The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and twenty-eight, Heroic Expedition (8)


"Horizon" colony, temporary headquarters.

"The geth mothership has retreated. There are not many casualties among our residents. Thank you for your support, commander." Sam Fisher, wearing a black combat uniform and strange three-eyed goggles on his head, told Kang Na said.

"This is what I should do," Kang Na nodded: "So, about the proposal to jointly hunt down the Reapers?"

"I personally don't have any objections, but Irene has to say it yourself." Sam tilted his head and looked at the female officer who was inspecting the parameters of the colony on the command platform: "Because of your timely assistance and the 'People's Alliance' She may not refuse the bonus in diplomacy... Let me tell you in advance that my wishes are irrelevant, as long as it is her arrangement, I will definitely implement it."

"Where's my face?" Gwen said dissatisfied: "We were comrades in arms during the Counterattack."

"But after all, we didn't fight side by side much. Didn't we make up for it this time." Sam spread his hands.

"Okay, I'll go talk to her." Kangna turned and walked towards Anna Elena.

The Star Alliance is still wary of a governor who has been appointed inexplicably. However, due to the large number of departments, communication with each other is not smooth, and they are unwilling to talk to each other. In addition, there is a lot of mess between the 'People's Alliance' and the 'Ground Alliance'. To solve the problem, the relevant departments finally chose to let two special forces come to investigate, namely Anna and Sam.

Logically speaking, when husband and wife serve at the same time, they should belong to different units to avoid the tragedy of a certain operation failing and becoming a desperate couple. However, for some unknown reason, Anna still had her surname of Elena instead of changing her surname to Fisher. The matter was ignored by the human resources department - they would only pay a little attention when they saw people with the same surname, such as brothers, father and son.

If Kangna hadn't come to help this time, they might have really "returned the house as husband and wife."

Anna is a sniper, and Sam is an observer. Letting them sneak and snipe is okay, but dealing with overwhelming drones and geth? It's better to wash up and sleep.

Of course, drones and geth, the actions taken by the infiltrators this time were not to quietly abduct people or release viruses, but to be aggressive, using massive drones to overwhelm the colony's defenses, and using neurotoxins to attack the residents. Unable to resist, they were all taken into the mothership and taken away.

If Normandy hadn't come.

Specifically, the "infiltrator" posing as the colonial governor did a pretty good job. While stabilizing the economy and production, he also focused on developing armaments and encouraging residents to arm themselves to prevent another attack. But the only problem is that it deliberately promoted,

It is a sniper-type weapon with high power and slow fire. The reason is that the geth has no vital points, and the fatal damage to a human is just a skin scratch to a machine.

This statement sounds fine. If the Geth troops were attacking in a small group, they would really be able to win - but what was coming was an overwhelming drone, and the Geth were only responsible for the attack.

It wasn't until Kangna shot "Mr. Governor" that his prototype was revealed, and those colonial troops who were still obeying the Governor's command woke up from their dreams. Then, Anna took over the command and launched a comprehensive counterattack against the Geth.

Because the geth drones are very fragile, even the least powerful "Predator" pistol can be fired one at a time. However, in the face of the absolute advantage of numbers, the efficiency of counterattack can be described as "unsightly".

At this time, the reinforcements brought by Kangna played a very important role. All the attack methods of Emil's mecha were range attacks. He attacked the drones one by one and shuttled around among the drones. It was very fun. happy.

Angela's revolver had the same problem of not being able to hit too many targets, so she threw away the revolver and picked up the "healing ray" to start saving people. Perhaps because of the difference in technology, the neurotoxins that Star Alliance was helpless could only be swept away by the golden light. It will disappear completely in one click.

And the one who stole the show turned out to be Gwen.

The "Spider Girl" itself cannot fly. It mainly hooks to high places and uses spider silk to "swing". If there are no tall buildings, it will be tied to the surface like a kite without wind. But now... the sky is full of Each of the drones is an "anchor" for her to draw on, and the drones themselves are fragile enough. She only needs to bump them together and they will be scrapped on the spot. The result is that from the beginning of the war until Kangna used coastal defense guns to drive away the geth mothership, and she kept swinging in the sky without ever coming down.

Yes, the coastal defense gun, an outrageous "ground-to-space" weapon, has been transformed into a sniper gun under the instigation of the fake governor to "enhance the power of a single shot" and "ignore the firing speed". The Normandy II took a hit from the front, and I was afraid it would be double-pierced on the spot.

Obviously, the fake governor also knew that this thing had a huge advantage in defeating the geth mothership. On the first day of the mothership's attack, he transferred all the gunners and maintenance personnel, and also stuffed a bunch of viruses into the activation system, intending to make it At least completely ineffective before and after the geth attacks.

However, it is obviously impossible for it to predict the existence of Etty. As an AI with autonomous consciousness, her cleaning up of viruses in the artillery control system can be described as "unstoppable". Kangna led people to clear out the Jie around the coastal defense artillery launch site. Si, after regaining control of it, it only took a few minutes for those huge cannons to roar again. The Geth mothership parked in low-Earth orbit was caught off guard and hit somewhere. A series of explosions erupted from the ship.

Although it knew that these powerful coastal defense guns could not be fired continuously, because the offensive of geth and drones was blocked, the number of humans captured was far less than expected, and it did not risk landing at all, even if it took another shot, it would have to take them with it. It was necessary to take away the loot. In the end, after a brief thought, the geth mothership decisively gave up its surface troops and drones and ran away on its own.

In other words, the geth are not troops in the conventional sense. They only focus on combat goals and are not affected by morale. Otherwise, they would have fled or surrendered long ago.

In the end, there was a real full-scale counterattack by the Horizon garrison, completely wiping out all the remaining drones and geth.

"Sorry, Commander Shepard." When Kangna walked up to Anna, she raised her head apologetically: "I no longer doubt your true identity, but I can't follow you. The residents here still need me. "

["You are not suitable." (model)]

["You owe me." (Rebellion)]

"If you stay as acting governor," Kangna looked at the options: "Because of the reputation bonus of saving them, they will all support you, and you will be more considerate of them driven by your sense of responsibility. This It creates a virtuous cycle.”

"...Yes?" Anna was a little confused.

"Then, when you report the news about the 'Infiltrator Governor' and the Star Alliance decides to send a new Governor, you, who have 100% support from the local people, will be promoted to a regular position by those bureaucrats who find it troublesome." Kangna spread her hands: "You You and your husband will never be able to set foot on a battlefield again, which is a good end."

"...No, wait, this matter needs to be considered again."

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