The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and twenty, the hero returns (10)


Citadel Dockyard, Normandy II.

"Welcome aboard, Captain Shepard~ Is your return to ghost status going well? Have you brought any gifts for those of us crew members who were unable to visit the Citadel due to our identities?"

When Kangna returned to the Normandy II, she found Gwen waiting at the entrance of the passage with an expectant expression on her face, almost reaching out.

What "we" are you? It's just you, right?

Kangna didn't bother to argue with her and directly put the fish tank bought from the Citadel gift shop in her hand.

"You've been fooled, Commander." Gwen glanced at the fish tank. "This is a very common 'Cillian Sunfish'. It is everywhere in the waters of the Cillian galaxy. It was dubbed a koi by those profiteers. The title was used to deceive the people on earth - and, based on the standard quantity, there are still two missing."

"Give it to my old friend as a meeting gift." Kangna waved her hand, "Get ready to sail."

"I happen to have an automated fish tank there, so I can keep it first..." Gwen muttered and left.

Kangna glanced around, and the crew members who had looked at Gwen because she came to ask for gifts all looked back.

After the crew members on the list are recruited one by one, the Normandy II will surely be more lively. The only problem is that the "Earth Guardian" is a human supremacist organization, and the names on the list are all human. Although "Ghost" "We have the right to move freely, but if we really don't recruit any aliens, there will always be some problems.

However, that is a problem that needs to be considered later. Maybe no aliens are willing to board the ship?

While thinking about it, Kangna walked to the captain's seat and sat down, placing her hand on the console: "Etty?"

"[I'm here.]" As the transparent shadow of the multi-purpose tool appeared, Edith's voice also sounded.

"Check whether there are any loopholes in the ship's VI control, and then transfer yourself in to replace it." Kangna said.

"[Okay, Commander.]"

As Etty responded, the multi-tool and the captain's control panel began to flash at the same time.

The sailors passing by nearby cast surprised glances, but Kangna stared back with a matter-of-fact expression.

Requisitioned by the Fifth Fleet at Dunkirk,

After the crew members went their separate ways, the ship's AI Ittie installed herself in a "hard drive" and gave it to Ambassador Anderson for safekeeping. It was also Anderson's suggestion to transfer Ittie to the main system of the Normandy II to restore her ghost. One of the conditions of identity.

The apparent reason is to prevent the "Earth Guardian" from installing a backdoor, but both Kangna and Anderson know that this is to let Etty monitor the "resurrected Kangna".

If she were a dummy, she might be able to deceive ordinary people, but she would definitely not be able to deceive an AI, especially if Edie had been with Kangna for a long time and had sufficient behavioral logic and personality profile records.

Kang Na didn't have any objections to this. After all, she was herself, and so many familiar AIs could be considered multiple helpers.

"[Commander, I have completely searched and taken control of this ship. I have not found any remote control backdoors. The original VI has been upgraded.]" A few minutes later, Yidi spoke again.

"Upgrade? Instead of deleting?" Kangna asked doubtfully: "Do you want to be lazy occasionally?"

"[Mr. Cicero strongly objected to me taking over his driving system. I had to use the original VI for related assistance, which would cause the spacecraft's navigation performance to be reduced by 3%]" Etty replied.

"In other words, Caesar's driving ability is only 3% lower than an AI that can perform calculations at the speed of light? It's very powerful." Kangna shook her head: "Then don't worry about him."

"[It's up to you, Commander,]" Edith replied: "[Besides, my computing speed is only 89% of the speed of light]"

Kangna couldn't tell for a moment whether she was being modest or bragging.

A moment later, the Normandy II's application for departure was approved. After the fixed arm of the dock actively detached, she flew out of the Citadel dock smoothly and gracefully.

"It seems that the damage caused to the Citadel by the geth attack two years ago has been basically repaired." Kangna said while looking at the almost intact tower and ring area of ​​the Citadel.

"[Due to the timely CSEC crisis rescue, most of the guard areas only suffered minor damage and were completely repaired a year ago,]" Yidi said: "[The most severely damaged 'Citadel Tower' was also The repairs were basically completed three months ago. However, due to the discovery of the 'internal control center', the Citadel Council's venue underwent drastic renovations. The relevant building blueprints are classified as confidential information and cannot be inquired.]"

"Nick Fury must be like a duck to water in the Council, right?" Connor asked.

When she regained her identity as a living person and a ghost, it was only the result of Anderson's operation on the communication terminal. None of the members of Parliament, including Nick Fury, met her and had no idea what she was doing.

"[The actions of the Fifth Fleet to repel the geth and save the Citadel Council gave humans the favor of the vast majority of the Citadel races, and Councilor Nick Fury is very good at turning these favors into advantages and resources. Humanity has become a vague Signs of the fourth largest race,]" Yidi replied: "[However, for now, the work of the major races of the Citadel Council is to adjust policies and directions to adapt to the discovery of humans existing in another world. It’s a small thing, but to ordinary residents of the Citadel, it’s just that the human population has doubled.]”

"Speaking of Geth, what happened to the Geth mothership that blew up the Normandy 1?"

After Kangna finished speaking, she realized that she shouldn't know the details of John's car being blown up, but after thinking about it, she realized that this matter could be blamed on the "Earth Guardian", so she stopped caring about it.

"[The Geth disappeared after that attack. No new news came out in two years, and the same was true for the Quarians.]" Yidi did not pay attention to this detail.

"Well..." Kangna thought for a moment and realized that there was really nothing to ask. Even though she disappeared for two years, the entire galaxy was still spinning: "You saw the 'Lock of the Sky' given to me in the captain's mailbox. Do you have a list? Who do you think I should recruit first?"

"[I suggest going to Omega to recruit Ms. Ziegler and Ms. Mengsk first.]" Edith replied.

"Huh? Why do I think we should go to Europa 7 first? Those fresh graduates with super powers are in hot demand. If we go late, they might be abducted." Kangna asked doubtfully.

"[Even if you are recruited by other units, you can still use the 'ghost' permission to recruit people, as long as they are willing to follow you," Yidi replied: "[But if the 'People's Alliance' guests who come to travel have had enough fun and pass When the star gate returns, how are you going to go to another galaxy to dig people back?】"

"It seems to make sense..."

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