The Collection of The End

One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Three, Heroic Expedition (3)


Omega, gray zone.

"Hello, I'm Angela Kyrielight Ziegler, an ordinary doctor from the [Cthulhu Sector]. Just call me Angela." The woman in blue noticed Kangna and Gwen. After a brief explanation to his assistant, he walked over and extended his hand.

What are those pairs of light wings you just saw? Gwen seemed unable to see...

"Hello, we are -" Kangna shook hands with her while thinking, and was about to introduce herself, but was interrupted as soon as she started.

"Connor Shepard, I know you, the great hero who saved the Citadel, can I call you Connor?" Angela said with a smile.

"Ah, well, of course." Kangna originally planned to make sure that she was not the one who saved the Citadel - at least on the surface, but she thought that she didn't need to endorse the Citadel Council, so she just acquiesced.

"As for this..." Angela blinked: "Should I call you 'Gwen Stacy' or 'Spider Girl'?"

This identity is not concealed at all, right? Even aliens... alien humans know about it.

"Just call her Gwen like her," Gwen directly shook his hands together: "We are here this time -"

"Catch the 'infiltrator'?" Angela answered again.

"..." Gwen stayed for two seconds, then turned to Kangna and made an exaggerated expression of surprise.

"You know, there are only humans in our sector, so when we return to our 'hometown', we will only pay attention to humans. Because of their similar behavior styles, we have a good impression of the 'Earth Guardians'." Angela continued.

This time, Gwen's look of surprise was probably genuine.

"Uh... Star Alliance side..." Gwen looked around and found that no one seemed to have noticed the conversation here.

"We have the same ancestors but different clans. Even if we want to have a good relationship, there is no need to copy their laws and regulations, right?" Angela shook her finger: "Unless that organization is hostile to the 'Terran Republic'."

"Probably not...probably." Gwen tilted her head and thought.

"In order to find out those 'infiltrators' who rob humans and disrupt their plans, we need the knowledge you have," Kangna said, bringing the topic back to normal where it had strayed: "But you seem to be a little unable to leave. ?”

"No," Angela replied: "The analysis of the virus and the development of treatment plans have been completed. The remaining work is to capture the culprit, and he happens to be your target."

"The virus this time was spread by 'infiltrators'?" Kangna frowned: 'I heard...'

"Is it an alien virus brought by humans from the Human Alliance? Or is the local virus mutated due to infection with humans from the Human Alliance?" Angela shook her head: "The fact is, this is a specially adjusted virus that will only cause non-human races to The target virus that caused the disease, as for the purpose of those rumors... maybe it was because humans were too popular during the 'Battle of the Citadel'?"

"Can the 'Reaper' do something like this?" Gwen was a little unbelievable.

"Maybe, maybe not. After all, the status of human beings on the Citadel Council is not what it used to be, and the Reapers will definitely choose the civilization that threatens the most in the entire galaxy to attack and kill the leader," Angela said, While taking out a delicate and compact revolver from his waist: "Are you ready for a tough battle?"


Gray zone, air exchange hub.

Da da da--! boom!

The sound of gunfire and explosions resounded through this large factory responsible for air exchange for Omega. Kangna was timid for fear of blowing up any gas pipelines, which directly led to her being killed by the "infiltrator" and Bata on the opposite side. The Swiss mercenary was beaten until he couldn't hold his head up.

In contrast, the opponent didn't care at all whether he had broken the oxygen supply pipe somewhere, and was pouring out firepower unscrupulously. While fighting back, he shouted in human language "Go to hell! Humanity!" and "Avenge Kashan." !" and other meaningless words.

Batali still looks like a ragtag mercenary.

But the "infiltrator" is more interesting. He is a "standard human being". The so-called "standard" means that if all human data are taken into account, such as height, weight, face shape, eye shape, nose shape, and mouth shape, After integrating and averaging the characteristics that make a person different from other people, what is born is such a "standard" human being who is like a symbol - it seems to be a human being at first glance, but if you look closely, it may look fake.

Regardless of the reasons for those Batarians to follow him, with this appearance, haven't they considered the possibility that he is not actually human?

No, maybe I really haven't thought about it, because "infiltrators" are strictly speaking "reaper items", and it is normal for them to be indoctrinated after being together for too long.

According to Angela, they tried to spread the virus throughout Omega through this air exchange center, causing all aliens except humans to die of illness and making humans the target of public criticism. However, they never expected that the Gray Zone and the White Zone would The air exchange centers in the Gray Zone were not the same, and in the end only the aliens in the Gray Zone were trapped.

After discovering this, Angela went directly to the gray zone to take samples, opened a clinic, developed antidotes, and treated patients, thus saving the lives of those aliens.

Therefore, "treating infections, one bullet at a time" is not just rhetoric - to cure a patient, she has to give the "infiltrator" a bullet.

Judging from the current number of people, the "infiltrator" is probably going to be beaten into pieces.

It's just that... Kangna poked her head and fired two shots, then retracted behind the bunker and said to the multi-purpose tool: "Does the meaning of 'attack' actually mean 'I am responsible for attacking the front, and you all move around the back'?"

"[Understand, I only have a small pistol.]" Angela responded.

"[I don't even have a weapon~]" Gwen responded.

"At the next stop, I must recruit comrades who can accompany me in the charge!" Kangna said viciously, then rolled on the spot and moved from the current bunker to behind another bunker. By the way, she raised her hand and hit a few people whose positions were exposed. Batari.

"[Hahaha... I hope you can succeed...]" Gwen said haha: "[I'm going to tie someone up, let's talk later.]"

"..." Kangna briefly recalled the list given to her by Heaven's Lock. Judging from the description above... although they are all strange people, none of them seem to be able to fight head-on?

"If you don't take action, I will kill them all!" Kangna leaned out again and prepared to shoot.

At this moment, she saw Angela walking out from behind Batali's position holding the small pistol. Her body seemed to be glowing, and there were tumbleweeds passing by in front of her.

...Where did the tumbleweed come from?

"[It's high noon -]" Angela said, then raised her gun.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

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