The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and twenty-nine, Heroic Expedition (9)


Normandie II, communications room.

"[You saved the 'Horizon' colony from the 'Infiltrators' and recruited Anna and Sam, which is good,]" the image of Sky Lock remained calm: "[As for the fact that they can control the geth , it’s not too unexpected.]”

"That's just a small thing, but your 'Earth Guardian' has a worse reputation than two years ago, which caused me to get a lot of looks. Did you do something bad again?" Kangna snorted.

"[All our actions are for humanity, and most of them are legal, and are even encouraged by the Star Alliance,]" Tianzhisuo seemed to think for a moment: "[If there are similar actions that would cause disgust, it would be That is, 'steal the Prothean relics from Thessia', 'dig up the nuclear bomb buried by the Turians in Tucenka', 'encourage Salarian scientists to research the genophage antidote', 'sell living bodies to the Quarians' "Geth for research," "Forcibly recruiting civilians into the army in the Benin colony."

"...Have you offended all the races in the Citadel Council?"

"[Like I said, everything is for the future of mankind. Star Alliance may try to treat those aliens as friends, but they do not treat humans as friends,]" Tianzhisuo's tone remained unchanged: "[Do you want to Make a bet with me? When the Reapers really arrive, those council races will only focus on themselves, and may even divert the disaster eastward.]"

"If you don't bet, what's the point of betting on the same side? Judging from my experience in dealing with those races, there may be some who are close to humans, but most of them still regard humans as uncivilized races. Even if we save The same goes for the Citadel." Kangna shook her head, then frowned slightly: "Wait? Genophage? I think I should have cured them?"

"[It was indeed cured, but not completely cured,]" Tianzhi Suo said: "[The 'DNA Adjustment Column' that you and your Prothean friends made became ineffective after the Reaper battleship was destroyed. Those The cured krogan have returned to their home planet, intending to unify the war-torn Tuzenka.]"

"Hmm..." Kangna thought for a moment and felt that telling him the information about Reknai, Sorian and Bai Ges would only make the situation more confusing, so she changed the subject and said, "What's going on in Benin? I Remember it’s a human planet, would you also attack your own people?”

"[Those idiots are wasting their talents,]" Tianzhisuo said in a serious tone: "[Just like that stupid academy city on Europa 7, where people with superpowers are allowed to grow up in that relaxed environment, full of love. And grades, and maybe superpower levels? Can they have combat effectiveness? Think about it, when they finished the graduation ceremony, ate snacks and sang songs, and just walked out of the school gate, suddenly a large number of reapers fell from the sky. I'm afraid it's not I’m going to cry on the spot.]”

"Well, after all, I have experienced a turian attack.

It shouldn't be that unbearable. "Kanna said haha.

"[At the beginning, I planned to abduct a group of children with special abilities and train them in a militarized manner from an early age so that they could use their skills no matter what combat position they were in when they grew up, but the Star Alliance stopped them. Okay, then let's They cultivate,]" Tianzhisuo's tone was full of sarcasm: "[But this time is different. Because Benin is rich in element zero, the local residents have a high chance of awakening supernatural powers. You know how the Star Alliance handles those new Awakened adult superpowers? Leave it alone! Let those who can already show superpowers continue to work normally in Benin! What kind of novel wasteful method is this? I want to recruit them into the training institution of the Earth Guardian They are not happy with superpower training in every possible way!]"

"Uh... How do they know about the 'Reapers'? At most, they plan to use their superpowers at a gathering of relatives and friends in exchange for a big win." Kangna shrugged: "Even if they know something about the Reapers, when will those guys come? An unknown quantity.”

"[Others don't know, don't you?]" Tianzhisuo sneered: "[Since the day you closed the castle passage, the reapers have been approaching us all the time. As long as they find the nearest Mass repeaters will instantly fill the entire galaxy.]"

"There is no way. In the world view of ordinary people, tomorrow must be a copy of today, and then cycle 36,500 times." Kangna spread her hands.

"[So, when you deal with the 'infiltrators', you should try to make the matter as big as possible, so that those who think that peaceful days can last forever and indulge in some meaningless details all day long will wake up.]" Tianzhisuo said. .

"Like don't hold on to you?" Kang Na raised her eyebrows.

"[For example, don't distinguish between the 'Human Alliance' and the 'Earth Alliance'. In the eyes of the reapers, they are all just 'human beings.'" Tianzhisuo replied.

"So, is this the reason why the crew members I recruited have such mixed backgrounds?" Kangna turned her head and glanced at the entrance of the communications room.

"[There are elements in this area,]" Tianzhisuo nodded: "[There are still some people who are not on my list, but should join you, such as Saren, Benacia and... Jarvik.]"

"You really don't know how to trade at a loss..." Kangna twitched her lips: "If you don't have more information about the 'infiltrator', I will set off for Europa 7. I hope the garrison there will not They will fire directly at us."

"[Don't worry,]" Tianzhisuo raised his hand, displayed the information of the fresh graduates, and circled specific sentences for emphasis: "[They have all destroyed the illegal research institutions of the Earth Guardian. student.】"

"...Are you sure there's nothing wrong with your choice?" Kang Na's eyes twitched: "I highly doubt that a lot of powers will be thrown at me just after I reveal my identity."

"[It is precisely because they have experienced it that they know exactly what the 'Earth Guardian' is doing, instead of being like those ordinary students who can only see a demonized 'Earth Guardian' from announcements from Academy City and the Star Alliance." ',]" Tian Zhisuo paused for a moment: "[And, the most troublesome one, I have already taken care of it for you in advance.]"

"Okay." Kangna shook her head and prepared to end the communication: "If you have nothing to add, I will ask Cicero to arrange the route."

"[If you go directly to Europa 7, you won't be able to find them. I said before that they are all 'fresh graduates', right?]" Tianzhisuo raised his hand: "[Their graduation trip was aboard a surprise attack ship. The Rui cruiser completed a border patrol. This is the intelligence of that ship.]"

The Star Alliance has really been infiltrated into a sieve by you, right?

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