The Collection of The End

One thousand five hundred and ninety-seven, mass effect (47)


The Citadel, the Human Embassy.

Due to the huge impact of the "Battle of the Citadel", the subsequent handling of various related matters was extremely cumbersome. It was not until half a month later that Nick Fury roughly clarified the general context of this incident.

It all started with the mission that Kangna carried out to find the Akuz mechanical sand bug. There, she and Saren met the Asari matriarch who was also interested in it. They destroyed the mechanical sand bug manufacturing factory. At that time, we found a "Geth", also known as "Fortress", which stored a lot of data and therefore had limited intelligence.

Based on the information obtained from the Fortress, they were convinced that there were a large number of Reaper items on the Batarian planet Omega 4, so they went to investigate. However, due to the secrecy of being a "ghost", they were unable to learn that the Star Alliance was targeting them. News of the Batarian launch of a full-scale counterattack.

When they arrived at their destination, they discovered that it was not a "large number of Reaper items", but a "Reaper warship" that had crashed for many years. The Reaper items Batari obtained and the reason for his enlightenment were related to it. .

Afterwards, Kangna and the others accidentally activated the Reaper battleship's AI and gained control of the battleship. Its activation signal attracted the Batarian attack, which coincided with the arrival of the Star Alliance counterattack force. Kicked those six-eyed monsters' butts.

Then, based on the intelligence they obtained from the Reaper AI, they cleared out the backhand left by the Reaper one by one. As a result, they even discovered a Prothean who had been sleeping for 50,000 years, acquired some ancient technology, and was secretly able to control it. local resettlement research.

However, they failed when they tried to use the same method to control the geth who worshiped the "ancient machine". Some of the geth were willing to obey their commands and lie dormant, but others believed that the appearance of the Reaper warship meant a new round. The harvest began, so he took the initiative and blossomed everywhere - and then it became John's military exploits.

As for the reason why the Geth attacked the Citadel, they followed the guidance of the Prothean and found a dormant place with the "Holy Path" drawing. This device allows people to enter the interior of the Citadel and open it to "harvest". "The army of warriors" can be directly dragged into the jump gate of the Citadel space, or this function can be turned off permanently.

Since the geth were originally one body, even if they broke up with each other, there would only be a "firewall" on the data level. This resulted in the information about the "Holy Path" being eventually learned by the "black geth", and they failed to break through the "white geth" "Defense, so the target turned to the Citadel, trying to physically prevent the Holy Path from being activated.

Then came the Battle of the Citadel. The Fifth Fleet rushed thousands of miles to come to the rescue and sold the Citadel Council a huge favor.

But Kangna disappeared, and the AI ​​of the Reaper warship disappeared with her - the latter was blown up by the unknown joint fleet, which not only caused the loss of the defense area, but also made it difficult to reproduce the technology of the Reaper. .

Judging from the lack of any traces of battle inside the Citadel's center, the initial guess is that the too frequent "short jumps" that occurred when the Citadel was "disconnected" triggered a small-scale "subspace storm" and lost her. Somewhere, trying to find someone in this situation is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, there is no need to look for it, because she is a bionic person, and there is no situation where she cannot survive due to the harsh environment. As long as she can access the ubiquitous buoy network, upload her consciousness back to the SCP, and recreate a body.

Externally, she was temporarily declared MIA to pave the way for her future return and at the same time downplay her role in the Battle of the Citadel.

Of course, this method of handling will naturally cause strong dissatisfaction among the relevant personnel.

"Nick Fury! You bald man! How can you blame Connor's achievements on others!?"

"I'm sorry, Ambassador Fury, but I must refuse these honors that do not belong to me."

David Anderson and John Shepard rushed into the ambassador's office one after another.

This guy has been a captain for so long, but he still can't change his hot temper. He can't learn from John... Nick Fury sighed slightly,

Then he said:

"What? Do you want Kangna to never come back?"

"Uh..." Anderson paused for a moment.

"Come back? What does that mean?" John looked surprised.

"John, I won't hide it from you now," Nick Fury looked at him and said, "Your predecessor, Conna Shepard, is a T800 android."

"What?!" John was shocked.

"She is the first 'human ghost' recognized by the Citadel Council. We cannot give up this identity, so we made some adjustments to her. All detection equipment with insufficient technical content will judge her as a human," Nick Fury turned Anderson: "The Citadel generally does not interfere with the actions of ghosts, but if the credit for such a major event is placed on her, she must come forward. If she is unable to attend, she will be judged as a KIA by the council and her ghost qualifications will be revoked. "

"It's okay to put it on Saren's head." Anderson glanced at John, as if he didn't like him for some unknown reason.

"Similarly, he has to explain Kangna's whereabouts when debriefing, but in his eyes, Kangna was involved in the 'subspace storm' and basically died. Do you understand?" Nick Fury folded his hands. Stack: "If we want Kangna to still appear, we cannot let her 'current state' enter the brain circuit of the Citadel Council."

"That is to say..." John seemed to clarify his thoughts, "Connor Shepard did not enter the interior of the Citadel tower at all. She discovered that the Reaper battleship and the Geth were going to attack the Citadel and broke into the 'Holy Path' to stop their conspiracy. , it’s me and my Normandy.”

"Look, John knows the current situation very well," Nick Fury spread his hands: "We saved the Citadel and the Parliament. No matter how selfish those guys are, the benefits to us will not be compromised. If we have to worry about these things, If they get to the bottom of this insubstantial 'honor', the Reaper technology, the Protheans, and the fortress will all be taken away with excuses."

"Hmph..." Anderson raised his eyebrows: "The teacher gave you a hundred points, so don't go to him and tell him that you got a wrong answer on one question, how about that?"

"Of course, there is another reason - the reputation John gained by destroying those machines after the Geth left the Perseus Veil and went out to attack, Philos, Artemis, Novilia, Wormel, and Ga No one will question the last Citadel," Nick Fury looked at Anderson, who seemed to have accepted the arrangement: "Think more about everything in the future, Ambassador Anderson."

"What? Ambassador?" Anderson looked up at Nick Fury.

"Of course I am a human ambassador," Nick Fury adjusted his tie: "As for me, I will become the first human member of the Citadel Council."

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