The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and ninety-four, mass effect (44)


Citadel control center.

Kangna was observing the shape of the battlefield while using those panels that had not been used for about 50,000 years to reopen the closed guard area of ​​the castle.

Presumably the staff in the "Form Citadel Tower" are exclaiming that the control of the Citadel has been taken away by the Geth.

In terms of motivation, the Citadel Council's move to close the Guard District after escaping must have allowed the Citadel to attract firepower for them, but in fact it protected the residents living on the surface of the Guard District.

Currently, the combined fleet's combat effectiveness "inside" the Citadel is superior, but because they regarded Riven as an imaginary enemy, they allowed the geth to move freely for a while, and then they suddenly discovered that the "Reaper Battleship" and The geths had different purposes. The "Reaper Battleship" went straight to the Citadel Tower, while the other geths aimlessly destroyed the guard area, and then they began to attack those geths.

Obviously, they knew that Riven was planning to close the passage, but they were not quite sure how she was going to do it. After preliminary analysis, they believed that the entire castle might be at work, so they attacked everywhere.

From Kangna's point of view, to open the jump channel to the center of the galaxy, all that is needed is the structure of the ring area, but it requires Raven to lie on the Citadel tower like a kebab for a while to maintain synchronization.

"Well, Director Fury and Allen did a good job." Kangna paid a little attention to the situation in the guard area and found that CSEC police officers had already dispersed throughout the guard area, guiding residents to evacuate and resisting the airborne geth, causing casualties. The number of people was quite small, so they continued to focus on Destiny and the Star Alliance Fifth Fleet.


When the five "guard areas" of the Citadel were re-opened, the geth who were besieging the Destiny Extraordinary hesitated. They seemed to be considering whether to continue attacking the crumbling Destiny Extraordinary or turn to the Citadel to stop Riven.

At this moment, the Star Alliance Fifth Fleet, which had made a short jump, appeared behind them. The human warships, which had been told to jump directly into the battlefield, fired thousands of guns, directly destroying a large area of ​​the Geth warships that were caught off guard - of course , that location was provided by Raven via the Dunkirk.

Then, the geth who were beaten up by the combined fleet in the closed space of the Citadel fled from the opened "flowers" and merged with the geth army outside. However, instead of strengthening the combat effectiveness of the geth fleet, they actually Make them more confusing.

Because they have clearly seen that the "Reaper Battleship" is parked on the Citadel Tower and is about to complete the blockade of the descent passage. Should they make a desperate move to destroy the Citadel Tower, continue to attack the crumbling Destiny Chaoren, or conserve their strength and retreat temporarily? , are all optional.

According to the characteristics of the geth group, their support rate for these three options is all 33%, which caused the entire geth fleet to fall into a state of fighting independently.

Naturally, the United Fleet does not have this kind of trouble. They have a common goal - to destroy any geth warship in sight.

At this point, the battle for the Citadel has changed from offensive to defensive.


This is the optimal solution, Kangna thought as she looked at the data panels around her.

Having sold favors to the Citadel Council, the loss of the Fifth Fleet was not huge. However, because there was no tragedy of "almost annihilating the entire army", not so many favors were sold. Perhaps Ambassador Fury will become a member of the Parliament, but it is important. There are two other things to talk about: sex and the right to speak.

The only price is that in order to reach the control center in time, Kangna lost about 95% of her structure due to excessive use of psychic jumps, and her whole person became a "painted skin". However, since it was a loss on the magic side, just from the appearance It's not noticeable, but overall, it's acceptable.

It seems that in the future, you must have a psychic shield to perform psychic jumps. I don't know if there is a way to repair it. If you go to see the girls in Yunzhong City like this, you will probably be scolded by them.

"[Kanna, are you still okay? I want to fight back.]" Raven's complaint interrupted Kangna's thinking.

"Let those poor battleships go, they will break into pieces if you put your claws down on them." Kangna glanced at the situation outside the castle tower.

Most of the combined fleet went out to eliminate the geth, but some battleships still followed Riven and kept bombarding her with their main cannons, although they only shook the shield of the "Reaper Battleship". Completely ineffective.

Ever since Raven was lying on the top of the Citadel tower, the mass effect core of the Reaper battleship has been improving the synchronization rate. Until now, it is finally getting better.


When the synchronization rate finally reached 100%, new options were added to the statistics panel for various aspects of the Citadel.

[Upload ‘Pioneer’. 】

[Download ‘Reaper’. 】

[Disconnect the ‘Citadel’ from the ‘Matrix’. 】

"It's really simple and easy to understand." Kangna raised her hand and clicked [Upload 'Pioneer'. 】


Right above the giant tower of the Citadel, where Raven was lying, a dark circular hole slowly opened up. The size was even big enough for Raven to pass through, but it did not attract the attention of other people or ships at all.

[Upload the complete 'Pioneer' (missing the Sky Forge). 】

[Only upload ‘Pioneer’ drivers. (lack of psychic shield)]

"Huh?" Kangna frowned and poked at the second option twice. In addition to having it mark "Lack of Psychic Shield" in red, an additional note popped up:

[Because this 'psionic jump' is too far away, the driver must be protected by a 'psionic shield'. Forcing a jump without a shield may cause the driver's consciousness to suffer serious and irreparable damage. . 】

[Do you want to insist on making the jump without a shield? whether. 】

Kangna clicked No and contacted Raven: "Can you use the 'Psychic Shield'?"

"[The kind of shield Benacia uses? How could I do that? I don't have psychic powers, I'm just a Reaper.]"

This is really troublesome... It was planned well in advance, but something went wrong in an unexpected place. Kangna looked at the options and began to think about the feasibility of letting Raven retreat first and slowly think of a way. Then, at a glance, she saw quietly Added second option for comments.

[Download ‘Reaper’ (automatically selected after 59 seconds)]

58, 57, 56…

Although activating this function generally does mean to summon the Reaper, forceful buying and selling is too much!


Opposite the dark portal, there seemed to be many behemoths gathering and rubbing together, waiting to be summoned.

"Damn it!" Kangna didn't have time to think about it. She clicked twice to upload Pioneer and pressed "Yes" without hesitation.

At this moment, she imagined that Raven's "Mass Effect Core" launched a psychic jump, and when it arrived, it deployed a psychic shield that could completely cover the core.

The next moment, the huge Reaper warship slowly fell from the top of the Citadel tower as if it had lost power.

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