noise, the castle tower suddenly shook, and at the same time, Raven's communication came.

"[Kanna! I stopped on the giant tower of the Citadel! It looks like a skewer hahaha!]"

"Thank you for your hard work. I will open the Citadel Guard Area right now, and you are going to transmit all the geth's movements to the Dunkirk."

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