The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and nineteen, the hero returns (9)


Serpent Nebula, Citadel.

drop! drop!

As Kangna walked through the security gate of the Citadel Pier, the blue grid projection instantly turned red, and bursts of harsh buzzing sounds came from nowhere.

The CSEC turian official responsible for guarding the gate was surprised at first, and then realized that Kangna had not done anything drastic, so he lowered his head to see the scan results: "Madam, you may be carrying some kind of contraband regulated by the Citadel without knowing it... Well."

"What's wrong?" Kangna asked knowingly.

"Perhaps there is something wrong. Our scanning system thinks that you..." The turian smacked his lips: " dead."

"Really? Isn't it possible that I look very similar to the 'dead man'?" Kangna continued to ask.

"This is not a low-end system. It has confirmed your appearance, voiceprint, palmprint and fingerprints, and even extracted DNA from your fallen skin fragments, which can ensure that you are definitely not a bionic person or a clone. ," he operated on the panel again: "You can pass. I personally recommend that you go to the CSEC headquarters to renew your identity information as soon as possible, otherwise many Citadel blocks will not be open to you."

"I'm about to go." Kangna nodded to him and left the security passage.

Kangna would give priority to coming to the Citadel instead of recruiting those on the list rashly. Of course, Kangna had some considerations.

Although the current human councilor Nick Fury and the human ambassador Anderson all know their true identities, the Citadel Council does not know. On the contrary, they are not guilty of deducting the honor of "Citadel Hero" from John Shepard. I feel a little guilty. As long as they confirm that they are really "Kanna Shepard", the "ghost" identity will be regained naturally. Can those two guys still jump out and say, "Our Kangna is an android?" ! You are a fake!" No?

With the intelligence advantage of the Citadel, Nick Fury and Anderson wanted to find out that they were resurrected by the "Earth Guardian". It would not be difficult at all. If they hide, they will look guilty.

Going directly to two old friends like this to reminisce about the past, even if they firmly believe that they are fakes, they still have to be "a fake who thinks they are real", and for the sake of the Citadel because "Connor Shepard" They can only recognize themselves for the benefits given by reappearing.

When you recruit people after you have an official status, being involved with the "Earth Guardian" is just a "stain" rather than a "weakness".

After walking out of the passage,

Kangna was about to find a nearby transportation station to take a train to the embassy area when she heard a familiar voice:

"[I am Commander Shepard, this is my favorite store in the Citadel.]"

Hmm... Kangna turned around and took a look and found that this was a shop called "The Citadel Gift Shop". It looked like it served people who came to the Citadel for business but didn't know what gifts to bring back - all of them. A flashy but representative thing of the Citadel.

The one who made the sound was a VI virtual image of "John Shepard". When Kangna looked over, he waved.

In the Citadel where image rights are strictly protected, the appearance of this thing can only mean one thing: when the fireless Ashes were wandering around the Citadel, he sold his own image and voice for a small discount.

"[Please come in and take a look, Ms. Connor Shepard,]" Shepard VI said: "[Your favorite cargo is here, the Silian Sunfish.]"

Damn big data!


Human Embassy.

"You said that you wanted to restore your identity and the authority of the ghost after you were 'dead' for two years and then 'resurrected' by the 'Earth Guardian'?" David Anderson sat behind the ambassador's desk and spoke with He looked at Kangna with a slightly strange look: "How do you prove that you are Kangna Shepard and not someone who looks like her?"

The situation was completely opposite to that at the security gate. When all detection methods confirmed that she was Kangna, only these old acquaintances who knew that she was an android would question her.

He was hinting to himself that he was once an android.

But if he really said that, apart from making him more vigilant because "the guardian of the earth can actually find out such a thing", it would not help in recognition of his identity.

The hardest thing in the world is to prove that you are yourself.

But fortunately, I came prepared.

Kangna opened the small fish tank she brought with her, fished out a Silian koi, and swallowed it in one gulp:

"Why should I prove such a boring thing?"

"..." Anderson was stunned.

"Eating everything" is something that will never be written in the file. Unless the "Earth Guardian" goes to find the police officer who watches the surveillance every time Kangna goes out and eats randomly, they will know this kind of details.

In contrast, the Mass Effect Core was used to convert the food eaten into energy, but now it is directly converted using the "Psychic Interface", which is more efficient. You can still eat anything and still don't need to digest it.

How did you say that? Fairies don’t have to go to the toilet?

"Even so..." Anderson seemed to be seriously considering the possibility that "the Earth Guardians specially train agents to eat randomly", but it was too outrageous for him to say anything.

"Buzz! Buzz? Are you there?" Conner ignored Anderson's entanglement and began to call the dog, or "canine group consciousness."

"Woof woof woof! [I miss you so much!]" The big dog Buzz ran out of the compartment of the ambassador's office, but after seeing Kangna, he suddenly fell directly on the ground: "Woof woof woof - [You met the big dog" Holy Grandpa?!】"

Connor tried it and found that she could still emit an audio band that only dogs could hear, so she reached out to touch its head and started encrypting the call.

"How have you been in the past two years? [Are you a roaring dog?]"

"Woah! [Erlang Shen is all my defeated generals!]"

"Has Anderson fallen in love with any girl? [Why don't you dare to speak in front of Raven?]"

"Woof...woo? [That's the 'Reaper AI'. She can receive it no matter what frequency band I use. If I accidentally say something that I shouldn't say and ruin the arrangement of the Supreme Mage, I will be miserable."

"Really? I pursued more than a dozen people, but all of them were dumped. [Why are so many people looking for 'Lin Hao'?]"

"Woof woof! [Because it's stuck.]"

"Okay... don't bury me..." Anderson smiled bitterly and waved his hand: "I believe you are Kangna. After all, there are so many special things about you. Even if there are any unreasonable changes, it is not surprising. .”

"Nick Fury may not necessarily accept it," Kangna gestured in the direction of the Citadel tower: "He is already cunning and cunning, and he has been in the Citadel Council for two years. I am afraid he has become a different person both inside and outside."

"I will contact the parliament to restore your ghost identity, and..." Anderson paused: "Although I can't go with you, you are still acting for justice and justice, right?"

"Of course," Kangna replied, "I am a partner of justice."

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