The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and ninety-six, mass effect (46)


The giant tower of the Citadel.

Along with the appearance of the N7 man who calls himself "John Shepard", there are Asari, Turian, Quarian, Krogan and a geth.

There seemed to be more people than her partners, and Kangna had an inexplicable feeling of "losing" - although she didn't know where it came from.

No...wait! can you see me? Can you still talk to me?

Kangna tried to talk to him using brainwaves.

"Another Shepard," Saren looked at John Shepard and his team: "It seems that you also used the 'Holy Path'."

"We don't have the resources of 'Ghost', so we can only take a ride, but it seems that you have the situation under control." John replied, then turned his head slightly and looked at Kangna: "Yes, I can see you, However, if you want to speak, you have to work hard on your own, and I think you should be able to find a way."

"Yes, we have permanently closed the channel that can jump the Reapers to the Citadel," Saren replied: "If you have been following us, you should know what I am talking about."

method? Kangna thought for a moment, and then realized something was wrong: Wait, before that, were you talking to the air?

"The Citadel and the Mass Effect Repeater were not made by Protheans, but were the products of an older civilization. The Reapers used them to guide the growth of new civilization. When the new civilization can no longer do without such convenient means, then Harvesting, the information we have received so far is this." John finished answering Saren, and then answered Kangna: "No, only non-existent people can hear my words. In addition, I suggest you not to continue to communicate like this. The contact of minds at different energy levels will cause one of them to become an idiot."

Well...Kanna calmed down a little.

Due to the inexplicable reason for her "disappearance", when no one can see her, she will inevitably have some panic and behave abnormally. However, after John appeared and clearly responded that he could see her, Kangna's fear disappeared. , and began to think about how to "communicate normally".

The two teams in the "real world" initially confirmed that there were no more problems with the Citadel Center and began cordial and friendly exchanges with each other.

"Saren, I have long admired you. Your unscrupulous style of doing things has caused a lot of controversy in Paleven."

"Really? I think it's more controversial that you refused the arrangement of your congressman uncle in order to prove your ability, and then went to him to deal with the aftermath."

Saren and another turian named Garath seemed to be sarcastically sarcastic with each other.

"Liara~my good daughter~"

"Mother! Your psychic leap experiment went out of control and you didn't appear next to me? Are those relics more important than my daughter?"


Benacia and her daughter were arguing about something trivial.

"[Even in my time, it is rare to see such a rare species of big-headed lizard.]"

"Ha! What do I see? A living Prothean! How are you going to reproduce? Split?"

Jarvik and Grant tease each other about their origins.

"Which side is this geth from? Can I shoot it?"

"[It's from our side.]"


God knows how John got a quarian to see a geth and not shoot him.

After a while of fumbling, Kangna finally found a way to speak normally: using the "Suggestions for Action" option.

Since she lost her body, those functions have stopped working, but she can drag out the "panel" of action suggestions and task instructions and type on it. Although there are still doubts about where to drag it from and how to type, at least she can communicate with John.

【Do you know what state I am in now? 】Kanna raised the "dialog box" towards him.

"Soul out-of-body state." John was observing various data in the center of the Citadel, and seemed to speak casually, but whether it was the team members who were talking over there or a human soldier named Ashley who was following him, all of them He was not found talking.

【soul? But I am an android. 】Kanna changed the content of the "dialog box".

"Ordinary bionic people can't do what you do," John replied: "You can think about it, based on your experience, can you do it again if you replace it with an ordinary bionic person?"

Indeed, ordinary androids cannot survive the "Omnic Crisis". They will become abnormal and go crazy when they read those four letters.

[Do you know Sophie, Emil and Matthew? ] Kangna thought for a while and added another dialog box: [And Babas and the Supreme Mage? 】

She has always felt that these "people" who are obviously separated from the real world and are working hard for something seem to know each other, and now there is another John.

"...Of course I know them," John said with a helpless expression on his face: "They are doing something that goes in the opposite direction, and it is not convenient for me to stop them at the moment."

It sounds like there is a lot of inside information, but now is not the time to get to the bottom of things. The top priority is to determine your own status.

[You said that my soul has left the body, so how can I return to the body? 】Kanna continued to hold up the sign.

"There is nothing we can do for the time being. Your body has been 'liquidated' by the Lich King." John spread his hands: "You won't forget the deal you made, right?"

That "warp mark"? Kangna thought for a moment. If she remembered correctly, the note above was "You will not be liquidated unless you appear in front of the Lich King again." Could it be that the Lich King is in the Citadel?

[You said ‘temporarily’? ] Kangna heard a little hope from that sentence.

"Since you are making sacrifices to 'save' others, it is almost impossible to 'save' your 'liquidated' body in return." John pointed to the castle battlefield outside the window that has not yet completely ended: " However, we can find another way, instead of retrieving the 'liquidated' body, we can directly create a new one - you don't recognize the bed, right?"

[What kind of strange metaphor is that? The androids don't need to sleep at all. ] Kang Na replied, [So, I can 'resurrect' any android that just came out of the factory? 】

"Of course not just anyone," John shook his head: "The new body must be customized according to your soul, and it may take a year or two."

[One or two years... that's fine too. How should we do it specifically? Wait, if I take a ship, will I be left behind after the jump? 】

"Generally speaking, it will be like that," John said: "However, you can authorize me to carry your soul... verbally."

[I authorize you to carry my soul. so? 】

While typing this line, Kangna suddenly felt a strong "condensation" feeling, and then she was surprised to find that a beautiful, orange, crystal clear gem had condensed directly in front of her "perspective", but other people Still blind to this strange sight.

John Shepard reached out, took the gem from the void, and installed it on his golden universal tool.

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