The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and twenty-seven, Heroic Expedition (7)


The planet Akuz, above the "Horizon" colony.

In order to avoid being discovered by the "Infiltrator Governor", the Normandy II activated the cloaking device and tried to find a place to land secretly.

"I've been to this colony before." Kangna said, looking at the black and white planet.

"Is there any connections I can use?" Gwen asked.

"I collected evidence of its governor's red sand smuggling and tax evasion and forwarded it to the Star Alliance so that he could be arrested."

"...because it's not satisfying, so you plan to catch people with your own hands this time?"

"That seems to be the case."

During the time spent with Gwen, Connor basically figured out her character - hidden under the appearance of a PhD in biology and a superhero, she was a talkative and talkative person. The more familiar she became, the more nonsense she talked. At present, because she is not familiar with them, Gwen still maintains a serious agent image in front of Angela and Emil, but it is foreseeable that she will not be able to maintain her composure for long.

Having said that, could it be that she was kicked out by Heavenly Lock because of this?

While chatting with Gwen, Kangna looked at the approaching planet Akuz.

This strange planet, half of which is always in daylight, and half of which is always in night, originally had only one Star Alliance research station used to study the local special ecology, called "Recording Horizon", but due to the successive emergence of "Mechanical Sand Demon Bugs" In the "Governor Smuggling and Tax Evasion" incident, all research projects were taken away for review and turned into an ordinary colony. By the way, the name was also changed.

However, as the saying goes, it was a blessing in disguise. In the news about these two events, its strange environment aroused the interest of the audience. The number of immigrants increased instead of decreasing, and it was upgraded from the original "scientific research station" to Official colony.

This kind of informal and harsh colony has no preparation for a governor to take the initiative to manage it. Local people with a certain reputation have always cooperated with the Star Alliance garrison to carry out some kind of superficial management, and this informal behavior has continued for the past few years. It was terminated two years later with the arrival of a new governor. "

However, according to "Heaven's Lock", the governor with complete procedures is actually an "infiltrator" they are tracking, and he is trying to use his position to achieve his own goals - he has something to do with the arrested guy. Different approaches but similar results.

Because it was discovered a little late, no matter what it wanted to do with "Horizon", it has been largely successful.

"In the style of the 'infiltrators' who wreaked havoc on the 'Freedom Road' and 'Omega',

Although they are not afraid of fighting, they prefer to use non-combat means to achieve their goals, just like their name," Kangna analyzed: "Replace human leaders and issue some orders that are beneficial to their goals... If it is not time, right? Above, I have to say that I suspect that this "infiltrator" and the guy who plundered the population on the "Freedom Road" are the same. "

"If you ask me, it is a rare situation in Omega to not plunder the population, but to destroy the image of humanity." Gwen shook his head: "Those colonies disappeared in the same way, and they will not all replace the leader and replace the people. Just fool him away, especially since this governor has only been in office for a short time, so he may not be able to use that method."

"In other words, we might catch up with a 'present continuous' robbery scene?" Kangna stared out the window: "Then it's time to cut off the black hands of those guys."


Before Kang Na could finish her words, a huge space distortion appeared in front of her, as if someone had just completed the jump and was about to arrive, and its tonnage was definitely not small.

"Cesar!" Kangna shouted on the communication channel.

"[I saw it! Commander!]" Cicero responded loudly: "[Now is the time to check the strength of the support provided by the 'Earth Guardian' to you!]"


The "leap" didn't give them much time to communicate at all. In just one sentence, a huge shadow had enveloped the entire "landing zone."

"[Is this a battleship that has jumped?]" Cicero continued to complain loudly.

Amid the pilot's noise, the Normandy II swung its wings and made a U-shaped turn at extremely high speeds. Kangna could even hear the screams from the mechanical structure of the hull.

"It seems that the 'Earth Guardian' did not cut any corners at all," Gwen said: "Under the influence of this acceleration, ordinary frigates would have been torn into pieces by their own gravity."

Buzz - hoo hoo!

The next second, almost grazing the Normandy's tail, a huge, weird-looking battleship appeared from the void.

It was in the shape of a gray-black cylinder. The shell was mottled and broken like the walls of an old building, revealing the blue-black mechanical structure inside. Because the top and bottom were as thick as each other, Kangna couldn't tell the head and tail of this guy for a while. Perhaps, he is adjusting his posture. Let the side facing the planet be the tail?

As for this big guy... Kangna has actually seen it before. Wasn't the Geth battleship that "killed" John Shepard look like this?

However, according to the timeline, when John was "killed", he had been "missing" for a long time. After his resurrection, Gwen basically followed the whole process and it was impossible to know the details of John's attack. Although it was not necessary, in order not to betray others, he could only pretend I don’t know him.

So, is this the same battleship from two years ago, or is it actually some kind of "joint production type" where all battleships are carved from the same mold?

If it is the latter, it means that the action against the "Reaper" will be very difficult, but if it is the former... Why did the "Reaper" get mixed up with the "Black Ges" again? Why didn't the white getes stop him?


Before Kangna could think about it, the giant geth warship had adjusted its posture and pointed its tail towards the planet Akuz. After the muzzle there buzzed for a few seconds, the intense mass effect cannon flashed. And then - it fired its main cannon at the open space near the Horizon Colony. After passing through an absurdly long distance, the bombardment stirred up a rolling mushroom cloud on the surface.

Launching an attack on a habitable planet is one of the clauses expressly prohibited in the Citadel Convention, but no matter whether it is an "infiltrator", a "reaper" or a "geth", it is impossible for them to pay attention to those "prey" regulations.

Obviously, this was an intimidation. Under the threat of life, when the "Infiltrator Governor" declared a state of emergency and issued some outrageous orders, it was impossible for anyone to question it.

swish swish——

The huge "Infiltrator" warship had no intention of landing. After firing its main cannon, it opened large and small windows on its trunk and released a large number of micro and small drones to the outside through them. They swarmed towards the planet in dense numbers. On the surface, it even formed a huge "arrow".

"Now, we should..." Kangna looked at Gwen.

"Cut off the black hand." Gwen pointed to the super giant battleship outside.

Her sense of humor seems a bit out of place...

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