The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and eighteen, the hero returns (8)


Scientific research space station, dock.

"This is your ship, the 'Normandy II'," Gwen pointed towards the blade-like silver frigate's hull as she led Conna and Cicero towards the air valve passage of the new ship: " The overall structure is based on the 'Normandy', but with two additional decks, even if you recruit 20 'superheroes', you can still have separate rooms to arrange."

"Why not 'Dunkirk II'?" Kangna casually glanced at her new car and felt that it was much "heavier" than the original one. It seems that ship construction technology has also improved a lot in the past two years. development of.

"The Dunkirk is serving in the Star Alliance Fifth Fleet," Cicero replied, and then took the initiative before Connor asked: "Anderson's current identity is the 'Human Ambassador', stationed in the Citadel, while Nick Fury He became a human member of the Citadel Council and was busy mediating all day long. Saren went back to his ghost business, while Citadel and Jarvik were brought back to Thessia by Benacia."

"...I hope Lao Jia is okay." Kangna said sincerely.

After all, Asari developed through studying Prothean ruins and history, which is basically equivalent to being enlightened by a god. Now that the god has fallen into the mortal world, there is simply no reward for not giving him a bunch of children.

As for appearance, some Asari can marry Krogan, which can basically be called vegetarian... Oh, no, it seems that no Asari has ever taken a liking to a Batarian, most likely It's because of appearance.

"...At present, all the crew members are low-level personnel assigned by the Earth Guardian. They basically do not know the relevant secrets, and most of them are your admirers. However, if you want to replace them, it is no problem, as long as you think you have recruited enough people. As long as it's credible." Gwen, who didn't understand the slang of the two people, continued to introduce after disinfecting the air valve and entering the ship.

"I'll keep them for now," Connor said.

After all, the Earth Guardian sincerely believes that he is "Kanna Shepard". If he goes to the Star Alliance, the higher-ups who know his identity as an android will definitely install surveillance personnel. If you want to verify your identity, you can wait until the threat of "infiltrators" is resolved.

"Hey! Look at this cockpit! Look -" Cicero left the two of them behind and rushed into the cockpit. However, since all the equipment was up to date, he couldn't find which one deserved more praise, and finally held back. He said: "——The seats are made of real leather!"

"Get more familiar with it. This is your future battlefield." Kangna patted Cicero on the shoulder and led Gwen to the bridge: "Do you have anything else to say that Heaven's Lock wants to convey?"

"there is none left,

BOSS said that only by letting you play freely can you have the greatest value. If he sets some rules for you, it is better to just create a dummy." Gwen spread his hands: "The recruitment list is in the captain's console, you can see it yourself. , I want to get a room with the best view first! "

Kangna blinked and walked to the captain's seat to sit down.


[Commander Shepard:]

[The list I provide is only the candidates that I think will be helpful. If you think there are more suitable people outside the list, you can also recruit them yourself, as long as you are sure that they will not cause trouble to your mission. 】

【Angela Kirilet Ziegler】

[Recommended position: ship doctor]

[This is an excellent doctor from the 'Human Federation'. After the opening of the 'Omega Star Gate', he devoted himself to studying the immunity of human groups that have been separated for nearly a hundred years. He has successfully prevented at least four large-scale epidemics. Disease outbreak. 】

【Emile Mengsk】

[Recommended position: Charge Captain]

[This is the president of the People's Federation, the sister of Arcturus Mengsk, who has extremely strong psychic abilities and is keen on exploring unknown things. She is currently on vacation on the Omega Space Station]

[Special note: Don’t ignore her, and don’t make her angry. 】

【Anna Elena】

[Recommended position: Navigator]

[Special Forces of the Watch Fort Garrison, a meritorious hero of the Batarian Counterattack, possessing extremely strong sniping ability, and later retired due to eye injuries. She is serving as a guest instructor at the Watch Fort. If there is an opportunity to contribute to mankind, she should not Let it go. 】

【Sam Fisher】

[Recommended position: Intelligence officer]

[Anna Elena’s husband collects intelligence and serves as logistics for his wife during her mission. He has excellent reconnaissance and intelligence analysis skills. If Anna can be successfully recruited, he will join on his own, otherwise his recruitment will automatically fail. , no direct contact is necessary. 】

【Misaka Mikoto】

[Recommended position: Engineer]

[A recent graduate of Academy City, the daughter of Eric Misaka, possesses extremely powerful lightning power and is respectfully called 'Thunder God' by her classmates. Because her father does not want her to take risks, she is forced to stay in school as a teaching assistant, and she is quite dissatisfied with this. . 】

[Special note: Although it is easy to recruit her, it is best to think about how to deal with an angry 'Magneto' before then. 】

[Special Note 2: She is very likely to have a space user who cannot get rid of her, so be prepared. 】

【Kaos Lechtem】

[Recommended position: Logistics officer]

[A recent graduate of Academy City, the adopted son of the Governor of Europa No. 7, possesses an 'unknown field' power that has not been analyzed so far. It is initially inferred that he has strong auxiliary abilities. His father did not interfere with his whereabouts after graduation, but he himself does not seem to have a clear The goal. 】

[Special note: He sabotaged several ‘Earth Guardian’ projects before he graduated. It is not recommended to hide the fact that this mission was sponsored by ‘Earth Guardian’, otherwise you may be stabbed in the back. 】

【Ilya Kamsky】

[Suggested position: Mascot]

[A recent graduate of the college and former CEO of 'Model Controlled Life'. She has extensive knowledge in identifying androids, which may be of great help in finding 'infiltrators'. And if she can get the Einzberns from her mother's family, With the support of the group, you may gain a lot of convenience when performing tasks. 】

[Special note: The reason why she still looks like a little girl may be due to a special physical problem. When she is around, please try to avoid mentioning key words such as 'short', 'small', 'height', and 'milk'. words, otherwise there will be consequences. 】

【Lily chinensis】

[Recommended position: Fireman]

[Former member of the 'Earth Guardian', the daughter of Touya Suzuka, was instigated by Kaos to destroy the 'Promotion Plan for God-level Superpowers' and put her father in prison. Although she is powerful in destructive power, she is moody and unwilling. Recruitment is recommended. 】

[Special note: The reason for putting her on the recruitment list is to prevent her from blowing up the Normandy II when she discovers that she is not on the list. 】

...Who asked you to recruit so many fresh graduates!

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