The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and ninety-five, mass effect (45)


The giant tower of the Citadel.

Kangna felt that her current state was a bit strange.

According to expectations, after his body was assimilated into the subspace due to excessive use of "psionic jump", his consciousness would return to the already familiar gray "subspace" and be taught a lesson by the little girls. After that, he may change his body, or he may be picked up by the "Acting Supreme Mage" who has been waiting here for a long time and say something like "We are lacking talents like you."

But the result was different from any expectation.

Before, she launched her final psychic leap to rush to Raven and put a layer of "psychic shield" on her. Only a thin layer of "painted skin" was left and disappeared.

Almost as soon as she completed this operation, the shadow of the blue-skinned little girl was sucked away by the black hole with a whoosh, and the Reaper battleship, which was like a grasshopper lying on the straw, loosened its claws and emerged from the Citadel. The top fell, but it fell rather slowly due to confusion in the gravity system.

During this process, those combined fleets that were already attacking the Reaper warships probably thought their attacks were effective and further increased their intensity. Then, I don’t know which lucky ship hit the already unprotected Mass Effect core. , the entire Reaper battleship exploded into a firework.

However, the danger of this firework was obviously extremely high. Its fragments shattered in all directions, leaving holes in the Citadel tower, most of the ring area, and the nearest guard area. It was unknown how many casualties there would be.

After the explosion scene, which was like an action blockbuster, was over, Kangna suddenly realized that her "perspective" was "floating" at the position where she finally completed the "leap".

You can't feel the existence of your body at all, but you can turn this "perspective" to look around. The action of "turning the perspective" is also very natural, just like turning your head normally, but don't talk about the head, any memory module and logic module No, how on earth do you keep observing?

If you think about it further... Kangna thought with the non-existent logic module. If all organisms are in a state of "assimilation" and "unable to affect reality", then her "perspective" should fall straight down, unless Even the laws of physics are no longer obeyed after disappearing.

Lacking relevant conditions and unable to draw a corresponding conclusion, Kangna shrugged, or thought she had made a shrug.

In addition, there seems to be a remaining problem here. Kangna "raised her head" and looked at the "black hole".

After Raven was sucked away,

The feeling that "there are a large number of reapers on the other side of the black hole trying to rush in" disappeared, but the black hole did not disappear. It expanded tenaciously, waiting for someone to close it.

Anyway, let’s go back to the Citadel Center first…but how to get there?

Kangna looked at the "Citadel Tower" at her feet and tried to initiate a psychic leap, but failed as expected. She didn't even have a body. What was she trying to leap to?

After thinking for a moment, Kangna tried to imagine that there was a road leading to the center of the castle "under her feet", and took "steps" to "run" in that direction.

Surprisingly, this time it worked.


When Connor ran through the surface of the Citadel tower and returned to the center, she saw Saren, Jarvik, Benacia and the Citadel as expected.

Saren and Jarvik are studying various data on the central panel, while Benacia, as an archaeologist, has little interest in those and is taking the fortress around to look for himself.

"Looking at this operation time, how did it take Kangna only half a minute to get here?" Saren had obviously found the panel he had previously operated.

"[Excessive use of 'Psychic Leap' and disappearing again at this moment. She may have encountered a subspace storm. She is probably no longer here. What a heroic warrior.]" Jarvik sounded like a comrade had sacrificed his life.

Don't just say I'm dead! I'm still jumping around! ——Well, it’s doubtful whether it counts as lively.

"The connection between the Citadel and the 'Matrix'? Is this 'Matrix' the name of the Reaper space station?" Saren was pondering the three options: "Click this to prevent the Reaper invasion - or you do it, old man Jia.”

"[It doesn't completely stop it, it just buys some time,]" Jarvik stretched out his hand solemnly: "[If Prothean has the time to prepare...]"


As Javik pressed the disconnect button and hovered at the top of the Citadel's giant tower, the surging "black hole" quickly shrank and disappeared, leaving Kangna to breathe a sigh of relief - although there seemed to be no breath left to breathe.

Wuli~Wali~Benasia came back with the fortress.

"No one was found," she frowned, and came to the same inference as Jarvik: "It seems that she barely arrived here, and after opening the passage, she was lost due to the subspace storm."

"Don't worry, she will definitely be able to save the day," Saren responded: "A 'ghost' won't die that easily."

I'm a real ghost now!

Connor tried to strike up a conversation, but she didn't know how to talk to them without vocal organs. Brainwaves? Even as an android, don’t you?

Hey! fortress! Can you see me?

After a failed attempt, Connor floated to the fortress and tried to speak to it.


Bastion actually turned its headlight to where Kangna's "viewing point" was at the moment, as if he was saying something to other teammates.

"Well, you're right, Bastion." Benacia said perfunctorily.

I was wrong! I will never say this casually to treat the fortress again!

"If she is involved in a subspace storm, we have no way to find her for the time being. After repelling the geth attack, we will inform the Star Alliance that their first 'ghost' went MIA (during the battle) in order to save the Citadel. missing)." Saren began to study other functions of the Citadel's center.

"The Master Chief must be very sad, but he will not give up looking for her." Benacia's eyes turned purple. .

I'm alive!

Finding that the others were of no use, and that Bastion seemed to be able to vaguely detect herself, Kangna turned to trying to communicate with Bastion using "brain waves" or something else.

Tell them that I have been assimilated by the subspace and am still here, but they can't see it. Don't use scientific methods. Find some psychics. Time and space guides or those from unknown fields should be able to find me.

Connor danced towards the fortress - if it had arms and legs, but the fortress just stared at her with his head tilted, looking unreadable.

"Don't bother, that geth is just wondering why there is a 'soul' in front of him that exists without relying on hardware." A calm male voice came.

Huh? It seems like you said this to yourself?

Kangna "turned around" and saw a human man who was as handsome as a male model, with the red N7 logo shining on his chest.

"I'm John Shepard," he said. "Can someone explain what's going on?"

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