The Collection of The End

One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty-Two, Heroic Expedition (2)


Omega Space Station, entrance to the Gray Zone.

Omega's attitude towards humans and aliens is basically the opposite of that of the Citadel. All guards, shops and even passers-by are very kind and enthusiastic towards humans, while they basically ignore non-human races.

When Kangna and Gwen were walking on the streets of the space station, they suddenly felt as if they were back on the earth. No, even the earth does not respect human beings so much.

"We are both human supremacists. I guess there will be no obstacles when BOSS negotiates with that lady," said Gwen, who was wearing casual clothes and a pair of glasses. "Our task should be easy."

"Under the calm water there is a surging undercurrent," Kang Na shook her head: "If everything is really harmonious, little Princess Emil has no place for being 'chivalrous and righteous'."

"But we don't have the means to find the places where secret fights occur," Gwen spread her hands: "With Ms. Kerrigan's control, these private fights are likely to happen very quickly and will end before the security guards arrive. .”

"Well... that's why we have to go find Ms. Angela first," Kangna observed the street sign: "The 'Gray Zone'... is here."

After talking to Kerrigan, Connor checked the layout of Omega. This mushroom-shaped space station has clear regional divisions. The "mushroom handle" and the parts extending to the "mushroom cap" are the dock, commercial area and Human settlements, while the "mushroom cap" is the alien settlement and industrial area. This industry mainly refers to mineral development and smelting - since the material is directly excavated from the core of an asteroid, their products are relatively popular. welcome.

Among them, the human settlements are called "white areas", the alien settlements are called "grey areas", and the uninhabitable parts are collectively called "black areas".

Even if you think about it on your knees, you know that those aliens will definitely settle their personal grudges in the "Black Zone". However, because the "Mushroom Cap" is too vast, without confirming the information, it is better to go to the gray area where Dr. Ziegler's clinic is located first. The area is better.

"Humph...human beings." On duty at the entrance to this gray zone, or standing crookedly, were a Batarian and a Vocha. The Batarian glanced at Kangna and Gwen and spoke in a bad tone. , "This is not a place for superior people like you to go."

"He said we are superior people," Gwen spread her hands exaggeratedly: "I didn't expect to hear such words from the mouth of a Batarian."

"..." The Batarian seemed to be about to blurt out something, but at that moment he seemed to remember something terrible and silently closed his mouth.

Obviously, Kerrigan was not bragging when she said she had "complete control over Omega", but her methods were probably a bit cruel.

In this regard, Kangna could only say "please increase your efforts."

"Gah! Human!" The Wocha man with a bat head roared: "Go back! Go back! There is a plague in the Gray Zone!"

"We're looking for Dr. Ziegler," Connor replied, "with Ms. Kerrigan's permission."

"Gah!" The Wocha man shouted meaninglessly and turned to look at the Batarian man.

"Huh, let them in. Anyway, this plague will not infect humans." The Batarian opened the door with his backhand: "If they bring the virus out, it has nothing to do with us."

Hmm... It seems that Kerrigan only cracks down on direct hostility and ignores the evil spirits.


Gray area.

Due to some kind of bacteria, viruses, or other things that only infect non-human beings are raging in the gray area, most of the streets are deserted. Occasionally, aliens wearing protective suits who go out see Kangna and Gwen. He would also run away in a hurry as if he had seen a ghost.

"I didn't detect any pathogenic factors." Gwen took out a magnifying glass-like instrument from nowhere and scanned around the street: "Unless this is strictly human-to-human transmission - oh no, alien to alien Human virus.”

"Is your stuff accurate?" Kangna was heading to Dr. Ziegler's clinic according to the map instructions.

asked casually.

"Hey, as long as you think about who resurrected you, you will know that I can never make mistakes in biological science." Gwen said in a proud tone.

No, this project was completely wrong from the start.

Regarding the plague that "has no source of disease", Kangna naturally thought of the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse". If an alien race made a deal with them, it would be normal for them to suffer such bad luck.

If you think about it carefully, there are two qualifying "prices" for this strange plague, namely the "unknown mutation" of "Nurgle" and the "loss of population" of "Khorne".

Obviously, when the Batarians paid the price, they also tricked other aliens.

But it is a bit strange that humans are immune to this plague. Could it be because they have signed a contract with the "Lich King" and their authority is not enough to affect the "boss"'s liquidation?

It’s not like the lady who controls Omega is so powerful that she can’t influence the humans here, right?

"Hey, Kangna, we're here," Gwen tugged on Kangna's arm while thinking, "I like this sign."

"Uh... [Buren Clinic ()]?" Kangna finished the navigation and looked up at the clinic's sign, feeling a little dazed. What kind of hospital would have such a name?

Perhaps sensing that someone was watching, the clinic's nameplate flashed twice and switched to another row of slogans.

"[Treat infection, one bullet at a time.]"

There is nothing wrong with this. Although there seems to be something wrong with it, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Ha, I'm starting to like this doctor!" Gwen shouted and ran quickly into the clinic.

"Wait..." Kangna stretched out her hand to stop him, then shrugged and walked in.

Not surprisingly, all the employees in this clinic are humans, except for two automatic turrets that serve as guards.

Different from the clean and orderly situation of ordinary clinics, this clinic, which was obviously converted from a residential house, is quite messy. Many patients are lying directly on the floor of the ward or even in the corridor. Some are still shouting in pain and complaining loudly, and some can only make weak sounds. Hum even fell unconscious.

The entire clinic staff was very busy, and even the receptionist at the door was busy giving injections to the patients next to him. When Kangna and Gwen walked in, he looked up and saw that they were human beings, so he turned away and ignored them.

"I think that's Ms. Ziegler." Gwen glanced around the clinic and gestured to a tall woman wearing a blue doctor's uniform and a blond ponytail.

"Yeah, I think so too." Kangna glanced at it and couldn't help but narrow her eyes.

There is no other reason. The six golden diamond-shaped light wings behind the lady are too dazzling.

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